All Pages on this site expose religious harms and lies
A booklet arguing against Jesus living before he was born
A Catholic critique of Christian Science Religion
A child of another race is called a dog by racist Jesus
A Christian critique of Situation Ethics
A Christian does not have the right to speak in front of Jesus
A Christian explains the Jesus and Christian view of forgiving
A Christian refutes Utilitarianism
A complete case against miracle believing
A doctrine must be testable or it is a cheat
A God does not need the qualities to qualify as a person
A God of moral law is necessarily vindictive
A God who permits evil is the worst
A good Catholic refutation of Christian Science cures
A higher purpose and a higher power are not the same thing
A letter against prayer and its goodness
A mathematical miracle shows how supernatural miracles are nonsense
A miracle is about a relationship not a performance
A Mormon apologist says Book of Mormon has textual evidence that it is ancient
A philosopher shows that God is just a guess
A priest condemns yoga in an example of Christian intolerance
A psychologist who says Jesus was well-balanced!!!
A relationship with God? Do you go for coffee?
A religion has no right to say any religion is bad
A respected list of what traits good religion has
A revealing quote on the theology of evil
A sceptic is merely one who is very watchful
A short dictionary of void and false religions and cults
A short dictionary refuting the occult
A study in the healing miracles of Matthew's gospel
A Study on question if altruism real or imagined
A survey of violent scriptures or revealed writings from God
A table showing how Hume was right to protest miracle belief
A theologian answers those who say religion causes violence
A theologian tries to refute bodily autonomy rights
A trans atheist affirms they are their own god and will make themselves
A writer tries to deny that Luke 16 teaches you can go to Hell
Abortion referendum 2018 to appeal eighth amendment
Absurdity of "Without religion to fight about we will find something"
Absurdity of forgiving yourself
Admit the truth, Romans 1 is homophobic
Affirmations as ways of being your self-made ruler of universe
Affirming trans is not an option but a requirement
Afterlife in Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Against Atheism, by Markham opposes Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris
Against Atheism, Rev Ian Markham gaslights about Bible evil
Against Gay Christian Movement and its lies
Against the Mass and why we must stay away from it
Against the religious school ethos being conversion by osmosis
Aggregate of Qualities Argument against Existence of God
Agnosticism a look to see if it is sitting on the fence about God
Agnosticism is atheism with most Gods but doubts about one
Agnosticism should primarily worry about spirit not God
Ain't Necessarily So, a refutation of Bible archaeology
Albert Einstein and time being changeless and static
Aleister Crowley is another revelation and religion fantasist
Aleister Crowley was another dishonest scripture monger
Alive! Newspaper incites hatred against atheists!
All believers in religion have doubts and are insecure
All information about Jesus comes from his propagandists
All prayer assumes, "Lord I am not worthy"
All Religion is Idolatry and is egotistical
All revelations from "God" contradict each other
All should see miracles to protect us from untruths
All the bishops' men article on clerical abuse by Tom Mooney
All who try to define evil end up lying and arrogant
Allah in the Koran condemns homosexuality
Allah is not the same as the Christian God
Altruism a look at the book by Matthieu Ricard
Altruism and your health are not bedfellows
Altruism is bad for your health!
Altruism is not an option for it is too dark and deadly
Amazon Atheist Book Recommendations
Amputees are never cured! This plot hole refutes miracles
An act is never both altruistic and non-altruistic
An admission that the Knock apparition 1879 has been exaggerated
An argument that democracy tend to prosperity
An Atheist's Values by Robinson shows harm of religious faith
An Atheist's Values on question if we know what is good in itself
An easy test to show statue worshippers they are are idolaters
An essay against marriage and its element of control
An essay on whether moral facts are real
An examination of coincidence and its exploitation by religionists
An examination of egoism as a moral theory
An example of Christians in good standing defending genocide
An example of schools being asked not to allow anti-abortion propaganda
An objection to Hawking and his devotion to m-theory
An ontological argument against God
Anathema is a Catholic curse and a hello to sectarianism!
And God Created Humanism by Theo Hobson
And the gates of Hell shall never prevail lies Jesus
Anger over alleged ethical mores leads to groups hating each other
Another look at Christian apologetics for the problem of evil
Anselm's Ontological Argument for God
Answering those Christians who say Jesus wrote nothing
Anthony de Mello and atheism awareness
Anthony Kenny philosopher rebuts atheism or thinks he does!
Anthony Kenny's ethics from What I Believe
Antiquities of the Jews gives clues about gospel lies
Anti-religion stance of the law of attraction
Antisecularist Christianity is always a threat
Anti-semitic Christians try to water down Jesus' Jewishness
Antisemitism is woven into the Christian fabric
Antisemitist Christianity forgives evil Hitler for his antisemitism
Antoine Gay is an interesting "possession" case for sceptics
Apatheism or the attitude that you don't care if there is a God
Apollonius of Tyana the other Jesus
Apostle Paul hopelessly tries to self-validate
Apostle Paul was a liar and yet the real cornerstone of Christianity
Apostles have not passed down powers to the Roman Church
Apostles martyred: mere legend and hearsay
Apostles Testimony to Christ is no good
Apostles would not have thought of transubstantiation
Apostolic fathers only discredited themselves and the church
Apparition of Siluva another outgrowth of credulity
Apparitions of Lourdes, Fatima & Medjugorje are unconvincing
Approaches to the God idea and is it credible?
Arabic version of the Jesus material from Josephus
Archaeology versus Bible Truth Claims
Archeology, Joseph and Jericho are Bible lies or myths
Archer "resolves" Bible contradictions
Are God and related ideas a priori false?
Are terrorists mad or bad? And what if they are religious?
Are the Mary Apparitions Fake?
Are there persons who are pure evil?
Are we lucky that we live and die and should we be grateful?
Argument for free will from desire for revenge
Argument for not worrying about death
Argument from desire that there is a God
Argument that Evil refutes God is not necessarily hating him
Argument that there is a God from religious experience
Armstrong defends Catholic belief and his arguments fail
Articles refuting God and religion and exposing dangers
Artificial birth control is a huge sin in Catholicism
Astrology is a scam and a superstition
Atheism as innate so are we born that way?
Atheism in practice is atheism in its own right
Atheism is about owning yourself
Atheism is atheisms and is atheism essentially a lack of belief?
Atheism is not a position but a collective, it's positions
Atheism is the absence of religion, isn't a religion
Atheism is the default position
Atheism is the Null or the Default by process of elimination
Atheist and argument for God from necessity
Atheistic genocide and mass murder?
Atheists have a right to see prayer as vile
Atheists who threaten nobody get death threats from believers
Attaching to God is bad so don't love God ultimately above all
Attachment and the idolatry of the heart
Attempts to show Hume's rejection of miracles was erroneous
Attempts to work out what Josephus may have penned about Jesus
Attrition a form of Catholic "repentance"
Augustine on eternal Hell and Human Dignity
Autocreation has us ask if creation is automatic or agent based?
Automatic writing shows how faith can be a mind trick
Avalos and the Resurrection of Jesus and Medjugorje
Avoid healers! Their magical beliefs are arsenic
Awareness and time travel and what we can learn
Awareness, the book by De Mello, overthrows Jesus
Bad motives behind free will defence of God
Bad religious leader is not all to blame so add in the followers
Bahai faith is false and promotes unity by causing another division!
Bahai faith refuted by Francis Beckwith
Bahaullah a false prophet and another faith monger
Baptise in name of Father Son and Spirit ??? What is the problem?
Baptism and forced "membership" of the Church
Baptism implies God loves unbaptised less
Baptism is a demeaning tool for equating you with a word "Catholic"
Baptism is open to being forced on babies & intellectually different
Be better than prayer! You can be and often are!
Be out-spoken for silence is being out-spoken in the wrong way?
Be selfish but in a sensible thinking way
Being an enabler of sin in Christian ideology
Being aware of bias and stopping your bias from blinding you
Being complicit in religious evil and deception
Being in a religion and opposing or ignoring its required doctrine is wrong
Being moral and being rational and can they be reconciled?
Being prayed for makes no difference
Belief in God always puts that belief not God before people
Belief in God does not imply there is an afterlife
Belief in miracles opens door to being conned
Believers are too spiritually vain to abandon evil scriptures
Believers project the condoning of evil unto God
Benedetta is a movie that raises fatal faith questions
Bertrand Russell argues against God being basis for morals
Bertrand Russell as critic of religion
Bertrand Russell shows we should not take Jesus seriously
Best Possible World theory and its link to God
Bible absurdly lies that 27000 people killed by a falling wall!
Bible against LGBT+ sexual rights
Bible bans women ministers and female authority
Bible commands rabid hate of sin and so did Jesus
Bible Denies Miracles are reliable signs of God at work
Bible did not predict that God would become man
Bible doctrine that you don't make you good, God does!
Bible evidence that the pope is not the successor of Peter
Bible God cannot make up his mind about himself
Bible God commands murder of the innocent
Bible God Promotes Rape and Jesus did not care
Bible is anti-evolution so its God threatens science
Bible is opposed to the truths of science
Bible knows nothing of the sacraments, Church made them up
Bible literalism is far from a recent phenomenon
Bible rejects creation, it has a maker God not a Creator
Bible requires death penalty for gays
Bible says don't eat blood so are blood transfusions sinful?
Bible teaches that God does more than just let evil happen
Bible teaches that nothing you do is okay with God
Bible thoughts on the spirit of Jesus and how your body is his
Bigoted Religions ban participating in some marriages
Biological design is an illusion and an accidental pattern
Biology and randomness and why God undermines chance
Biology is endangered by religious fundamentalism
Bishop Wright on Jesus and why he thinks he is credible
Blame and responsibility for grown-ups
Blasphemy is usually defined as offending religious doctrine
Bodhisattva is the Buddhist version of saviour
Body resurrection talk was normal and gave rise to the empty tomb legend
Book of Revelation predicts Christianity will fall away
Book on Bahai faith makes us sceptical about this religion
Book review regarding Samir on Islam 111 Questions
Book Review: The Reason for God by Christian Tim Keller
Book: The Problem of Right Conduct
Borderline personality disorder and God
Born of water in John 3, does it refer to baptism in water?
Born to Believe a religion study by Newberg and Waldman
Bottom line, religion is at best a baby step to violence and hate
Boxing and violent sports and religion
Breaking faith exposes "saints" by John Cornwell
Brian Davies and how he raises problems for Miracles
Brief Gospel According to Atheism
Brief refutations of Catholicism
Brute fact may do as well as God to explain the universe?
Buddha was no saint but just an average teacher
Buddhism and the selfish notion of the afterlife
Buddhism is too pessimistic to be called a faith
Buddhist Teaching is not very useful or sensible
Build hospitals not churches and fund education not prayer books
Build the Community not the Religion
Burden of proof is on believer in God more than the atheist
Burden of proof is on you if you claim to be rational
By their fruits you will know them says Jesus
Calling evil a problem is insulting and unfeeling
Calling people sinners is admitting you oppose their existence
Can altruism be limited in how much sacrifice it asks for?
Can an Atheist attend a Christening ceremony?
Can faith/prayer supply the voltage to make an evil God real?
Can have free will but be unable to sin!
Can religion and faith be an open placebo?
Can science test evil if it is a real power?
Can we think evil is default and good is what falls short of it?
Can you be a good Catholic in an active LGBT relationship?
Can you build a moral theory on altruism?
Can you love yourself and hate your sins?
Can you prove that altruism turns people into fakes?
Can you really reconstruct the New Testament from the fathers?
Cana: Water turned into wine by Jesus?
Cannot tell a person what to be offended by
Caring only for what God thinks of you is unhealthy
Case for the Qur'an or Koran alone being Islam's authority
Catholic Church abuses victims of ectopic pregnancy
Catholic Church added books to the Bible for propaganda reasons
Catholic Church requires gays to stay in the closet
Catholic God loves conditionally
Catholic Mass is an idolatrous sacrifice!
Catholic means you have Catholic obligations, that is all
Catholic promotion of God is about power and control
Catholic teaching endorses sexual immorality
Catholicism denies that living as LGBT is a vocation
Catholicism empowers men to procreate through rape
Catholicism is a form of TERF, trans exclusive reactionary feminist
Catholicism is extremist when it comes to contraception
Catholicism manipulates its members
Catholicism says it is Comforter of the Afflicted? Nay!
