A Christian refutes Utilitarianism

A complete case against miracle believing

A good Catholic refutation of Christian Science cures

Aleister Crowley is another revelation and religion fantasist

An examination of coincidence and its exploitation by religionists

An example of Christians in good standing defending genocide

Anger over alleged ethical mores leads to groups hating each other

Being complicit in religious evil and deception

Believers project the condoning of evil unto God

Build the Community not the Religion

Calling evil a problem is insulting and unfeeling

Caring only for what God thinks of you is unhealthy

Catholic teaching endorses sexual immorality

Catholicism says it is Comforter of the Afflicted? Nay!

Christ is God is a silly book and Jesus was not God in any shape

Christadelphians, a selfish fanatical cult

Christian List of Bible Books is Wrong

Christian Missions are exposed as bad

Christian Registrars and gay civil partnership ceremonies

Christian Science is a cult that can have fatal consequences

Christianity incites to hatred and weaponises hate already there

Christianity is just another false religion of false gods

Christianity is Not Great shows God belief wrecks morals

Christianity is not Great, Edited by John Loftus

Christianity is racist privilege built on the bodies & blood of slaves

Christians lie that they think free will excuses how God lets sin happen

Christmas Story Refuted so goodbye cribs and angels

Church confesses Jewish Law in force

Circumcision as an act of worship

Circumcision commanded by Bible God

Circumcision is falsely said to be a picture of baptism

Citizens for the Ten Commandments needs robust refutation

Civility does nothing to show a religion is good enough

Clifford and James and Pascal on Faith

Coherence theory of truth and miracles

Collective responsibility is a reason for walking from religion

Colossians 3 teaches a non-historical Jesus

Common Ground between religious believers & sceptics

Comparing religion and atheism

Comparing yourself to others says things about you

Compatibilism is a dud and fails to defend free will as true

Competing claims ruin the credibility of Jesus' claims

Conditioning is a burden we all suffer from especially children

Contraception and family planning in Christian fundamentalism

Contradictions in the stories about Jesus coming back from the dead

Control Beliefs and why you need to base them on solid evidence

Control beliefs in the light of morality

Core Attitudes for atheists

Corinthians by Paul hints at Jesus death myth

Corrupting effect of relationships with God

Council Prayers need to be banned in this secular world

Courtesy and Religion

Creation and the doctrine that evil is not real

Creation and the problem of good

Creation by God is illogical

Creation context needs to be affirmed to allow you to recognise a miracle

Creation implies an evil God

Creation is not an alterative view to naturalism

Creation is only real miracle and no miracle can be shown to be creation

Creation science is theology pretending to be science

Creationism is not science

Criticism of Religion and showing its power to harm

Criticism of using universally preferred behaviour instead of morality

Critics of the New Atheism are unfair and uninformed

CS Lewis tries to exploit our love of justice to persuade us God exists!

Cumulative Argument for Miracles

Cure for credulity among the religious and superstitious

Current Religious Wars show religion remains a threat

Dangers and threats posed by the religious crutch

Dangers in using religion or faith as a crutch

Did Clement of Rome know of the gospels?

Did the early Christians murder for God?

Differences Atheism and Christianity

Do gospels really aim to complement each other?

Do the dead walk alongside us?

Doctrine of Creation by God from nothing is a guess

Does it make sense to say God plans randomness?

Dubious Catholic booklet on existence of Jesus

Evidence that Jesus never died on the cross

Evil not a sin when you do it for God's purpose

Faith in God condones his evil and his letting evil happen

God and condoning your own suffering

God as creator is impossible

God is Bad for your Health!

God wants babies and men abused by religious circumcision

Greed of Roman Catholic priests

Hell is a morally redundant idea and a lie

How faith insinuates you are to blame for your life problems

Ignore all non-cross-examined miracle claims

Is circular reasoning of any use at all?

Is it true you cannot prove something (like God) doesn't exist?

Jesus and his Church versus animal rights

Jesus' Crucifixion was revealed in visions!

John Calvin was a terrorist and "Reformer"

Love of neighbour commanded because silly

Mary Baker Eddy and her Christian Science refuted by a Catholic

Medics have no right to conscientious objection in abortion provision

Miracles and contradictions cannot be distinguished!

Miracles as a crutch for the crutch of religious faith

Miracles result in the lie of circular arguments

Mutilating the foreskin in the name of religion

Near death experiences and Catholicism a critical look

Need for incredible evidence for Christian miracles

Oppressive systems use control beliefs as weapons

Prayer as a way of trying to be in control and feeling in control

Prayer is not meant to help for God takes no orders

Proof that Christians are Hypocrites

Question of the problem of good and problem of evil and which matters?

Religion and combined probability

Religion and same-sex civil partnerships

Religion and the collective ego

Religion condones not knowing why God lets us suffer

Religion is dangerous when it is a crutch!

Religion seen as a crutch threatens freedom of speech

Religious credulity is harmful

Secularism, religion and compensation culture

St Francis Xavier and how his legend parallels Jesus

The argument that Christianity is Christ

The book, Catholicism and Christianity, on Bible errors

The Church is mercenary so get away from it

The Church of Christ, Scientist founded by Mrs Eddy

The clergy should be looked at first when evaluating religion

The desperation of the Churches to hide how Jesus said he was a sinner

The dishonesty of the Catholic priesthood

The Maths of Creation, 0 made equal to 1

The place of self-love in Christianity

The terror of clericalism in Catholic cultures

The war between secularism and religion is mainly a cold war

There are grave concerns with what prayer says about God's character

Top philosopher Flew on the cosmological argument

Turin Shroud and crown of thorns

Using control beliefs to manipulate people into "control faith"

View that miracles will be as common as daisies soon

Was Jesus reported to be contemporary with mythical Noah?

We are inherently and biologically liars according to science

What does it mean to say Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit?

When a person is abused by being conditioned they can go violent

When cherrypickers say they believe in the core concepts

Why Christianity is Useless

Why is there something rather than nothing? We know it is not God!

With the God question, what is the default belief or beliefs?

Would thieves have left Jesus' grave cloths behind?

You cannot separate sin and sinner

Your right to lead and guide people away from religion







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