A philosopher shows that God is just a guess
Absurdity of forgiving yourself
Antisemitist Christianity forgives evil Hitler for his antisemitism
Argument for free will from desire for revenge
Baptise in name of Father Son and Spirit ??? What is the problem?
Baptism and forced "membership" of the Church
Baptism is open to being forced on babies & intellectually different
Can have free will but be unable to sin!
Changing moral principles when it suits? Can morality be fluid?
Christianity says forgiving is not natural
Dangerous doctrine of free will
Do I have to forgive attacks on others not just on me?
Do we choose our beliefs or not?
Doctrine that evil is not real denies that we have free will
Does God force damnation on people?
Don't assume the fundamentalist definition is clear
F L O A T E R stands for rules for evaluating claims
False prophecies of the miraculous medal visionary Catherine Laboure
Fighting Words gives us Avalos assessment of Islam
Fighting Words: Origins Of Religious Violence by Professor Hector Avalos
Finetuned universe? Thus is there a God?
Flew and Christianity and how impossible that faith is
Flew's Falsification Principle that diminishes religious claims
Food Taboos in Religion are revealingly stupid
Forcing people to hear the gospel versus forced conversion
Forcing religious people to do same sex weddings
Forgive but yet punish is not a workable idea and is foolish
Forgiveness and gratitude are co-dependent
Forgiveness is for the evil person's sake only
Forgiveness is incoherent especially when God is affirmed
Forgiveness is often confused with healing of the past
Forgiveness is pro-atheism and atheists know how to do it right
Forgiving enemy for God's sake is problematic
Forgiving for the sake of the enemy is anti-victim
Forgotten sins and can a god pardon them?
Forgotten sins are a source of spiritual terror?
Fortune-telling deserves opposition from atheists and the Church
Foundation errors expose Jesus story as false
Free will accuses you of creating evil so it's a slander
Free will and altruism and egoism
Free will and altruism are a dangerous marriage
Free will and Christian belief
Free will and desire and the inconsistencies
Free will and the denial that evil is a real thing or choice
Free will argument refutes, not defends, God
Free will because of God implies miracles not needed
Free Will Defence and Population
Free Will Defence is evil for it blames
Free will if it exists is about power not morality as such
Free will if it's real or not makes no difference today
Free will is an untrue doctrine and lacks support
Free will is not a gift from God
Free Will is not a theory but a harmful dogma or doctrine
Free will is not freedom from control if there is a God so it's useless
Free will is not supported by consciousness
Free will says love is voluntary but that is not clear
Free will to sin is a wholly unwarranted theory
Free will, what does it mean? Is it about the kind of person I am?
Free will, what does it really mean?
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right
From my Discus comments against religion
Fruits argument and life-changing grace from God
Fundamentalism of Pope John Paul II
God belief has me virtually forgive things I have no right to
God should have a force-field around us
God should trick you to think you have free will
God wants us to use our free will to suffer with others in compassion
Hate speech alert, "Fool says in his heart that there's no God"
If virtue is in the mind then is free will a myth?
Is a miracle a freak law of nature?
Is being forced by God to repent any good?
Is free will a joy or a necessary evil?
Is free will about spiritual stuff only?
Is it your place to forgive what was done to others
Islam and the Future of Tolerance by Sam Harris
It is abuse to give God to children who are prone to fantasy friends
Jesus and the Bible err on food science
Jesus calls Herod a fox and thus makes a racist slur
Jesus the firstborn child of God
List of reasons why belief in a forgiving God is evil
Miracles wreck attempts to find the supernatural explanation
My flesh is food indeed says Jesus but he is not referring to Mass
My posts on Building a Bridge to LGBT man Fr James Martin
Nastiness of making free will only about good and evil
Not true that free will defence motivates good works
People who were religious frauds were canonised
Psychology Supports Opposition to Free Will
Reason can work without having free will
Review Fr Pat Collin's Freedom from Evil Spirits
Roman Catholicism believes in quasi-pardon not pardon
Secularism is a fundamental human right
Should we believe in free will for pragmatic reasons?
Some experts on the myth of free will
Some New Testament books are forgeries
The dark side of forgiveness especially when its religion based
The first Muslim and how it rules out Jesus as a special prophet
The formal proof that God is disproved by evil
The free will argument for God puts cart before horse
The insane doctrine that selfishness is the tormenting hellfire
The power to transcend as a way of looking at free will
The Truth about Fundamentalism
There is a God, Flew's book reviewed
There is no point in believing in free will
Top philosopher denies afterlife, Flew's There is a God
Top theologians show Christian teaching on free will is nonsense
Two understandings of free will as power to choose good
What is the free will defence?
Why first communion is bad for children and society
Why having free will does not mean you have it to please a God