Catholics and Protestant Ecumenism
Catholics pray to Jesus' blood and his cross!!
Catholics selling religious souvenirs is exploiting
Catholics who disown their sexually active gay offspring
Changing moral principles when it suits? Can morality be fluid?
Chariton of Aphrodisias is a source of empty tomb of Jesus story
Chart to help you see the options for the mind-brain question
Cheering at Dublin Castle when abortion legalised
Choices should be self-affirming actions, YOUR actions
Christ didn't send me to baptise said an apostle and what it means
Christ is God is a silly book and Jesus was not God in any shape
Christadelphian error that Satan in Bible is a mere metaphor
Christadelphians, a selfish fanatical cult
Christian and Muslim Terrorists are still Christian and Muslim
Christian Apologetics is defending what cannot be defended
Christian attempts to merge God and morality only give you a misfit
Christian belief that we should take all we suffer for our sins
Christian book on theology degrades atheists and their views
Christian doctrine of redemption is a bare-faced lie
Christian faith by silence abetted the holocaust
Christian faith makes the blood run in Rwanda
Christian hypocrisy about lies and why it matters to you
Christian hypocrisy about money
Christian hypocrisy regarding one's good name and protecting it
Christian List of Bible Books is Wrong
Christian Missions are exposed as bad
Christian Registrars and gay civil partnership ceremonies
Christian Science is a cult that can have fatal consequences
Christianity bears twisted attitudes towards birth
Christianity does not truly believe in giving all love to God
Christianity hijacked Judaism to create a new religion
Christianity in therapy is maltreating the client
Christianity incites to hatred and weaponises hate already there
Christianity is just another false religion of false gods
Christianity is Not Great shows God belief wrecks morals
Christianity is not Great, Edited by John Loftus
Christianity is privilege, it thrived on colonialism
Christianity is racist privilege built on the bodies & blood of slaves
Christianity says forgiving is not natural
Christianity says you need it to stop you being more immoral
Christianity says your baptism anniversary is the birthday that counts
Christians are trying to keep you out of Hell?
Christians asserting they believe for it is improbable
Christians hide the bad bits of the religion from the unwary
Christians in combat against heresy and sin
Christians Kept Jewish Feasts at the start
Christians lie that they think free will excuses how God lets sin happen
Christians Martyrs were suicides and human sacrifices
Christians worship Jesus like a false god
Christmas Story Refuted so goodbye cribs and angels
Church authentication of miracles is bogus
Church confesses Jewish Law in force
Church harmed me and why people need to be alert!
Church uses Jesus as a weapon against his own Jewish religion
Circumcision as an act of worship
Circumcision commanded by Bible God
Circumcision is falsely said to be a picture of baptism
Citizens for the Ten Commandments needs robust refutation
Civility does nothing to show a religion is good enough
Clifford and James and Pascal on Faith
Coherence theory of truth and miracles
Collective responsibility is a reason for walking from religion
Colossians 2 and the validity of the Jewish Sabbath
Colossians 3 teaches a non-historical Jesus
Comedian Refers to Communion as Haunted Bread
Command to love God with all your heart is evil
Common Ground between religious believers & sceptics
Comparing Christians and Humanists
Comparing religion and atheism
Comparing yourself to others says things about you
Compatibilism is a dud and fails to defend free will as true
Competing claims ruin the credibility of Jesus' claims
Conditioning is a burden we all suffer from especially children
Confidence and how well do you trust yourself?
Conscientious objection should not apply with abortion
Conscientious objection should ONLY apply in war
Consequences of saying your sins are not part of you
Contraception and family planning in Christian fundamentalism
Contradictions in the stories about Jesus coming back from the dead
Control Beliefs and why you need to base them on solid evidence
Control beliefs in the light of morality
Conversion therapy for LGBT is linked to being anti marriage equality
Corinthians by Paul hints at Jesus death myth
Corrupting effect of relationships with God
Could creation be the answer to why something, not nothing?
Could demons have been empowering Jesus in his miracles?
Could it be that Paul was not an apostle but a fake?
Council Prayers need to be banned in this secular world
Counselling clerics MUST sign a disclaimer first
Creation and the doctrine that evil is not real
Creation and the problem of good
Creation context needs to be affirmed to allow you to recognise a miracle
Creation is not an alterative view to naturalism
Creation is only real miracle and no miracle can be shown to be creation
Creation science is theology pretending to be science
Criticism of Religion and showing its power to harm
Criticism of using universally preferred behaviour instead of morality
Critics of the New Atheism are unfair and uninformed
Cruel doctrine that God disciplines in suffering
CS Lewis tries to exploit our love of justice to persuade us God exists!
Cumulative Argument for Miracles
Cure for credulity among the religious and superstitious
Current Religious Wars show religion remains a threat
Danger of seeing miracles in everything everywhere
Dangerous Catholic Doctrines and there are many of them
Dangerous doctrine of free will
Dangers and threats posed by the religious crutch
Dangers in using religion or faith as a crutch
Dangers of increasing self-esteem
Dangers of religion and the potential harms
Dangers of the hiding God doctrine
Daniel O Donnell, "Good" Catholic votes for same sex marriage
Darwin and Paley and the divine designer
Darwinism and its unwelcome truth that life is survival
Darwinism and morality have an uneasy relationship
Dating the gospel of Luke and Acts
David Batson psychologist, on altruism
David Hume and God and how he debunked the wisdom of faith
David Hume comments on the miracles of the Bible
Dawkins and the origin of life
De Mello on selfishness in his book Awareness
De-baptism, National Secular Society
Declaring Jesus sane so you might declare him God?
Declaring the right to leave the Catholic Church
Defenders of Muslim faith are attempting to defend the absurd
Depressive realism is when depression is showing you the truth
Derrida and how forgiving the forgivable is not really forgiving
Detransitioners are only having another transition
Development of doctrine in Catholicism
Devotion to ancestors is an interesting pagan practice
Did Clement of Rome know of the gospels?
Did Daniel predict year Jesus would be crucified?
Did Hume confuse frequent occurrences with evidence?
Did Jesus' corpse vanish in an earthquake?
Did Jesus get out of the tomb for he was buried alive?
Did Jesus go to Hell for our sins?
Did Jesus have a mock crucifixion?
Did Jesus have a twin who could impersonate him?
Did Jesus know all things if he was the God man?
Did Jesus offer himself on cross to Satan?
Did Jesus really have a magic risen body?
Did Jesus really Suffer on the Cross?
Did Jesus use hypnosis to change memories and fake wonders?
Did Jesus, the God of the Catholics, exist?
Did Micah predict the birthplace of Jesus?
Did Paul believe Jesus could do magic miracles? NO
Did Paul say we no longer know Jesus the man?
Did some of the Ripper victims know the killer?
Did St Paul hallucinate his experiences of the risen Jesus?
Did the alleged shroud of Jesus perish in a fire in 1532?
Did the apostles steal the Jesus corpse
Did the early Christians murder for God?
Did the early followers of Jesus simply lie that he rose from the dead?
Did the men in white rob Jesus' tomb?
Did the physical universe come from a spiritual one?
Did they go to the wrong tomb on the First Easter?
Did women steal remains of Jesus on that first Easter morning?
Didache is an early and revealing manual of what Jesus' apostles taught
Differences Atheism and Christianity
Differences in how atheists and religionists look at problem of evil
Difficult situations and what they teach us about right and wrong
Difficulties exist with secularism but it is the best policy
Disbelief in God because there is no evidence
Discuss, "For honest good people to lie, that takes religion"
Discuss, "Maybe pure good cannot exist unless pure evil exists too?"
Discuss, Just because my motive is mine doesn't mean it's always about me
Disingenuous people erase the problem of religion and violence
Divide Church and State from each other
Do errors have rights? No. Erring people do and only them.
Do gospels really aim to complement each other?
Do I have to forgive attacks on others not just on me?
Do not hate your sin! Self-flagellation is abuse.
Do people mean "meaning of evil" when they say "meaning of life?"
Do religion and God owe you meaning in life? What if they do?
Do shroud believers think it was intended to be a negative???
Do the dead walk alongside us?
Do we choose our beliefs or not?
Do we need the sacrament of confession?
Do you know a person by their behaviour or not?
Do you need to believe in God to believe in reason?
Doctrine of Creation by God from nothing is a guess
Doctrine of creation is magic, it's super-occult!
Doctrine that evil is not real denies that we have free will
Doctrine that good God and evil can co-exist is ideology
Doctrine that love of God and neighbour go together
Doctrine: put beyond the reach of reason & evidence
Doctrines About God make no sense
Does Book of Revelation put Jesus in prehistoric times?
Does Buddhism sort of justify suicide?
Does determinism destroy guilt and punishment?
Does embarrassing material in gospels prove reliability?
Does evidence for miracles override improbability?
Does God fight ontologically evil forces with lesser forms of evil
Does God force damnation on people?
Does Gospel of Mark hint that Jesus never appeared as risen?
Does it make sense to say God plans randomness?
Does Jerusalem prophecy help us with dating Mark?
Does John Gospel say Jesus gave Church power to pardon sins?
Do prayer and magic work in contraries?
Do we only do evil to get the good we think we see in it?
Does risk refute egoism? Does it show we are not always about self-interest?
Does self-interest fail to be inspiring to society?
Does the Josephus Testament belong anywhere in his book?
Don't accuse a baby of needing baptism to have God inside
Don't assume the fundamentalist definition is clear
Don't stay in a religion with evil doctrine
Doublethink is the true foundation of religion
Dr M Scott Peck on religion in his book People of the Lie
Dubious Catholic booklet on existence of Jesus
Dupery through hope worse than dupery through fear
Duty is an idea fit only for putting you off doing good
Earliest account resurrection was tampered with
Early Church was not the Roman Catholic Church
Egoism and Miracles are not as unrelated as some pretend
Egoism and the present and the future
Eight witnesses to the Book of Mormon examined
Elisha, the saintly child killing sorcerer of the Bible
Ellegard shows Jesus probably never lived
Embraced by the light by Betty J Eadie
Emer O Kelly, Sunday Independent
Emergency baptism is just an outcome of invasive religion
Emmanuel Swedenborg, Church of New Jerusalem
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties lies that Bible can be infallible
Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties on the New Testament
English hierarchy downgrades the Bible
Equal rights and how silly prejudice is
Erasure of LGBTQ in religion and holy books is abuse
Essay on how Josephus did not mention Jesus
Essay on how to believe in God requires you believe he judges
Essay on sacrifice in Leviticus
Ethics is based on regulation and order
Ethics of saving lives by donating organs
Eucharist is based on unfounded accusations against Jews
Evaluation: "Pray for more important things than a headache to go away"
Everybody has a morality even if it's just "all is permitted"
Everybody sins according to the Bible
Evidence and how some atheists approach it as atheists
Evidence for miracles has no hope of being conclusive
Evidence not faith must tell you what and how to think
Evidence proves Jesus never existed
Evidence that Jesus never died on the cross
Evidence that the New Testament was hidden
Evil fits a loving God because this God fits evil argument is stupid
Evil is a side effect? What if it is? What does it mean for God?
Evil is redefined as flawed good by affirming a Good God
Evil not a sin when you do it for God's purpose
Examples of dangerous religion
Examples of faith versus reality
Excellent rebuttal to miracle beliefs
Existential Dysphoria is why religion shouldn't be forced on children
Exorcist Lopez Sedano shows why exorcism is abusive
Experts say creation is just a magic doctrine ie nonsense
Ezekiel 7 refutes lie that God is all sweetness!
Ezekiel's failed fortune telling attempt about Tyre
Ezekiel's false prophecy about Tyre
F L O A T E R stands for rules for evaluating claims
Faith and depression and belief can worsen it
Faith exploits your subconscious, you mistake it for God's guidance
Faith in God condones his evil and his letting evil happen
Faith in God is too easily weaponised by carebullies
Faith is a violent concept for many with gender dysphoria
Faith leads to being prone to undue influence
False prophecies of the miraculous medal visionary Catherine Laboure
Famine victims were murdered by negligence
Father and mother are social constructs
Feeling free is not sensing free will. A feeling is not a sense.
Fighting Words gives us Avalos assessment of Islam
Fighting Words: Origins Of Religious Violence by Professor Hector Avalos
Findings that nail the tomb and shroud of Jesus
Finetuned universe? Thus is there a God?
