The Roman Catholic Church follows the Bible as the word of God. But it is not from the Bible alone that the Church gets its doctrines. The vast majority of Catholic teachings are not in the Bible.  Catholic teaching is that tradition alone is enough.  That is bad news for those who say past teachings can be contradicted! "Although the Catholic Church has no wish to suppress or destroy the Bible, she does not regard it as necessary. Here we come to an impression which is not without some grounds for it. Indeed, Catholic apologists themselves have stressed the fact that even if the Bible should suddenly perish from the earth, through some great calamity, it would not affect one single doctrine of the Catholic Church nor imperil her existence. It is to be noted that such a loss would, in the estimate of Catholics, be a great calamity. They regard the possession of the Bible as a very great blessing. At the same time, they declare that the Bible is not necessary to the existence of the Catholic Church or to the continuance of her mission to mankind; and it is that which needs to be understood" - Fr Leslie Rumble.

The Church allegedly has made a new teaching that God used evolution to make man and woman.  That is not in the Bible.

The new doctrine that the Bible has errors is totally contrary to the Bible which claims that God wrote it as well as men.

The new doctrine that capital punishment is wrong except in very rare and unusual circumstances is totally contradictory to the Bible which is very liberal with it and claims divine authority for this liberalism.

The new doctrine that homosexuality is of unknown origin is contrary to the Bible which says in Romans 1 that the urge is granted to people as punishment for sin and the Old Testament makes no exceptions to the rule that homosexuals caught together in the act must be put to death.

The doctrine that God is a spirit in the Greek philosophy sense of being a substance with no parts or components is contrary to the Bible which only says that God cannot be seen and is like the wind or breath.

The doctrine that the pope is the successor of Peter, that Peter was the first pope, that Peter was the first bishop of Rome, that the pope is infallible and that the pope is the head of the Church is not to be found in the Bible.

The doctrine that the Church has the power to be infallible is not in the Bible. At most, the Bible may merely say that there will always be true Christians on the earth.

The doctrine that baptism in water is for children, puts them into the Church and forgives their sins and their original sin is not in the Bible.

The doctrine that baptism is obligatory and saves the soul is not in the Bible.

The doctrine that priests turn bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ and perpetuate the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross at Calvary at Mass is not in the Bible.

The doctrine that Jesus was God and conceived without sperm is not in the Bible.

The doctrine that Mary was conceived without original sin and never sinned and had no children but Jesus and was taken to Heaven after she died body and soul is not in the Bible.

The doctrine that we must pray to the angels and saints is not in the Bible.

The books the Catholic Church added to the Bible such as Tobit do not match the standard left by the Bible for determining if a book is the word of God.

The Bible does not teach that there are seven sacraments or that a priest can get a piece of the sacrament of holy orders while the bishop gets the whole – bishops and presbyters or ministers are much the same in the Bible.

The Bible does not teach that priests can forgive sins and should hear the confessions of the people or that the people should confess in detail to the priest and not in general.

It does not teach that good works are necessary for salvation.

It doesn’t teach purgatory where you go if you die without your sins being totally wiped out.
These are some of the doctrines that are not in the Bible. In fact there are far more than that. But where did the Church get them from? It got them from tradition.

Tradition is the word of God as well as the Bible according to the Church. Tradition can be reasoned out from existing doctrine or the Bible or it can simply be what the Church says it always did or believed. The latter was the Church’s excuse for claiming that Mary went bodily up to Heaven to live forever there as Queen which is not to be found in the first or second century of the Church or in the Bible. Even worse "there is little evidence of the Mary cult during the first four centuries of the Christian era" (page 42, The Cult of the Virgin Mary, Psychological Origins, Michael P Carroll, Princeton, New Jersey, 1986). Obviously the Church can do without tradition written down which opens the way for it to teach what it wants and say it was something revealed by God. It based many doctrines on written evidence of tradition in the past that turned out to be fraudulent such as the Donation of Constantine which gave power to the bishop of Rome and led to the formation of the papacy. If we can prove that Catholic tradition is unreliable or forbidden by the Bible or contradicts itself then clearly most of Catholicism’s doctrines are false or unworthy of belief.
The Christian gospel is intended for everybody though that doesn’t imply that all will be called by God into the Church and to be saved.  Christ commanded that the gospel be taught to all creation. The apostle said that God is a God of clarity not confusion. Now if this is so, to have another word of God that depends on oral tradition and a huge volume of writings from the first century down to the papal encyclicals of today is totally contradicting the gospel. We must remember that theologians always have disagreed.  They disagree sharply about what is genuine tradition and how to interpret it and that the Church is only loosely united – it is made up of disagreeing schools of thought.

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