A Christian critique of Situation Ethics
An objection to Hawking and his devotion to m-theory
Are the Mary Apparitions Fake?
Being moral and being rational and can they be reconciled?
Catholicism manipulates its members
Christian attempts to merge God and morality only give you a misfit
Christian book on theology degrades atheists and their views
Christian hypocrisy about money
Christians Martyrs were suicides and human sacrifices
Church harmed me and why people need to be alert!
Defenders of Muslim faith are attempting to defend the absurd
Did Jesus have a mock crucifixion?
Did Jesus really have a magic risen body?
Did Micah predict the birthplace of Jesus?
Did the men in white rob Jesus' tomb?
Discuss, Just because my motive is mine doesn't mean it's always about me
Disingenuous people erase the problem of religion and violence
Do people mean "meaning of evil" when they say "meaning of life?"
Doctrine of creation is magic, it's super-occult!
Evaluation: "Pray for more important things than a headache to go away"
Famine victims were murdered by negligence
Feeling free is not sensing free will. A feeling is not a sense.
God does stupid magic trick style miracles for Moses
God is a self-projection or you project your own moral ideals to him
God is a terrible mother if a mother at all!
God making good not evil doesn't get him off the hook for evil
God using us as means not as ends and why that is bad
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his creator doctrine
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his God doctrine
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his moral teachings
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his religious thinking
Hope belongs to atheism and how to be atheistic and hopeful
How getting rid of responsibility gives the religious meaning?
How is the moral side of our nature put into us?
If you would be better than God if possible only then are you good!
Is it really more blessed to give than to receive?
Is looking for meaning in life all future-orientated?
Is magic an ethical or good activity?
Is morality if real simply about a real relationship with God?
Is morality like language? Is that proof it is not just an invention?
Is religion a mental illness or a roleplay or a lived fiction?
It is the "meanings" of life not the "meaning"
Jack the Magical Ripper? The occult connection?
Jesus makes out most people will be damned in Hell forever
John Loftus and Jesus was a Moral Monster
Keller's Making Sense of God on love, it makes anything but sense
Lessons from Myra Hindley and how God followers view suffering
Mackie and great insights from his Ethics Inventing Right and Wrong
Mackie on Free Will, the philosopher speaks
Magdalene may have told a Jesus lie that mushroomed all over the globe?
Magic is not verified by Quantum Physics
Magic is superstition and harmful in the way uselessness is harmful
Magical thinking is the secret force behind ALL religion
Mahabharata is a Hindu holy work and here's an expert critique
Making sense of God by Keller, is God needed to be good?
Manipulation is a vice and it is rife in religion
Many venial sins make a mortal sin
Many Worlds Interpretation from Science and its Atheist Relevance
Marcion is evidence that early Christianity was a cauldron of myth
Mark 16:8 is not the abrupt ending it seems to be
Mark Vernon wrote the recommended God the Big Questions
Marriage is a crime against women
Marriage is a very bad idea because...
Marriage is an implicit judgement on sex out of marriage
Marriage is none of the state's business
Marriage the mature understanding
Martin Luther King and his problematic "wisdom"
Marxism is another persecuting wannabe religion
Mary in the Qur'an is not the biblical Mary
Materialism is not the opposite of spiritual
Maths and science go together, they override religious hearsay
Maths and the notion that evil is incomplete good
Matthew 23 is when Jesus rants in sheer hate speech
Matthew Gospel Commands Keeping the Jewish Law
McGrath book Mere Theology and his absurd faith
McGrath on miracles being seen as violation of nature
Me too! How saying this can ruin listening
Meaning in life is down to your methods
Mechanistic universe cannot be avoided with miracle claims
Menace of miracles or menace of believing in them
Mercy and justice and yes they do conflict
Messiah means zealot so Jesus was a terrorist
Michael Tooley showed extreme evil makes God implausible
Middlesex Street and the Ripper?
Militant atheism is compassion
Mind over matter? Can thoughts have an effect on objects?
Miracle is a word that means nothing
Miracles need maximal investigation to be believed
Moderate religion is bad and dishonest and too political
Moderate religion is boring and that encourages extremism
Moonies or Rev Moon's infamous Unification Church
Moral fictionalism says morality and maybe a moral God is a useful fiction
Moral subjectivism says morality is only feelings
Morality as hate for injustice and cruelty
Morality in the light of circular reasoning, is it a circle?
Morality is an euphemism for necessary evil
Morality justifies itself and it is self-justified
Morality ought to be fair, loving, etc but the ought is a problem
Morbius movie raises moral questions that affirm atheism
More than one source of morality?
Mortal Questions by Thomas Nagel shows implicit atheism
Mortal sin, the terrifying notion that you can shut God out
Moses a core Bible authority was a False Prophet
Moses gave evil lawbooks and lied they came from God
Moses' law still overrides civil law
Most Catholic doctrine is from Tradition not the Bible
Most people might be civil but they are not good
Motivational self-deception builds up religion
Motive and how it relates to altruism etc
Mourning is better than forgiveness
Muhammad was not a true prophet of any God never mind Allah
Muhammad was not predicted in the Bible
Muncaster on the alleged Bible code
Muslim by Hank Hanegraaff shows Islam has social dangers
Mystery doctrines in religion are inherently disrespectful to you
Mystery of God letting evil happen gives insights into psychology
Mysticism is derangement and fanaticism in a cloak
Neutral? Are some deeds/attitudes actually as bad as they are good?
Occult doctrine that magic has to work with and within nature
One thousand years reign of Jesus is forecast in Bible
PJ McGrath's excellent but sceptical study of the Jesus miracles
Prophecies of Malachy and Columbkille
Pure evil is a dangerous idea, religion's alternative is as bad
Recommended websites to help with researching religion
Refuting the excuse that Jesus was a man of his time
Religion and mixed marriage between different faiths
Review: Morality: An Introduction to Ethics by Bernard Williams
Review: Making Sense of God by Timothy Keller
Same sex marriage referendum Ireland
Sinister doctrine that we are made in image of God
Some sites I like for research
St Mother Teresa is a faux saint who should be demoted
Suffering cannot be given a purpose by God
The doctrine that magic is a form of love
The hypocrisy of the Muslim faith
The mark of baptism on soul idea signifies opposition to equality
The mercenary side of you is your God
The Moses story lacks credibility
The sacrament of marriage is a scandal
The surprising truth about morals and their opposition to Gods
Theorising about evil having an answer if there is a God is cruel
Tips about how to make reason attractive
Vain attempts to raise the dead in physical mediumship
Who really killed John the Baptist?
Why Christianity is martyrdom glorifying and dangerous
Why some try to make out Jesus' two big commands disagree
Why would you want to believe that magic or miracle is real?