Firm purpose of amendment never to commit the sin again
First Nations People persecuted by Catholic Church
Flags, religion and secularism
Flavius Josephus' Jesus material is of doubtful authenticity
Flew and Christianity and how impossible that faith is
Flew's Falsification Principle that diminishes religious claims
Flying Virgin Mary and her flying house of Loreto
Food Taboos in Religion are revealingly stupid
Forcing people to hear the gospel versus forced conversion
Forcing religious people to do same sex weddings
Forgive but yet punish is not a workable idea and is foolish
Forgiveness and gratitude are co-dependent
Forgiveness is for the evil person's sake only
Forgiveness is incoherent especially when God is affirmed
Forgiveness is often confused with healing of the past
Forgiveness is pro-atheism and atheists know how to do it right
Forgiveness turns all sin mortal or grave or serious or evil
Forgiving enemy for God's sake is problematic
Forgiving for the sake of the enemy is anti-victim
Forgotten sins and can a god pardon them?
Forgotten sins are a source of spiritual terror?
Fortune-telling deserves opposition from atheists and the Church
Foundation errors expose Jesus story as false
Francis Spufford and his stupid view of religion
Frank Turek is wrong to say you rip up morality by dropping God
Frank Turek thinks atheists steal from God's science to debunk God!
Free expression is no excuse or allowing prayer at abortion clinics
Free will accuses you of creating evil so it's a slander
Free will and altruism and egoism
Free will and altruism are a dangerous marriage
Free will and Christian belief
Free will and desire and the inconsistencies
Free will and the denial that evil is a real thing or choice
Free will argument refutes, not defends, God
Free will because of God implies miracles not needed
Free Will Defence and Population
Free Will Defence is evil for it blames
Free will if it exists is about power not morality as such
Free will if it's real or not makes no difference today
Free will in the light of the law of attraction doctrine
Free will is an untrue doctrine and lacks support
Free will is not a gift from God
Free Will is not a theory but a harmful dogma or doctrine
Free will is not freedom from control if there is a God so it's useless
Free will is not supported by consciousness
Free will says love is voluntary but that is not clear
Free will to sin is a wholly unwarranted theory
Free will, what does it mean? Is it about the kind of person I am?
Free will, what does it really mean?
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right
Freud wants us to ask if God based on wishful thinking
Friedrich Neitzsche and the afterlife
From my Discus comments against religion
Fruits argument and life-changing grace from God
Fundamentalism of Pope John Paul II
Gabriel Amorth "exorcises" Rosa
Gametes and biological sex being a social construct
Gender or sex is imposed on baby by Church in baptism
German bishops finally admit Church complicit in the Holocaust
Getting rid of anger and hate is not forgiveness
Giving all your love to God makes him your God
Glucklich's Dying for Heaven shows religious pleasure feeds faith terrorism
Gnostic Valentinus and the historical Jesus
God and condoning your own suffering
God and retribution go together and show the toxicity of deity
God and Time the inconsistencies and absurdities
God and you need burdens of proof not burden
God as a form of avoidance behaviour
God belief can cause and prolong depression
God belief can rise from your need or addiction for approval
God belief has me virtually forgive things I have no right to
God belief is instilled in you to suppress you
God belief is the seed of terrorism
God can have no plan for making things to hurt you
God commanding that there be no other gods is colonialism
God commands stoning of innocent people to death
God does not change and is eternally static
God does stupid magic trick style miracles for Moses
God exercises his right to punish
God guiding evolution is a complete overthrow of science
God has sentenced us all to death
God in the light of the view that morality is just wellbeing
God is a murderer according to the Bible
God is a self-projection or you project your own moral ideals to him
God is a terrible mother if a mother at all!
God is guessing and so has no right to let us suffer
God is not a moral agent and thus irrelevant
God is not about you, he cannot please everybody anyway
God is your Idol, and an Idol is always bad
God is your myth and it is you who justify the evil he allows not him
God lifting a stone that cannot be lifted
God loving me unconditionally leads to the hurting of others
God makes all from nothing but that is not making but magic
God making good not evil doesn't get him off the hook for evil
God owns morality? Examining the suggestion
God seems equivalent to saying there is an invisible unicorn
God should have a force-field around us
God should trick you to think you have free will
God using us as means not as ends and why that is bad
God wants babies and men abused by religious circumcision
God wants us to use our free will to suffer with others in compassion
God worship is always a cover for idolatry
God worship is idolatry if not directed at a real God
God's Bible and his stoning laws still do harm today
God's direct evil and the notion that evil is unreal
God's grace is human influence pretending it is not manipulating
Golden rule and love of neighbour as oneself
Golden rule of Jesus is grounded in hate
Good insights from Hanegraaff on Islam in his book, Muslim
Good people do evil saying, "I was only obeying orders"
Good quotes from An Atheist's Values on thinking
Gospel Evidence for Jesus is Worthless
Gospel of Peter undermines the classical gospel claims
Gospels are lying about Jesus being well-known
Gospels call human nature totally depraved
Gospels slander Jews as Christ killers
Gospels written to imitate way Caesar stories were written
Goulston Street Graffiti might not be or might be by the Ripper
Grace doctrine denies pagans will go to Heaven
Grace from God is a dehumanising idea
Gradualism is a form of Christian charm laced with ulterior motives
Greed of Roman Catholic priests
GROW is simply Fr Cornelius Keogh's dubious help for the vulnerable
Guards bribed to lie at Jesus' tomb?
Guilt and Christian belief are dangerously connected
Had Joseph no ancestors except in Bethlehem?
Haidt's The Righteous Mind book, thoughts on morality
Hail Mary prayer is gender critical as is the Church
Handbook Christian Apologetics on Risen Jesus as Hallucination
Handbook of Apologetics tries to explain away human suffering
Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Kreeft Pacelli is foolish
Handbook of Christian Apologetics Conclusions
Handbook of Christian Apologetics deserves this scathing review
Handbook of Christian Apologetics excuses Hell's endless punishment
Handbook of Christian Apologetics fails to show that Jesus was God
Handbook of Christian Apologetics lies to excuse God allowing evil
Handbook of Christian Apologetics on Christians & other religions
Handbook of Christian Apologetics on conscience as showing God is real
Handbook of Christian Apologetics on Happiness, it's bizarre!
Handbook of Christian Apologetics on Hell as punishment
Handbook of Christian Apologetics on human evil
Handbook of Christian Apologetics on miracles as clues and signs
Handbook of Christian Apologetics Refuted
Handbook of Christian Apologetics: God and what he's like
Handbook of Christian Apologetics: God as good & letting evil happen
Handbooks chart on the resurrection of Jesus is deliberately oversimplified
Hans Kung wonders if we can we save the Catholic Church?
Hard rationalism's dislike of faith may be its strength
Hare Krishna ISKCON is a once popular cult
Harmful beliefs exposed and why you must speak out
Harmonising gospel accounts is airbrushing contradictions
Harry Cox gives light on the Ripper murders
Hate sin love sinner proves evil refutes God
Hate speech alert, "Fool says in his heart that there's no God"
Hate your own sin first before you love sinner and hate the sin?
Hateful quotes from Jesus against Jews appeared on Nazi signs
Hating big sins and how it hides hatred of the sinner
Hating sin is the first step to hating sinner
Hating sin is too burdensome and leads to violence
Hatred and how religion enables and develops it in the unwary
Hawking was falsely accused of punching philosophically above his weight
Headcovering is when earliest Christians oppressed women in Church
Healthy spirituality? Is there such a thing?
Heather Woods and her reputed Stigmata
Heaven and Hell are lies that we have all absorbed
Heaven refuted in spite of the Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Hebrews says Jesus was a priest who didn't live in 1st Century
Hell and the doctrine that God comes first
Hell for sinners is a threat in Islamic and Mormon thought
Hell is a morally redundant idea and a lie
Hell says the damned identify as their sin
Henry Morris and Creation Science
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his creator doctrine
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his God doctrine
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his moral teachings
Herbert McCabe O P, A Critique of his religious thinking
Hitchens and Tony Blair on evil violent scriptures
Hitler and his liberal Christianity liquidated the Jews in WW2
Hitler devoutly leaves a Church and was never excommunicated
Hitler persecuted atheists under his Catholic influence
Hitler was clear that his movement was Christian
Holy War and the Bible which fuels it
Homophobia of being anti-same sex marriage
Hope belongs to atheism and how to be atheistic and hopeful
How a choice shows there is no God
How Belief in God is not really the ground of justice or love
How belief in God leads to judging by stealth
How can a secularist understand religion?
How dare you insult suffering and evil in order to have a faith!
How did Jesus rise from the dead?
How DNA makes us want to fit in at the expense of truth/integrity
How do you judge a good or bad or neutral motive?
How does free will work and function?
How faith insinuates you are to blame for your life problems
How getting rid of responsibility gives the religious meaning?
How good are Luke's miracle stories about Jesus?
How I would debate Christian William Lane Craig
How is the moral side of our nature put into us?
How Jesus blessed and commanded and protected child sex abuse/child rape
How Jesus used faith as a weapon to victim blame
How necessary and important is it to have beliefs?
How reliable are visions of risen people?
How religions of lies are really just occult nonsense
How sincere is respect for the beliefs of others?
How the Bible caused terrible racism in the Holy Land
How the Bible sees genocide as mass sacrifice to God
How the notion of faith as divine gift gaslights
How time travel can make sense and refute God
How truth can lead to silent terrorism or war
How you can be inspired by the alleged "Enlightening" of religious people
How your tipple proves that there is no God
Human nature is more a mix of other species rather than a species
Human nature would easily condone a God who hurts others
Hume A Very Short Guide by A J Ayer
Hume says we cannot show morality is rational
Hume's fork logic and observation are your only tools but go off on their own
Hume's theorem works against belief in miracles
Hume's untapped argument against faith in miracles from "morality"
Hundreds of witnesses to Jesus having risen?
Hypnopompic hallucinations and the risen Jesus tale
Hypocrisy leads to more problems if unchecked
Hypocrisy of saying, "Punish the sin not the sinner"
I "love sinners and hate sins" is a smug arrogant boast
Idea that God implies hate is a sin is wrong or inconclusive
Ideal utilitarianism or maximising greatest virtue of greatest number
Ideas are never sacred so question them all if you think there is a need
Ideology is when ideas make addicts and become tools to oppress
If a brick is about to fall and kill a baby, it gives me a moral imperative to save
If altruism is good then what if God belief undermines it?
If Christ has not been raised then faith is in vain
If Christianity is a placebo then why should it reduce abortions?
If dogma infallible then justifications infallible too
If evil trains us then attempting progress is a sin
If God is everywhere then how can sin which excludes him be real?
If God is not there then it is useless to say he is
If good is replaced with a vacuum something will replace it but what?
If gospels lie then why no lies that Jesus was seen rising?
If Jesus said he was the Son of God what did he mean?
If Jesus was God then he prayed to himself!
If medicine got the money given to religion and if only!
If nearly all religions are wrong, why not say all are wrong?
If nobody believes in miracles, the unbelief harms nobody
If nobody has certainty, does that include God? Berg says yes
If religion is true why does it need so many liars to promote it?
If there could be a God, what issues are there around necessary evils?
If there is no eternal hell is there no free will?
If virtue is in the mind then is free will a myth?
If we all came from Adam and Eve would we be the same ethnicity?
If we are always sinful how can morality matter?
If we are animals then why say we should look after each other?
If we are forced to have an objective morality we should not be
If we had all the answers would there be no room for faith?
If we had all the answers, would there be faith?
If you abandon God would you worship just anything?
If you are not reasoned into faith can you be reasoned out of it?
If you hate slavery you will renounce the Bible
If you would be better than God if possible only then are you good!
Ignatius shows there was no evidence for Jesus but the resurrection
Ignore all non-cross-examined miracle claims
I'm a good as God if I am his child
Implicit atheism of the Sedona Method
Implicit atheism of trans who feel they are in the wrong existence
Impostor syndrome and faith in God
In Defence of Reason and why reasoning is self-development
In religion you take man's word for it not God's
Incarnation of God as Jesus makes God evil
Incarnationism is St Justin's claim that Jesus becomes bread not vice versa
Incitement to hatred by religion and how secularism sees it
Indecent Images and ethics surrounding this issue
Indulgences in the Catholic Faith are indulgence in nonsense
Inquiry Process is about helping to ask questions and find answers
Inquisition or the Catholic killing machine
Insane and Fanatical Love for God is commanded by Jesus
Interesting nonsense from Book of "Wisdom"
Irresistible grace where you just have to come to God in Calvinism
Is a miracle a freak law of nature?
