Muhammad not a real Prophet
The book Who is this Allah? is a Christian analysis of Islam and is essential reading for Humanists who want to learn about Islam.

It reminds us that the Koran claims that nobody has any business questioning its doctrine (page 13) and gives references that show this (Sura 6:92;3:7;43:3,4). Everything in it is written on a tablet in Heaven and was sent down (Sura 53:4).

The book contradicts itself on whether it came by the Holy Spirit or angels or Allah or just the Angel Gabriel and most Muslim translators are not sure who gave the book and wrote it (page 16).

It is believed by many scholars that the book was not in existence when Muhammad died and was pieced together from parchments and memory (page 17). The man who may have been the author though he is presented as the final editor is Zaid ibn Thabit. We know that there is no evidence that the Quran existed as we now have it in the seventh or eighth centuries. We have no Qurans from that period or even pieces of any import. The Muslim claim that what we have now is the word of God is just based on circular reasoning.

When Muhammad declared that there was to be no compulsion in religion it was when he hadn’t a big enough army to compel people to convert so that is the context of this saying (page 22) which has unjustifiably been used to argue that Islam favours religious freedom.  If so, then he was only saying that there was to be no compulsion because there could be none. When he had enough men he persecuted those who disagreed with him most bitterly and made God condone this behaviour in the Koran. Understanding Islam confesses that polytheists and idolaters were forced to convert to Islam (page 28) and says this fact is overlooked when people condemn Islam for converting with the sword as if this were a good thing.

The Koran claims that God hates those who lose their Muslim faith and he loves those who fight wars to spread Islam in obedience to Sura 61:4 (page 101, Who is This Allah?).

The Koran quarrels with itself on whether if God made the world in a flash or two days or six days and on whether a day with God is a thousand years or 50,000 years (page 118, Who is This Allah?).

The Koran says that Jesus’ death took place only in appearance meaning that some deception took place (page 120). If God had really written the Koran he had no need to make this controversial statement. He would know that the gospels being first would have to come first especially in such a major claim. It could be that Jesus was believed to have vacated his body for the crucifixion so that it was just a shell that died but then the Koran would have made mention of the resurrection. It had nothing to lose by testifying that it happened. I believe the Koran is assuming that Jesus did not die but a substitute did.

Vaqqidi and other historians have found that Allah was one of hundreds of heathen gods adored before the time of Muhammad so he just picked Allah out and fused him with the Jewish God and so the result is a hybrid idolatrous false God (page 138). Documents from before the time of the prophet prove this assertion and even the Koran says that Allah was the greatest of the pagan gods (Sura 6:109). Muhammad’s father Abdullah means slave of Allah and he had his name since his own birth. Allah was al-Ilah who was the moon god of Muhammad’s tribe (page 37, In Defence of the Faith) and led to the crescent moon becoming the symbol of Islam.

We have the records of eyewitnesses that Muhammad’s visions made him foam at the mouth and the muscles of his face contort and gave him ringing in the ears and terrible headaches (page 167).

It turns out that Khadija tested the spirit inspiring Muhammad and concluded that it was a good spirit but her tests have little worth when she was into visiting fortune-tellers (page 169).

The evidence for the Muhammad being God's prophet is poor. The mere fact that this man expects so much obedience of people and orders many evil and bigoted things to be done in the name of God and can't convince us that he is God's spokesman. It convinces us that he is not.

An Introduction to Asian Religions, E G Parrinder, SPCK, London, 1957
Answering Islam, The Crescent in Light of the Cross, Norman L Geisler and Abdul Saleeb, Baker Books, Grand Rapids, 2002
Concise Guide to Today’s Religions, Josh Mc Dowell and Don Stewart, Scripture Press, Bucks, 1988
God Is Not Great, The Case Against Religion, Christopher Hitchens, Atlantic Books, London, 2007
In Defence of the Faith, Dave Hunt, Harvest House, Eugene, Oregon, 1996
Islam, Christianity’s Greatest Challenge, Misc. International Publications, Lubbock, Texas, undated
Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam, Karen Armstrong, Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, 1991
Muhammad in the Bible, Prof ‘Abdu ‘L-Ahad Dawud, Bina, Singapore, 1978
Religion of Peace? Why Christianity is and Islam Isn't, Robert Spencer, Regnery Publishing Inc, Washington, 2007 - a curious book in that it simply doesn't mention how Christian Scriptures incited believers, eg Calvinists, to attack and destroy other believers who were thought to be heretics and doesn't mention the infallible decrees of the Roman Catholic Church commanding the violent destruction of heretics but wants to give the impression that unlike the Koran, the Christian Scriptures and the Christian religion do not make calls for religious violence
Studies on Islam, Jack Budd, Red Sea Mission Team, Northants, 1994
The Case Against God, Gerald Priestland, Collins, Fount Paperbacks, London, 1984
The Collection of the Qur’an, John Burton, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977
The Curate’s Diary, October 2001, No 199, Arklow, Co Wicklow
The Light Shineth in Darkness, Udo Schaefer, George Ronald, Oxford, 1979
The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James, Fount, Glasgow, 1960
The Wordsworth Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions, Wordsworth Editions Ltd, London, 1995
The World’s Religions, Lion, Herts, 1982
Understanding Islam, Frithjof Schuon, Mandala Books, Unwin Books, London, 1981
What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims, Suzanne Haneef, Kazi Publications, Illinois, 1982
Who is This Allah? GJO Moshaym, Dorchester House Publications, Bucks, 1994
Why I am not a Muslim, Ibn Warraq, Prometheus Books, New York, 1995
Why I Became a Christian, Sultan Muhammed Paul, Gospel Literature Service, Bombay, 1981
THE WEB – these sites have been consulted in my research
The site I want attention drawn to is Answering Islam Home Page. It’s strength is that it proves that the Quran is just a human book with errors and that the current Quran is not the one that Muhammad would have said is the word of God while it gives Muslim theologians and scholars a hearing. The Koran is not the word of God made text.

The Missing Chapters of the Quran
The Early Surviving Quran Manuscripts

What is the Koran?
Christians Refute Islam
Abrogations, Allegations, and Alterations in Islam by Chad VanDixhoorn
Contradictions in the Quran
This site replies to Islamic rebuttals to its assertion that the Quran is just a human document
The Muslim Threat by Bible Theology Ministries Swansea UK,
Errors in the Quran
Islam’s Prophet, The Test for a Prophet
Truth Unchanged, Texts Unchanging? The Text of the Bible and the Text of the Quran

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