Is a miracle an uncaused event?
Is a religion that takes away responsibility really a religion?
Is a sense of gratitude behind God belief?
Is agnosticism innately dishonest and immoral and lazy?
Is Agnosticism the default belief?
Is altruism hateful and against egoists?
Is any faith true? Keller's book The Reason for God says there is
Is argument from silence enough to doubt Jesus?
Is being forced by God to repent any good?
Is belief in God a necessary evil and not a good?
Is biological sex what determines your gender?
Is Calvinist theology sensible and coherent?
Is circular reasoning of any use at all?
Is Dawkins wrong on religious being inherently open to violence?
Is egoism arbitrary? Why should I put myself ahead of the other person?
Is evil a logical disproof of the goodness and existence of God?
Is free will a joy or a necessary evil?
Is free will about spiritual stuff only?
Is God a brute fact? If so could anything be?
Is God a scientific hypothesis?
Is God based on wishful thinking?
Is it possible that the Shroud was switched?
Is it problem of God rather than problem of good?
Is it really more blessed to give than to receive?
Is it reasonable to believe in miracles ever? Mostly or Rarely?
Is it true that my desires cannot be all about me?
Is it true that spiritual people worse off than religious?
Is it true that there are no accidents?
Is it true you cannot prove something (like God) doesn't exist?
Is it your place to forgive what was done to others
Is logical ability proof that we have free will?
Is looking for meaning in life all future-orientated?
Is magic an ethical or good activity?
Is morality if real simply about a real relationship with God?
Is morality like language? Is that proof it is not just an invention?
Is morality, moral rules, a necessary evil? Yes
Is objective morality necessarily bigoted?
Is Paul the Servant of Isaiah 53?
Is Paul's text evidencing the resurrection of Jesus much good?
Is prayer care or an attempt at care even if it is only asking?
Is prayer really charming and nice?
Is praying for others the best thing you can do for them?
Is religion a mental illness or a roleplay or a lived fiction?
Is religious faith a private affair?
Is religious faith psychological egoism?
Is religious freedom a right or privilege?
Is religious system or individual religious belief the problem?
Is retribution a form of revenge or does it have vengeful leanings?
Is revenge wrong? Do people agree with it deep down?
Is Scientism not science the problem where religion is concerned?
Is secularism at war with religion?
Is secularism directly and indirectly neutral regarding religion?
Is self-esteem selfish or self-centred and harmful?
Is Stealing from God right to say atheism is a worldview? No!
Is the Bible scientific when it says life is in the blood?
Is the calling up of Jesus a cover for Necromancy?
Is the James of Josephus writings Jesus' real brother?
Is the lack of good always evil?
Is the little horn of the Bible the Papal Antichrist?
Is the Soul the Form of the Body?
Is the soul the person not the body?
Is the text of the Koran inaccurate?
Is there a second chance to make peace with God?
Is there an alternative to Calvinist predestination doctrine?
Is there anything loving about the birth control ban in religion?
Is there dignity in being made for God and by God?
Is thinking about moral probabilities the same as relativism?
Is truth relative? Is my truth the truth?
Isacaron a demon composes prayers to Jesus' mother! Is she in Hell?
Isaiah 53 does not predict Jesus' death
Islam and the Future of Tolerance by Sam Harris
Islam is more believable than Christianity
Islam, ISIS and the Paris attacks
Islamic State ISIS and what we can learn from its atrocities
Israel Schwartz was apparently a Ripper witness
Issa in the Qur'an is not Allah's Son in any form
Issa is not the gospel Jesus so don't patronise Muslims by saying he is
It is abuse to give God to children who are prone to fantasy friends
It is extremist to say a zygote is a person & to kill it is murder
It is futile to say "Objective morality is God". No practical good is done
It is not true the Law of God in the Bible, Torah, no longer applies
It is religions with agendas that "authenticate" miracles
It is selfish to look for divine approval
It is the "meanings" of life not the "meaning"
It should be original neutrality not original sin
It takes religion to make good people do evil
Jack the Magical Ripper? The occult connection?
Jack the Ripper and the suspect who rises above all others
Jack the Ripper the case for a butcher being the murderer?
Jacob Levy as Jack the Ripper?
James was called Jesus' brother by Josephus but why?
Jealousy and when it is okay and when it is not
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower Society
Jensen a theologian speaks on the supposed authority of scripture
Jeremiah the Prophet was yet another fake who Jesus valued
Jesus abused the "word of God"
Jesus according to Irenaeus died an old man!!
Jesus affirmed anti-homosexuality texts in scripture as valid
Jesus and his Church versus animal rights
Jesus and Pederasty in a culture where man-boy sex was rife
Jesus and the Bible err on food science
Jesus and the Egyptian rival he had
Jesus and the misunderstanding that he called for self-love
Jesus and was he the son of man or not?
Jesus approves murderous scripture
Jesus attacked workers in the temple not their employers
Jesus battles with religious charlatans
Jesus being the way does not make him God
Jesus' best miracle causes problems for his resurrection
Jesus' bogus golden rule and its pretence to help
Jesus calls Herod a fox and thus makes a racist slur
Jesus changed wording of Old Testament texts
Jesus Christ was a False Prophet
Jesus Christ was a Jew and a loyal one
Jesus condemned even understandable bible-based traditions
Jesus condemns the prayers of doubters as futile
Jesus' contemporary historian as good as denies his existence
Jesus could have been removed from tomb easily
Jesus' crucifixion not predicted in Psalm 22
Jesus' Crucifixion was revealed in visions!
Jesus degrades a woman or exhibits a foot fetish in Luke 7
Jesus' deluded ideas about gratitude to God
Jesus demands neglect of the vulnerable "sinner" in Matt 18
Jesus denied he was good for only God was good
Jesus did NOT ban stoning adulteress to death in John 8
Jesus did not exist before conception
Jesus did not Live in the First Century
Jesus did not say love yourself
Jesus did not say stoning the adulteress was immoral
Jesus did not start the Eucharist which is a Church invention
Jesus does not care about diagnosing possession
Jesus' enemies could have stolen body
Jesus engages in hate speech against the vulnerable in Mt 23
Jesus forgives sins against God or does he?
Jesus' hate speech led to things such as the KKK
Jesus hates sin as does his Bible
Jesus hates those who are unsaved
Jesus in John 8 never said he saved the adulteress
Jesus in the Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties
Jesus indirectly but firmly rules out same sex marriage
Jesus is a weapon not a role model
Jesus is affirmed as supporter of the evil Moses Law
Jesus is devoid of moral credibility so don't let his followers manipulate you
Jesus is irrelevant to the ordinary person
Jesus is still dead so he is not present in the Mass
Jesus is to blame for not banning stoning women outright
Jesus is understood by some to be anti-religion
Jesus lied that the psalms predicted him
Jesus lived in ancient times according to some evidences
Jesus made self-respect and self-love a sin
Jesus makes out most people will be damned in Hell forever
Jesus Mysteries by Freke Gandy says Jesus was a pagan god
Jesus never came to be crucified
Jesus never purposely contradicted the Law of Moses
Jesus' new religion permits slavery
Jesus picks on the Jews endlessly so why not on other groups?
Jesus planted a seed that led to Islamaphobia and hate
Jesus preaches hate and used sin as an excuse for attacking
Jesus preaches hell torment in Luke 16
Jesus predicted apostasy in Christianity
Jesus ran a cult or an abusing religious group
Jesus resurrection is unpersuasive
Jesus riots in the Temple and exercises violence
Jesus rising in the light of the body not being an individual thing
Jesus said that only the Bible is God's word
Jesus said there is no mercy for those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit
Jesus says keep the Mosaic law down to the finest detail
Jesus should be discarded for he was a racist
Jesus should not be imposed on schools, he's not for everyone
Jesus slandered the Jews to take their safety away
Jesus story was unknown in earliest Church
Jesus teaching is made up and stolen
Jesus the firstborn child of God
Jesus the Man by Barbara Thiering
Jesus tomb may not have existed
Jesus twisted love and that is what he advocated!
Jesus untruthful about his main claim: to be Christ
Jesus upheld a morally defunct religious law
Jesus' useless lying sermon on the mount
Jesus versus ecumenism and his thirst for division
Jesus wants you to hate your parents if they are against him
Jesus was a bigot for affirming his scriptures
Jesus was a liar and it is on record!
Jesus was a slanderer and today would be found guilty of libel
Jesus was a terrible thinker as a moralist
Jesus was an apparition not a man according to some
Jesus was an evil divine command theorist
Jesus was and is the false God of Catholicism
Jesus was buried temporarily maybe?
Jesus was desensitised to religious barbarism and murder
Jesus was hinted to be an apparition or mystical force
Jesus was in league with evil "spirits"
Jesus was pro-Torah as vicious as it was
Jesus was the anticlerical revolutionary of his day
Jesus was the sordid creation of a fake role model
Jesus was thought to have risen as a ghost not a man
Jesus when examined sceptically comes out as a waster
Jesus when he used "I am" did he mean I am God?
Jesus won't affirm a wife is not her husband's property
Jesus, Moses and Joseph Smith, monarchs of the patriarchy
Jewish Antiquities 20 and Jesus' existence
Jews were falsely accused of nailing Jesus to the cross
JIHAD In Islam is about battles not wars
Joanna Southcott, Shiloh, and her sect
John Calvin was a terrorist and "Reformer"
John Loftus and Jesus was a Moral Monster
John the Baptist did not pave way for Jesus
Jordan Peterson and his 12 rules
Jordan Peterson, his 12 rules & ignoring of God and Jesus
Joseph of Arimathea who allegedly got Jesus entombed
Josephus cannot be shown to have heard of Jesus
Josephus did not know of Jesus and did not care
Josephus' material on John is problematic, like the Jesus data
Josephus never testified to Jesus
Josephus recorded apparitions in implicit denial of the Jesus ones
Josephus refuted the reliability of our four gospels
Judas and Jesus and the sop at the supper
Judge sin not sinner hypocrisy
Judging a person who commits suicide
Judging and being judgemental and God
Judging and why we don't like being judged
Jungian thought shows how God is an idol
Justifying a woman's hand being cut off
Justin Martyr and the Memoirs of the Apostles
Justin Martyr did not really know of gospels
Kalam argument and the idea that the universe had a cause
Kant's epistemology asking what are the grounds of belief/knowledge?
Kant's ethics in the light of faith
Kant's ethics or his famous moral philosophy
Karma is the notion that what you send out comes back
Kat Banyard warns us in his The Equality Illusion
Keep a diary and why it is more therapeutic than prayer
Keep supernatural out of the free will doctrine so secularise it
Keller's Making Sense of God on love, it makes anything but sense
King Jesus is the pope, & 'popes' through the pope?
Know all Bible the book that thinks it teaches science
Know what altruism is and why calling it selfless love is not enough
Koran does not really have the Christian Jesus but Issa
Krishna Trilogy by the Hare Krishnas
Kyrios or Lord refers to Jesus but does this early title call him God?
Labels as a distraction from the person's humanity
Law of Attraction says your thoughts come true
Leave the Church if its lies, in a sense it left you anyway
Lee Strobel undermines other disciplines for the sake of theology
Lee Strobel's lies in The Case for Christ
Lessons from Myra Hindley and how God followers view suffering
Lessons from the baby in the burning house
Letter regarding Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ
Letting person die in the thinking of John Paul 2 in 1980
Liar Lunatic and Lord trilemma fails to convince us of Jesus
Liar, Lunatic or Lord of all? Is Jesus for real?
Liberal and Fundie theologian on the Bible
Liberal Catholics need to get out of the Church
Liberal religion facilitates nastiness towards atheists too
Liberal religions want to capture your brain too
Liberals are fundamentalists too, fundamentalism is a spectrum
Liberals, especially religious ones, are so saccharine
Liberty and how freedom must be maximised
Lie that the universe and nature were intelligently designed
Lies about the complimentary nature of science and religion
Lies and guesses are used to prop up the credibility of miracles
Lies in the passion story of Jesus
Life is valuable just because it is life and not because of God
Life is worth living for atheists and for all
Liking a person is self-interest
Limited atonement and- the notion that Jesus did not die for all
Links to criticism of religious truth claims
List of Christian Hypocrisies and it is not exhaustive
List of reasons why belief in a forgiving God is evil
Live your authentic non-religious life
Living together does not ruin the marriage
Living without the Church and why you owe it to yourself
Logic and the Church are not star-crossed partners
Logic proves that arguments for God from creation are futile
Logical fallacies or bad thinking have personal consequences
Logical positivism undermines religious faith
Logical proof from evil that God is impossible
Looking at an attempted definition of religion
Lord's cup versus the demon's cup in the early Church
Lot and Genesis argues how homosexuality is the worst sin
Lourdes miracles show no real respect for medical science
Love has a bad side so why should a loving god mean a great one?
Love of God is intolerant and feeds intolerance
Love of neighbour commanded because silly
Love the person but hate the harm they do?
Love your neighbour as yourself is anti-joy
Lucifer is Jesus? Read the Bible.
Luck rather than prayer is what you really believe in
Luke stole from the writings of Josephus
M Scott Peck wrote the amazing People of the Lie
Mackie and great insights from his Ethics Inventing Right and Wrong
Mackie on Free Will, the philosopher speaks
Magdalene may have told a Jesus lie that mushroomed all over the globe?
Magic is not verified by Quantum Physics
Magic is superstition and harmful in the way uselessness is harmful
Magical thinking is the secret force behind ALL religion
Mahabharata is a Hindu holy work and here's an expert critique
Making from nothing and self-creation
Making sense of God by Keller, is God needed to be good?
Making sense of Jesus' good fruits argument
Man made religious constructs have no validity
Man uses religious lies about objective morality to manipulate
Manipulation is a vice and it is rife in religion
Manmade religion has to lead to lies, errors and lies lead to lies
Many religions are lambs in captivity and lions when able
Many religions just engage in silent sneaky terrorism
Many venial sins make a mortal sin
Many Worlds Interpretation from Science and its Atheist Relevance
Marcion is evidence that early Christianity was a cauldron of myth
Mark 16 enigmas over how this gospel ends
Mark 16:8 is not the abrupt ending it seems to be
Mark Vernon wrote the recommended God the Big Questions
Mark's gospel shows Jesus was a fake exorcising witchdoctor
Mark's Secret Gospel is an embarrassment for Christians
Marriage is a crime against women
Marriage is a very bad idea because...
Marriage is an implicit judgement on sex out of marriage
Marriage is none of the state's business
Marriage the mature understanding
Martha and Mary and Jesus and the better portion
Martin Luther King and his problematic "wisdom"
Marxism is another persecuting wannabe religion
Mary Baker Eddy and her Christian Science refuted by a Catholic
Mary in the Qur'an is not the biblical Mary
Mary is a child mother and that is what the Church praises!!
Mary was only a child and had the right to abort
Mass is the Catholic gas station where the conscience is dulled
Materialism is not the opposite of spiritual
Maths and science go together, they override religious hearsay
Maths and the notion that evil is incomplete good
Matthew 23 is when Jesus rants in sheer hate speech
Matthew Gospel Commands Keeping the Jewish Law
McGrath a theologian critics Papal Infallibility
McGrath book Mere Theology and his absurd faith
McGrath on miracles being seen as violation of nature
Me too! How saying this can ruin listening
Meaning in life is down to your methods
Mechanistic universe cannot be avoided with miracle claims
Medics have no right to conscientious objection in abortion provision
Memories of past lives make us ask how real are they?
Menace of miracles or menace of believing in them
Mercy and justice and yes they do conflict
Messiah means zealot so Jesus was a terrorist
Michael Tooley showed extreme evil makes God implausible
Middlesex Street and the Ripper?
Militant atheism is compassion
Mind over matter? Can thoughts have an effect on objects?
Miracle is a word that means nothing
Miracle is just another name for magic
Miracles accuse God of being an immature show off
Miracles advocate intolerance against critics
Miracles advocate the superstition of the God of the Gaps
Miracles and burden of proof or burden to show plausible
Miracles and contradictions cannot be distinguished!
Miracles and the Burden of Showing they are Persuasive
Miracles and when you should assume trickery
Miracles are attacked from all sides, not just by evidence
Miracles are harmful and irrational to believe in
Miracles as a crutch for the crutch of religious faith
Miracles as a waste of psychic or whatever power?
Miracles backing up contradicting religions
Miracles impossible by definition?
Miracles in the light of the fact that I can prove only me
Miracles need maximal investigation to be believed
Miracles result in the lie of circular arguments
Miracles versus trust in nature
Miracles were laid to rest by David Hume
Miracles wreck attempts to find the supernatural explanation
Miracles: Sceptics & believers must concur what solid evidence is needed
Moderate religion is bad and dishonest and too political
Moderate religion is boring and that encourages extremism
Moderate religion makes it harder to see whose dangerous
Moonies or Rev Moon's infamous Unification Church
Moral bullies tell you to forgive, you only need to deal with the hurt
Moral fictionalism says morality and maybe a moral God is a useful fiction
Moral relativism exaggerates moral disagreements in humankind
Moral Relativism turns us all against each other and is nonsense
Moral subjectivism says morality is only feelings
Moral values for the secularist
Morality and questions of right and wrong
Morality as hate for injustice and cruelty
Morality can make you use I've no other way as an excuse
Morality in the light of circular reasoning, is it a circle?
Morality is an euphemism for necessary evil
Morality is none of God's business and it belongs to us not him
Morality justifies itself and it is self-justified
Morality offers shadows and confusion and is dishonest about it
Morality ought to be fair, loving, etc but the ought is a problem
Morals of the Baha'i faith examined
Morbius movie raises moral questions that affirm atheism
More than one source of morality?
Mortal Questions by Thomas Nagel shows implicit atheism
Mortal sin, the terrifying notion that you can shut God out
Moses a core Bible authority was a False Prophet
Moses gave evil lawbooks and lied they came from God
Moses' law still overrides civil law
Most Catholic doctrine is from Tradition not the Bible
Most misogyny is silent, Jesus' silence was the loudest ever
Most people might be civil but they are not good
Motivational self-deception builds up religion
Motive and how it relates to altruism etc
Motives in the light of altruism egoism and Jesus
Mourning is better than forgiveness
Muhammad affirms that sex is gender and is either man or woman
Muhammad was not a true prophet of any God never mind Allah
Muhammad was not predicted in the Bible
Muncaster on the alleged Bible code
Muslim by Hank Hanegraaff shows Islam has social dangers
Muslim or not, ISIS is a religion
MUSLIM: What You Need to Know regarding Islamic theology
Must your good deeds be somehow forever to matter?
Mutilating the foreskin in the name of religion
My flesh is food indeed says Jesus but he is not referring to Mass
My posts on Building a Bridge to LGBT man Fr James Martin
My thoughts on children's nativity plays
Mysteries around the murder of Mary Kelly Ripper Victim
Mystery doctrines in religion are inherently disrespectful to you
Mystery of God letting evil happen gives insights into psychology
Mysticism is derangement and fanaticism in a cloak
Nastiness of making free will only about good and evil
Natural evil and moral evil and which matters most?
Nazis saturated their degeneracy with prayer and God
NDE or Near Death Experiences are unconvincing
NDEs seem to be projections caused by cultural influence
Neaniskos and Jesus, was he seeking access to young boys?
Near death experiences and Catholicism a critical look
Necessary evil is just everywhere and what that would mean
Necromancy in the form of sinister Catholic prayers to the "saints"
Need for incredible evidence for Christian miracles
Needing God is dangerous and degrading
Needs are not wants and religion and God are not needs
Negative utilitarianism or reducing suffering as much as possible
Neurons and belief and does biology lead to religion?
Neutral? Are some deeds/attitudes actually as bad as they are good?
Neutrality with regard to how we treat others
Never feign membership of or belief in a religion!
New Testament among Dead Sea Scrolls? No.
New Testament contains false prophecy
New Testament Contradictions and lies
New Testament demands credulity
New Testament Evidence Against Miracles of Jesus
New Testament is not Inspired by God or his Word
New York Times Ad by Freedom from Religion Foundation FFRF
Nihilism as in declaring life and everything meaningless
No Church means no misogyny or antisemitism!
No competent psychiatrist commends religion
No compulsion in Islam verse scrutinised
No guards at Jesus' tomb so was he stolen?
No miracle claim is on its own, it is always in a collection
No person has right to grow in a body without being put there
No place for blasphemy laws in a modern society
No priests in the Christian Church are really valid
No real benefit in believing in afterlife
No real pope was known in the church for centuries
No Sacred Cows: David McAfee investigates the supernatural
Nobody has right to judge us not God as bringing evil in
Nobody has the right to say God is right to let you suffer
Nobody would want Catholicism to be true!
Nonbinary rights are human rights
Non-directive counselling does not fit God ethos
Non-Natural Moral Realism examined
Northern Ireland homophobe Iris Robinson slams gay sin
Not responsible for being free
Not true that free will defence motivates good works
Nothing in the Bible says the Church is infallible
Notion of a perfect God is about making you inferior!
Notion that life is a gift from God, undermines respect for life
Notorious Lusk Letter and Jack the Ripper
Numbers 5 and God's hatred of woman
Nun Colette Livermore spurns Mother Teresa
Nuns and clerics take up arms when they are able
Objections to prayer show how disrespectful prayer is
Objections to unconditional election by God who chooses who goes to Heaven
Objective morality and God and circular reasoning
Objective Morality and its element of force
Objective Morality and Mysterious Purpose of God
Objective morality when linked with God is a fallacy
Objectivism and God, Rand as a counter-prophet
Obscure miracles have important lessons to teach us about credulity
Obscure Religions challenged and examined
Occult doctrine that magic has to work with and within nature
Occult hallucination of the resurrection would be nothing unusual
Olympic Park Bomber was driven by faith
On Evil reviewing the superb book by Terry Eagleton
On people who disapprove of gays or LGBT
On Strobel's The Case for Christ
On the hidden and secret gospel of Mark
One thousand years reign of Jesus is forecast in Bible
One Witness? Jesus resurrection
Only consider believing in a miracle when you see it yourself!
Only real Christian is the Jewish Christian so Christians are few
Only troublemakers say they have a right to opinion end of discussion
Only you, not God, not religion, not the state, rule your body
Ontological agnostics try to be neutral on what universe is from
Ontological argument for an evil God
Open theism is turning God into a weak thing!
Oppose religious labelling so stand up for yourself
Oppressive systems use control beliefs as weapons
Ordaining women to serve a patriarch is not feminism
Ordinary believers in Jesus were gullible
Origen and Book 20 of the Antiquities by Josephus
Ossuaries that verify the reality of Jesus or do they?
Our Father/Lord's Prayer is offensive
Outrageous lies that a psalm said Jesus would rise again
Own yourself so don't let religious opinion try to define you
Parents and sex education in school
Parousia the doctrine of the return of Christ
Pascal's Wager and should we take a bet and follow God not atheism?
Patron Saint of Paedophile Priests?
Paul admits there is a big "IF" over Jesus
Paul affirms that if Moses' law is law of land then obey it
Paul and Jesus made same ban on LGBT love-making
Paul contradicted all the gospel story
Paul is the first to decide what Jesus rising means
Paul shows that the gospels tell lies if you turn to his Romans 13
Paul talks as if he knew no Jesus or barely anything about him
Paul the apostle of credulity and opportunist
Paul the first Christian theologian was essentially spurious
Paul wrote that three witnesses needed for Jesus having risen
Peck asks if evil just self-deception at work
Peck tellingly overviews exorcism in his book People of the Lie
Peck wrote Road Less Travelled which has good ideas for atheists
Penal theory of the atonement of Jesus for sin
Pentecostalism in the New Testament
Pentecostalism is full of red flags so beware
Pentecostals and charismatics and the extremism
People matter as people, not as "images" of God
People of the Lie by Peck on responding to evil
People of the Lie, Peck on evil parents damaging their child
People pretend they know what Jesus would want
People who experience their body is not them, not their gender
People who were religious frauds were canonised
Perceiving Knowledge of God or Atheism- makes God improbable!
Person who does not believe in God can be the most charitable
Personhood beginning at conception and twins
Peter Singer Ethics in the Real World 82 Brief Essays
Philippians 2 and the hymn about Jesus as Lord does not say worship him
Philosophers on egoist and altruist motivation
Philosophical Proof for Afterlife does not exist
Philosophy of Religion for A Level
Philosophy of the argument for God from design
Philostratus writes about the other Jesus Apollonius
Pick and mix religionist is a religion to herself or himself
PJ McGrath's excellent but sceptical study of the Jesus miracles
Plot holes and how the gospels offer a resurrection of the gaps
Pope risks violent attacks on abortion provision by calling workers hitmen
Posts on Debunking Christianity
Posts on Psychology Today on religious subjects
Pray to yourself for that is you do anyway!
Prayer and its relationship with fear
Prayer as a way of trying to be in control and feeling in control
Prayer causes war for leaders pray for guidance
Prayer in the light of its arch-enemy, science
Prayer is a form of abusive conversion therapy
Prayer is an attempt to control somebody else's "free will"
Prayer is an insult to the problems of life and to people
Prayer is black magic and is bad occult
Prayer is not about helping people
Prayer is not benevolent despite its trappings
Prayer is not meant to help for God takes no orders
Prayer is programming badness into your mind
Prayer is seeking a result, a show, and why that is terrible
Prayer is to be an addiction and sometimes is
Prayer judges people for asking them to be virtuous is prioritised
Prayer should be good action if anything
Prayer to Abraham? A strange thing from Jesus' horror story.
Prayer to God condones his evil
Prayers in state bodies and state schools
Prayer's role in psychological manipulation
Prayers/spells will pass tests if standards lowered enough
Praying "God your will be done " is infantile submission
Praying for the conversion of sinners
Praying people get sick and harm and die like the rest
Priests saying that Jesus was an only child
Pro-afterlife fallacies and the list should be endless
Probability or evidence in relation to miracles or both?
Problem of evil is really PROBLEMS of evil, there's a fatal problem
Problem of God tolerating evil and the threat to our happiness
Problem of good as in problem of good logic
Problem of Good does not give evidence for God
Problems with knowing or not knowing morality is objective
Process of elimination leads to miracles having no credibility
Process theology on the evolving and the changing God
Prochoice and if any cells in you could just grow into babies you would abort
Prohibition does not work and divine prohibition is even worse
Pro-miracle evidence refuted by little contrary evidence?
Proof for Psychological Egoism
Proof that Christians are Hypocrites
Proof that Jesus' 12 apostles were liars
Proofs for God and question of why something not nothing
Prophecies about Jesus' suffering refuted
Prophecies of Malachy and Columbkille
Prophets did not predict coming of Jesus
Protestant doctrine that Jesus did not die for all sinners but some
Protestant Reformed Doctrine of Unconditional Election
Protestantism struggles with bible only doctrine
Prudence warns you to be cautious with miracle beliefs
Pseudomiracles cannot be distinguished from real miracles
Psychiatry in the book People of the Lie by Peck
Psychokinesis is magic with a deceptive science flavour
Psychological Egoism is irrefutable
Psychology gives us light on prayer and warnings
Psychology Supports Opposition to Free Will
Psychology Today gives light on religious harm
Psychopaths and what they show us about religion and faith
Public speaking and recommendations
Pure evil is a dangerous idea, religion's alternative is as bad
Pure evil, is it necessarily a magical divine or supernatural thing?
Put your religion to the test for your own sake and the vulnerable
Quality evidence is needed for big religious paranormal claims
Queen of Heaven Catholic doctrine may mock the real Mary
Queen said the Holy See helped bring peace to Ireland!
Quest for Miracles is the Quest for Propaganda
Question of the problem of good and problem of evil and which matters?
Question what you believe for it is the only way to be sure you are free
Questioning tradition that there were women at the tomb of Jesus
Questions about how religious buzz can turn you into a terrorist
Questions arise about the truth of the Guadalupe vision
Quietism, extreme passive spirituality and Catholic prayer
Quincey in Skeptical Inquirer says Quantum isn't weird
Quirinius Census Controversy was Luke's gospel wrong?
Qur'an and friendship between people of different religions
Qur'an denies its supposed Messiah was crucified
Qur'an Issa versus Jesus and they are rivals not the same person
Radical Islam shows us why we need to be wary of Christianity
Raelian Movement book named The Latest Message reviewed
Raelian Movement Claims Assessed
Reacting to something is not the same thing as choice or free will
Real love calls God out for plagues and being evil
Real respect for one's opinion
Realistic optimism depends on candour and honesty
Reality will always bring you down with a bump, be real
Reason can work without having free will
Recommended websites to help with researching religion
Reconciliation and forgiveness
Refuting the excuse that Jesus was a man of his time
Reification as in the idea of a spirit being indistinguishable from imagination
Reincarnation better gospel than resurrection
Relativism is thought to behind same sex marriage so is it?
Relevance of Bible teaching that messages from God are errorless
Religion abusing its own is enough to condemn it
Religion admit possibility of natural disaster refuting God
Religion and combined probability
Religion and faith are subtle weapons and can hurt you
Religion and is it a force for good or evil?
Religion and Jack the Ripper 1888 Whitechapel Murders
Religion and Jesus are erected on special pleading
Religion and mixed marriage between different faiths
Religion and same-sex civil partnerships
Religion and science being distinct fails if religion is man-made
Religion and science, methodology or ideology?
Religion and the bystander effect
Religion and the collective ego
Religion blames all humanists in some way for the evil done by a few
Religion blames the patient when its quack cures fail
Religion can be underhand in how it controls you
Religion captures the state and then theocracy happens
Religion condones not knowing why God lets us suffer
Religion does not support your informed religious choice
Religion drove Jack the Ripper to execute innocent women
Religion getting exemptions under the law
Religion has no justified existence
Religion hates a woman's right to choose for it hates women
Religion helps fuel civil wars
Religion hides its true feelings of hate
Religion ignores absurd miracles
Religion in Haidt's The Righteous Mind
Religion instils faith by harming the mind
Religion is a form of avoidance behaviour
Religion is a social construct, labels even more so
Religion is a theatrical placebo and a lived fiction
Religion is a trick for achieving diffusion of responsibility for harm
Religion is about commanding morality and you cannot do that
Religion is about justifying God and not for helping people
Religion is an environment and may not be good for you
Religion is an ingredient of violence, it is like arsenic
Religion is based on rationalising not reasoning
Religion is dangerous when it is a crutch!
Religion is lies and atheism is liberation
Religion is parasitic on politics and embraces its machinations
Religion is passive aggressive role play
Religion is pro-discrimination
Religion lies it sees miracles as divine testimony not human
Religion lies that it battles evil for it only seeks to contain it
Religion looks good by pretending evil members are not members
Religion seen as a crutch threatens freedom of speech
Religion showed zero tolerance for non-Christian Cultures
Religion twists around the evidence against Jesus being holy
Religion uses God to rob you of moral agency and authority
Religion when treated as a stepping stone to peace in the midst of sectarian strife
Religion, faith and spirituality
Religionists Arbitrarily Choose the Miracles They Believe in
Religion's tacit support for IRA speaks louder than the condemnations
Religious advertising on state television must cease
Religious belief makes only a fake reconciliation with science
Religious cognitive dissonance
Religious credulity is harmful
Religious faith is abusive to evidence
Religious faith often gives way to worse faiths
Religious labels even if inapplicable still manage to divide
Religious love has a dark side
Religious people fake humility
Religious self-deception must be rife
Religious tradition is peer pressure from the dead
Remember victims of religious violence
Respect & thinking carefully (reason) are two sides of one coin
Respecting God is self-disrespect
Responsibility and its religious implications
Resurrection is treated stupidly in the Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Resurrection of Jesus comes from a social and religious context lacking credibility
Resurrection of Jesus, like any miracle, is a ahistorical
Rethinking Why I am not a Christian by Russell
Retribution claims you earn suffering for causing suffering
Retribution is revenge in disguise
Revelation from God demotivates truth-seeking
Revelation from God is just an excuse for turning your notions into God's
Review Atheist Universe by David Mills
Review Fr Pat Collin's Freedom from Evil Spirits
Review of Dangerous Illusions by Vitaly Malkin
Review of infallible by Hans Kung
Review of Randi's Prize which alleges sceptics shouldn't dismiss paranormal
Review of The Everlasting Check: Hume on Miracles by George
Review, the book, Why I am a Buddhist
Review: Morality: An Introduction to Ethics by Bernard Williams
Review: Affirming Jesus' Resurrection by JP Holding is full of errors
Review: Doherty on Jesus being a myth in Jesus Neither God or Man
Review: Gleason Archer's lying Encyclopedia Bible Difficulties
Review: Making Sense of God by Timothy Keller
Revise the Christian canon of scripture?
Rewards are not about free will directly
Rewards as a means of exploitation
Rewards punishments do not justify belief in free will
Richard Dawkins raising four major issues
Richard Dawkins should not be called a secular fundamentalist?
Richard Robinson and his timeless work, An Atheist's Values
Richard Swinburne's Principle of Testimony in relation to Christian belief
Right to defect from your religion is a fundamental one
Right to have baptism certificate shredded or amended
Rihanna and Tesco and religious interference
Ripper Letter concerning Joseph Levy
Ripper Letters and Goulston Street Message
Ripper letters may have more value than people realise
Robinson on the state and the perils of equality An Atheist's Values
Robinson writes on human fallibility in An Atheist's Values
Robinson's examination of good in An Atheists Values 1964
Robinson's Treatment of Christ in An Atheist's Values
Roman Catholicism believes in quasi-pardon not pardon
Roman Catholicism is the world's first officially most sectarian religion
Romans 10 hints that Jesus is non-historical
Romans 3 cites Psalm 14 and says nobody at all pleases God
Romans 7 teaches nothing good in man
Rome added its own notions to Jesus' gospel
Royal baptism, the bad example for the people
Salman Rushdie warns against religion
Salvation according to the Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Sam Harris says science can ground morality
Same sex marriage redefines everybody's marriage and that is good
Same sex marriage referendum Ireland
Same-sex Marriage is a human right and must be protected by force
Sample letters for leaving Roman Catholicism
Satanism is another foolish and overly emotional faith
Savita Hallappanavar was murdered by faith in abortion being wrong
Say "I was assigned x religion in childhood" not "I am x"
Saying "God is with you" is blaming the victim
Saying "Somebody else will" as an excuse for hurting others
Saying all are sinners has serious dangers
Saying God sees the good you do is rewarding yourself for it
Saying science without religion is lame is one of the biggest lies
Saying somebody is wonderful and what it says about the speaker
Saying to somebody that they should go to hell
Saying we should believe in hell for we cannot trust Jesus if we don't
Saying your free will justifies God letting you harm is arrogant pride
Scholars on John 8 should admit that Jesus sanctioned murdering women?
Scholars on the non-bodily resurrection of Christ
Scholars use fallacies to rule out resurrection as related to hallucination
Science and Bible Interpretation and the tensions
Science and evidence matter more than faith and theology
Science and how the book Stealing from God treats it
Science and religion conflict on free will
Science and Religion have some stark differences
Scriptures such as the Bible are violent in language/imagery
Secret evil and should we engage in it?
Secular Humanism is worth considering
Secular issues and medical matters
Secular parents and their child
Secular rights are more important than religious rights
Secular sex and why we need freedom from religious prejudices
Secularisation and why we must all advance it
Secularism and confidentiality
Secularism and oaths how can they cohere?
Secularism and religious feasts and symbols
Secularism has different but connected forms
Secularism is a fundamental human right
Secularism, religion and compensation culture
Self idol, the way to be an atheist!
Self-compassion, the foundational value
Self-Confidence comes first and atheism can facilitate it
Self-deception and why it takes great self knowledge to root it out
Self-deception is insincere and there has to be a gut instinct
Self-deception is the toxic power of lying to yourself
Self-gratitude advises you to be grateful to yourself foremost
Self-harming urges can cause religious "faith"
Self-image is the source of happiness
Selfish magic and the reason why magic is anti-social
Selfless Christian love or unrealistic demand? On Agape.
Sentimental tripe of "When you suffer God suffers more"
Seven Types of Atheism by John Gray
Seventh day Adventism is a dubious denomination
Sharing in the evil of religious faith and the harm it does
Shiprah and Push are another pack of Bible lies
Should be: "Why something popped into existence when might not have done"
Should children be exposed to Christianity?
Should only sceptical witnesses of a miracle be checked out?
Should there be an Atheist Identity Politics?
Should we believe in free will for pragmatic reasons?
Should You Believe in Psychics? If not why not?
Sikhs and asking if this religion is credible
Silence when bad beliefs are voiced is promoting them
Simon Magus rivalled Jesus and unlike him had independent testimony
Simon Magus the inspiration behind the Jesus myth?
Sin contradicts "innocent until proven guilty"
Sinister doctrine that we are made in image of God
Sinister side of believing that nothing human pleases God
Sinister teaching of the duty of prayer
Sirach is a false scripture and dangerous to listen to
Sixtus V an Infallible Pope who re-wrote Bible
SLANDER, Hell says you're potentially evil enough to hate forever
So the Pacifist Jesus riots in the Temple and hits people
So-called good is really just necessary evil
Soft determinism is dismissed by all clear thinking philosophers
Solomon the Bible Myth who Jesus thought was real
Some excellent quotes from Robinson's An Atheist's Values
Some experts on the myth of free will
Some New Testament books are forgeries
Some non-religions can still act like intolerant religions
Some sites I like for research
Some things Christians are hypocritical about
Some weak arguments for afterlife from Handbook of Christian Apologetics
Something there when an atheist attends Mass?
Sometimes only the visions give away that the witnesses was using drugs
Sotah 47a accuses Jesus of idolatry and sorcery
Soul is a body-hating and dehumanising religious fairytale
Speak the truth about miracles and the lies and harms
Specified complexity and what has it to do with the Bible?
Spells and the absurdity of thinking that mimicking an event causes it
Spinoza spindoctors the command to love God
Spirit God leads to intolerant concepts
Spiritual and verbal inspiration of scriptures such as the Bible
Spirituality is a seductive psychological disorder
Spontaneous Remission of serious disease
Spot the Pope: Tebaldeshchi or Urban VI?
St Bernadette's miracle corpse is heavily treated with wax
St Bridget of Sweden is a role model for religious schizophrenia
St Elizabeth of Hungary an example of female self-hatred
St Francis Xavier and how his legend parallels Jesus
St Maximilian Kolbe promoted hate of Jews
St Mother Teresa is a faux saint who should be demoted
St Mother Teresa of Calcutta defended a clerical sex abuser
St Paul and Homosexuality in Romans 1
St Paul the loose cannon who only wanted his own view of Jesus
St Saul book gives us shocking lessons about St Paul's inadequacy
St Saul is a book that is truly a Skeleton Key to the Mystery of Jesus
Stages of Evil and how systems and people lure you in bit by bit
Stages of Evil and when people lure you in bit by bit
Stand Firm Resisting the Self-Improvement Craze Svend Brinkmann
Star attraction? Jesus is the only way to peace and God?
Start with suffering if you want to defend God
State or God, whose law potentially can assist liberty?
Stephen Hawking eliminates God
Stephen Hawking lays the god of the gaps habit to rest
Steven Weinberg sees religion as a dangerous placebo
Stoics and suffering and are they okay with suffering?
Stone at tomb of Jesus might have been easy to move
Strawman religion must be avoided and there is a way to test for real Christian belief
Strobel on the Resurrection of Jesus
Strobel The Case for Christ Refuted
Strongest - good or evil? Does evil give way to good always?
Suffering and the Sovereignty of God by John Piper
Suffering as part of life if there is a God
Suffering cannot be given a purpose by God
Suffering could be always punishment from God?
Suffering is something that treats a person as an object, a nothing
Suggesting God MIGHT be blessing you when others starve is heinous
Summary of an excellent atheist book An Atheist's Values
Summary of why being open to miracles is unreasonable/harmful
Supporters of miracle claims are stopping you looking too closely
Survey on belief in the resurrection of Jesus
Survival of the Fittest or most adaptable
Suspect apostles of knowing the truth about Jesus vanished body
Swearing and taking oaths and Jesus
Systematic Theology book says you hate sinner and sin
Tacitus and Nero and the historicity of Jesus
Tacitus shows there was no real data on Jesus Christ
Tacitus' writings altered to support Christ's existence?
Take responsibility for your beliefs
Take theft theory of what happened at Jesus' tomb seriously
Talk about the problem of temptation and not evil
Talmud on Jesus and is it right to cast him in a bad light?
Tamesha Means a victim of the Catholic faith
Telepathy and God and Miracles
Television supposedly a Christian occasion of sin!
Telling the bereaved the dead are okay is dismissing their pain
Temptations of Jesus show he was play-acting
Terms religion, superstition, fundamentalism
Test religion facebook page posts
Thank goodness there is no God!
Thankfully there is no afterlife
The 1906 discovery of a Josephus text on Jesus etc
The alleged powers of the soul
The Amalek Mass Murder that God commanded
The apostle Paul didn't teach bodily resurrection of Jesus
The argument that Christianity is Christ
The argument that Jesus' corpse would have turned up
The argument that you need a God to be grateful to
The atheist can have hope and does have it
The atheist is as sure of God as she or he is of Zeus
The best rules for the most happiness as in rule utilitarianism
The Bible "egalitarian" texts are twisted for political reasons
The Bible and contraception, does it forbid it?
The Bible and the atonement of Christ for sinners
The Bible and the charisms and pentecostalism
The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin is now discredited
The Bible contradicts the doctrine of the Trinity
The Bible corrupts its own text and so is not God's word
The Bible God demands human sacrifice
The Bible God protected violent slavery not just slavery
The Bible is as Evil as Mein Kampf
The Bible is used to condone Roy Moore alleged molestation of girls
The Bible on opinion and the danger of opinion
The Bible versus transgender people
The Bible was altered to fool believers
The Bible, briefly shown to have neither decency or plausibility
The Bigger the Commitment asked the Bigger the Evidence Needed
The bigger the miracle the bigger the evidence fallacy
The Book of Genesis evilly invalidates trans people
The Book of Revelation and the 144,000 saved people
The book, Catholicism and Christianity, on Bible errors
The Case of the Pope shows Vatican corruption
The Catholic Church is not Catholic
The Catholic doctrine that revelation ended with the apostles
The Christian doctrine of justification or getting right with God
The Church does not officially ask for pain relief for late abortion
The Church is mercenary so get away from it
The Church of Christ, Scientist founded by Mrs Eddy
The claim that objective morality needs there to be a God explains nothing
The claim that you have to believe in Hell if you believe in free will
The clergy should be looked at first when evaluating religion
The concept of deserving is useless and vicious
The danger of any faith, especially religious faith
The Dark Box by John Cornwell exposes Catholic confessional
The dark side of equality and equal rights
The dark side of forgiveness especially when its religion based
The Dark Side, Valerie Tarico, Ph.D Christianity exposed
The dark underpinnings of Jesus' "I give you a new command of love"
The desperation of the Churches to hide how Jesus said he was a sinner
The dishonesty of the Catholic priesthood
The doctrine that even if our will is programmed we are still free
The doctrine that Jesus is the Torah, the evil Jewish law
The doctrine that magic is a form of love
The doctrine that the cruel Law of God is written in the heart
The dying and living again Messiah could have been any number of people
The End of Biblical Studies by Avalos shows why it's a fraud
The Enigma of Evil by John Weldon
The Epistles Indicate that the Gospels were NOT Published Early
The epistles of John an insane apostle of Jesus
The evil chapter where Jesus demands that children be murdered
The fires of Hell are literal fires
The first Muslim and how it rules out Jesus as a special prophet
The formal proof that God is disproved by evil
The free will argument for God puts cart before horse
The Gnostic vision of Jesus is 100% non Biblical
The God Instinct by Jesse Bering
The gospel account of the pre-resurrection Jesus is mad
The Gospel of John is Antinomian
The gospels were closed books for the people were illiterate
The gospels were not published early or for general perusal
The huge percentage of atheist scientists
The hypocrisy of the Muslim faith
The hypothetical and what it says about you!
The idea that Catholicism grew more complex because of growing understanding
The identification of Jack the Ripper
The incapacitated and objective morality
The insane doctrine that selfishness is the tormenting hellfire
The insane notion that atheism is a crutch or can be
The irritating argument that Jesus never mentioned homosexuality
The Jesus Code by Grant Jeffrey
The Jesus Inquest by Charles Foster
The Josiah Effect shows how Bible God plants violent seeds
The joy of atheism and how it enriches your life
The Just War Theory and Religion
The Koran is not inspired by any God
The lie that people could enter Jesus' empty tomb
The lie that the Bible only condemns man with boy not man with man
The lies that Jesus rose and why Easter is a shrine to them
The link between boredom and religious extremism
The link between God and free will is not there
The Making of a Modern Exorcist
The mark of baptism on soul idea signifies opposition to equality
The Maths of Creation, 0 made equal to 1
The mercenary side of you is your God
The Messiah who surpassed Jesus in providing evidence see Guglielma
The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris
The Moses story lacks credibility
The motive that led to the formation of Christianity is antisemitism!
The myth of the progressive Catholic
The Necessary Being Argument for God's existence
The necromancy surrounding the raising of Jesus Christ
The need for litigation against the Church
The New Atheism when Atheism made its biggest ever impact
The No True Atheist argument is a version of the No True Scotsman
The notion "End justifies the means" is hardwired into us
The notion of one God being harsh and having a merciful rival
The notion of wishing harm on the sin not the sinner is BS
The origin of the Handbook of Christian Apologetics
The Passover Plot Hugh Schonfield on the demise of Jesus
The path gives meaning to life, not the goal
The place of self-love in Christianity
The Power of Now by Tolle is really hedonism
The power to transcend as a way of looking at free will
The problem of evil in the light of a God who necessarily exists
The problem of how to be grounded in nature so you can recognise a miracle
The Problem Of Right Conduct and applied ethics
The process of elimination teaches us to overthrow religious claims
The Raelian movement makes grave misuse of the Bible
The real Krishna, the truth about a god man
The rejection of supernatural ideas in naturalism
The rights of sex-workers and why we should protect them
The Ripper's manual was the Bible!
The sacrament of marriage is a scandal
The Satanic Bible by Anton La Vey
The self-esteem gospel is lies, Jesus did not affirm self-love
The Shepherd of Hermas casts light on early Christianity
The sick porn of the Bible influenced Jack the Ripper
The simple truth is that Jesus is not God!
The sin heresy and why sin is heresy in psychology
The sin of doubt forbids you to step outside your faith and check it
The state must not validate Church marriage
The Statehood Test for Holy See From the Case of the Pope
The story of the Witch of Endor raising the prophet Samuel
The stupidity of Justin Martyr annuls his case for Jesus
The surprising truth about morals and their opposition to Gods
The sweet but hateful teaching of St Paul on love or charity
The teachings of Silvanus and the Gospels
The terror of clericalism in Catholic cultures
The theory that we are one person in many bodies
The tradition of praying to Jesus is an invention
The trials of Jesus is replete with lies
The Trick Question of religion on why something not nothing?
The trolley problem really does show that morality is just a prejudice
The Truth about Fundamentalism
The truth about the evil Hindu God Krishna
The Truth About The Gita – by Narla, Review
The truth about the God-shaped hole
The Truth behind the Bible Code by Satinover
The war between secularism and religion is mainly a cold war
The worship of God is really just hiding self-interest
Theism is Bad for Mental and Emotional Health
Theodicies are excuses for divine neglect examined one by one
Theofascism and why it's oppressive to love God most
Theologians make us wonder if they are rational or just careerists
Theology responds to Logical Positivism
Theorising about evil having an answer if there is a God is cruel
Theoterrorism is a curse and why all religion has this trait
Therapy and the need to protect the child from religion
There are grave concerns with what prayer says about God's character
There are two essential claims about why God should let evil happen
There can't be two rival gods explaining good and evil
There is a God by Antony Flew former atheist turned Deist
There is a God, Flew's book reviewed
There is a good side to having no answer for suffering
There is more to right and wrong than mere choice?
There is no evidence at all for sanity
There is no original sin in your baby
There is no point in believing in free will
There is no real case for trusting the New Testament
There is no right to have your child baptised
There would be no Hell if there were no God
There's no evidence for God so he will not give us gift of evidence!
Thiede's Nonsense that gospel fragments are dated too late
Thinking about miracles as a sceptic
Thinking with the big questions, God, morality, meaning etc
Those ancients who said the evidence for Jesus was scanty
Those who call you offensive may be only trying to shut you up
Those who say harmful acts are pure evil
Thoughts about Jesus' prophecy of the end of the Temple
Thoughts on an Islamist terrorist couple
Thoughts on atheism in the book, Stealing from God by Turek
Thoughts on morality and David Hume
Thoughts on the notion that good is a property
Three forms of faith according to Kurtz
Three Jameses in the New Testament inc a brother for Jesus
Ticking the wrong Census box can embolden religion against LGBT
Time the healer makes us ask if its power is overrated
Timothy and Titus letters and their "evidence" for Jesus
Tips about how to make reason attractive
To accuse a child of being hostile to God is reprehensible
To hate the harm done is not the same as hating sin
Top philosopher denies afterlife, Flew's There is a God
Top philosopher Flew on the cosmological argument
Top theologians show Christian teaching on free will is nonsense
Toxic faith and religious addiction
Toxic faith book warns of the structures that arise from such faith
Toxic Faith book, non-toxic faith?
Toxic Jesus is a book that argues that many Jesuses are harmful
Toxic positivity is a form of harmful faith
Toxic Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Trans and being born in the wrong body or with wrong parts
Truth about Christian testimonies that God has life-changing power
Truth about Jesus and underage sex
Truth is real and you need it to be and is not just opinion
Truth is what you have to conform to and is not about you
Try to be more accurate in things for you only bring others trouble
Trying to make science avoid refuting God fails with NOMA
Trypho denies the existence of Jesus
Turek Stealing from God is getting an atheist's review
Turin Shroud and crown of thorns
Twenty arguments for God refuted
Two forms of religious mystery outlined plus their perfidy
Two understandings of free will as power to choose good
Two Views of the Book of Abraham the Mormon Scripture
Two ways atheists can use evil against people loving God
U.S. versus Ballard and what it says about church and state
UKIP in the UK wants Muslims to repudiate violent scriptures
Ulterior motive believers have for faith in God
Unbaptised babies banned from Heaven
Unconditional love is pretentious bullshit and harmful
Understanding your right to freedom from religion
Unethical preachers proclaim Heaven as a gift from God
Universal Life is an interesting German Cult
Universally Preferable Behaviour may replace morality?
Unpacking the things people say
Use Occam's Razor against miracle claims
Using control beliefs to manipulate people into "control faith"
Using God as prop to validate morality is not validating morality
Using prayer to force God to do your will
Using the right pronouns to affirm trans or genderless or genderfluid or nonbinary
Utilitarianism is one of the great moral theories?
Vacuous to follow Jesus if he left no writings at all!
Vain attempts to raise the dead in physical mediumship
Vain inclusion, it is polite bigotry to make pronouns only about manners
Vain notion that you can't trust thinking if supernatural isn't real
Validation of LGBT relationships is a not an option but a duty
Value-free education and the claim that we have a hunger for values
Vanity of saying tragic unbaptised children are God-free
Vatican Norms for assessing if Apparitions are from God
Venial sin doctrine is and leads to hypocrisy
Verifying that child baptism is for one thing only, indoctrination
Verifying that religion is an anti truth crusade, an ideology
Very late date of the First Gospel Mark
Vicka was caught faking at Medjugorje and lied afterwards
View that miracles will be as common as daisies soon
Violence in the Koran is glorified and endorsed by its God
Violence is implicit in praying for people not to be LGBT!
Visions of Medjugorje are lies
Visualisation is a form of magic with the embarrassment hidden
Vittorio Micheli is lied about as a Lourdes cure with a regenerated hip
Vulnerable endangered woman is put under threat by Jesus
Wanting and needing are often confused in this me me me world
War heroes when acclaimed by religion
Was Christianity set off by death cult cranks?
Was Elizabeth Stride really a Ripper Victim?
Was Empty Tomb of Jesus a Legend
Was God head of state in Israel?
Was Hume advancing an overly dogmatic worldview?
Was Jesus bipolar or approaching this disorder?
Was Jesus buried in the first place?
Was Jesus debunked by sceptics of his day?
Was Jesus in the first story killed in another world?
Was Jesus promising the apostles clairvoyance would guide them who to forgive?
Was Jesus prophesied by the Old Testament God? No!
Was Jesus really baptised in the Jordan?
Was Jesus reported to be contemporary with mythical Noah?
Was Jesus rescued from the tomb? Was he buried alive?
Was Jesus the Prophet predicted by Moses?
Was Jesus wiser than Solomon as he boasted?
Was Mary a literal virgin? It is not clear
Was the real location of Jesus' tomb lost forever for it was a secret?
Was the resurrection history or revelation?
Was there a tomb for Jesus to be buried in or is that a lie?
We all have faith, so what do we need miracles for?
We are inherently and biologically liars according to science
We have the right to doubt things & miracles especially
Weak psychological egoism and the case for it
Were gospel stories put into Trypho by fraudsters?
Were the women hallucinating visions at Jesus' tomb?
What are Affirmations and do they really help?
What causes religion to harm more than anything else?
What decree do we count from for the 70 weeks prediction?
What does eating body of Jesus actually mean?
What does evil mean? How understanding it furthers atheism
What does it mean to say Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit?
What does the Bible say about the afterlife?
What earthquakes say about prayer
What I Believe by agnostic former priest Anthony Kenny
What I posted to Equality Commission against Ashers Bakery
What if an atheist sees evil as unreal or a lack?
What if both parents object to their baby's baptism?
What if evil say even if it is a power is vague and cloaks itself?
What If I just Believe in My Own Free Will?
What if your children lived when people kept Bible stoning laws?
What is a basic belief? When evidence is not everything.
What is a sect and how many different kinds of sect are there?
What is God and are definitions any good?
What is my essence? What is the I?
What is off-putting in faith in God and its supposed healthiness
What is part of the Christian attraction?
What is the free will defence?
What is the worst theory for how things came to be?
What Jesus is referred to in Josephus?
What kind of man was the Ripper?
When a person is abused by being conditioned they can go violent
When autism leads to moral responsibility and religion problems
When believers treat human suffering as a numbers game
When cherrypickers say they believe in the core concepts
When Christians revere the stoning texts of the Bible
When ego not God answers your prayer
When faith and religion are toxic
When God does not agree with himself, contradictions in scripture
When Hitchens told Frank Turek religion was the only evil
When holy books record evil things are they celebrating them?
When Jesus went out of his way to erase LGBT
When Muslims go to Islamist terrorist funerals
When my prayers comfort me or do they?
When praying for the sick is more important than treating them
When religion feeds relativist tyranny
When religion gets offended ...
When religious faith becomes toxic
When saying that suffering is without meaning is considered to be worse than suffering itself
When terrorists look saintly and like they are ready for God
When the Catholic Church says, "I absolve you..."
When the worship of God is just selfish
When trans are in the wrong sexed gendered existence
When we can grow babies outside the body in artificial wombs
When you cease to love God, you will love somebody else instead
When your atheism becomes your faith
Where the soldiers allegedly guarding Jesus' corpse Romans?
White privilege is worsened by Christian faith
Who are you to tell a sufferer it is for a reason?
Who is the anointed one in Daniel's prophecy? It's not Jesus!
Who really killed John the Baptist?
Who really wrote the Book of Revelation?
Why 1 absurd miracle that is real demolishes all miracles
Why apostle saying Jesus rose for he would not lie is not an argument!
Why argue against a God you do not believe in?
Why atheism is a form of strength and the best form
Why be moral? It leads to loads of questions
Why Christianity is martyrdom glorifying and dangerous
Why did Paul not know of Jesus' basic teaching?
Why did the demons evangelise for Jesus?
Why did the gospel writers not want us to know who they were?
Why do people believe and get addicted to miracle wonders?
Why do people lie that religion is good?
Why do so many good holy people make the best evildoers?
Why do some faiths do specific harms that others don't do?
Why do we have to hate the sin? Can't God just forgive to save us the trouble?
Why do we judge and condemn wrongdoing?
Why does Paul never distinguish Jesus from a myth?
Why does trying to ground morality in God matter?
Why eternity makes the idea of God being the necessary being absurd
Why evil and suffering gives birth to atheism
Why existence of Napoleon and Jesus cannot be equally refuted
Why first communion is bad for children and society
Why forgive your enemy or those who have harmed
Why giving a sweet to a child is better than a day of prayer
Why God belief is unrelated to analytic or synthetic statements
Why God will not accept the Catholic Mass as worship
Why having free will does not mean you have it to please a God
Why I should not be afraid of a God!
Why is Brigham Young University called after a racist?
Why is God the same as morality? There is no answer.
Why is the figure Issa mistaken for Jesus in the Quran?
Why is the whore of Babylon said to be drunk on blood?
Why is there something rather than nothing? We know it is not God!
Why it is dangerous to think faith in man's word is faith in God
Why it is evil to be accused of having and abusing free will
Why it is oppression to protect trans just because they are few
Why it is selfish to say God uses suffering to train us
Why Jesus never existed and the plots were stolen from others
Why Josephus did not write a testament about Jesus
Why leave the Roman Catholic Church?
Why LGBT who do not identify as Catholic should tick no religion
Why live and why be happy and why suffer?
Why magic is more ethical than prayer
Why miracles cannot be believed even if they do happen
Why mysteries of religion and physics do not compare
Why oppose ALL religion especially organised religion
Why Papal Infallibility is a Hoax
Why Quantum Mechanics Is Not So Weird After All
Why religion says we must risk condoning what God does to us
Why sincere religion will not pay taxes
Why some try to make out Jesus' two big commands disagree
Why something & not nothing in the light of intelligent design
Why something not nothing? Is it scientifically relevant?
Why something not nothing? Should we ask how instead?
Why something rather than nothing? Intelligible question?
Why something rather than nothing? It's an evasion
Why Suffering? A silly Christian book
Why swearing on the Bible is vain and useless
Why telling somebody you experienced a miracle is about ego
Why the religious crutch is bad and risky
Why The Righteous Mind by J Haidt undermines religion
Why theologians need to stop pontificating on medicine and law to declare Jesus dead
Why truth matters and error only matters for refutation!
Why were no priests whistleblowers about clerical abuse?
Why would God give one free will?
Why would God heal one person and not another?
Why would you want to believe that magic or miracle is real?
Why you would expect determinists to be nice!
Wicca and Witchcraft for those who prefer fiction to fact
Wicca the real story about its origins
Wicked excuses for God letting bad things happen to us
Wilful ignorance is espoused by bigots of religion
Will anybody turn evil in a bad situation? Hitler is in all of us.
Will determinism, the denial of free will, destroy morality?
Will religion never disappear from the earth?
Witches and the Occult and the dark side
Witches are not the Old Religion
With religious belief comes responsibility
With the God question, what is the default belief or beliefs?
Without God/religion you will fill the void with something harmful?
Without the consent of the Church and papal infallibility
Women have the right to abortion
World Upside Down by Melanie Phillips book review
Worldwide Church of God on current validity of Moses' evil law
Worship of God is the worship of an idol in your head
Worship of God is worship of his inventors by proxy!
Would Jesus have been buried in Nazareth?
Would thieves have left Jesus' grave cloths behind?
Yearning for and having faith in the afterlife led Janzen to kill
You are a liar once you give opinions/data with poor evidence
You can beat religious fanatics but you have to blame their faith too
You cannot derive an ought from an is
You cannot judge if a person is a relativist
You cannot separate sin and sinner
You do not have the right to get baby baptised
You do not need God to be good!
You don't always need to forgive, just walk away
You must be better than God when you can speak for him
You need to know the truth about hate
You only assume a miracle witness is right
Your Golden Rule Jesus is a sign of your virtue-signalling
Your right to lead and guide people away from religion
Zalmoxis seems to be a Jesus before Jesus?
Zero fanaticism please so don't be saying it is all for God
Zoning in how arguments for religious faith are too insufficient
Zoning in on a little known fact that Jesus directly caused infant deaths
Zoning in on two forms of egoism or the claim that it is really about me