All information about Jesus comes from his propagandists
And the gates of Hell shall never prevail lies Jesus
Anti-semitic Christians try to water down Jesus' Jewishness
Argument that Evil refutes God is not necessarily hating him
Atheism is atheisms and is atheism essentially a lack of belief?
Being prayed for makes no difference
Bible did not predict that God would become man
Bible knows nothing of the sacraments, Church made them up
Body resurrection talk was normal and gave rise to the empty tomb legend
Catholic Church added books to the Bible for propaganda reasons
Christian and Muslim Terrorists are still Christian and Muslim
Christians in combat against heresy and sin
Disbelief in God because there is no evidence
Doctrine: put beyond the reach of reason & evidence
Everybody sins according to the Bible
Evidence for miracles has no hope of being conclusive
Evidence that the New Testament was hidden
Findings that nail the tomb and shroud of Jesus
Friedrich Neitzsche and the afterlife
God's direct evil and the notion that evil is unreal
If gospels lie then why no lies that Jesus was seen rising?
If there could be a God, what issues are there around necessary evils?
If there is no eternal hell is there no free will?
If you are not reasoned into faith can you be reasoned out of it?
Is it true that there are no accidents?
Is morality, moral rules, a necessary evil? Yes
Is the calling up of Jesus a cover for Necromancy?
Is the lack of good always evil?
Jesus lied that the psalms predicted him
Jesus' new religion permits slavery
Morality can make you use I've no other way as an excuse
Morality is none of God's business and it belongs to us not him
My thoughts on children's nativity plays
Natural evil and moral evil and which matters most?
NDE or Near Death Experiences are unconvincing
Neaniskos and Jesus, was he seeking access to young boys?
Necromancy in the form of sinister Catholic prayers to the "saints"
Needing God is dangerous and degrading
Negative utilitarianism or reducing suffering as much as possible
Neurons and belief and does biology lead to religion?
Neutrality with regard to how we treat others
Never feign membership of or belief in a religion!
New Testament contains false prophecy
New Testament Contradictions and lies
New Testament demands credulity
New Testament Evidence Against Miracles of Jesus
New Testament is not Inspired by God or his Word
New York Times Ad by Freedom from Religion Foundation FFRF
Nihilism as in declaring life and everything meaningless
No compulsion in Islam verse scrutinised
No miracle claim is on its own, it is always in a collection
No priests in the Christian Church are really valid
No Sacred Cows: David McAfee investigates the supernatural
Nonbinary rights are human rights
Non-directive counselling does not fit God ethos
Non-Natural Moral Realism examined
Not responsible for being free
Numbers 5 and God's hatred of woman
Only consider believing in a miracle when you see it yourself!
Prophets did not predict coming of Jesus
Questioning tradition that there were women at the tomb of Jesus
Religion and science being distinct fails if religion is man-made
Religion has no justified existence
Religion looks good by pretending evil members are not members
So-called good is really just necessary evil
Thankfully there is no afterlife
The Catholic doctrine that revelation ended with the apostles
The dark underpinnings of Jesus' "I give you a new command of love"
The Necessary Being Argument for God's existence
The New Atheism when Atheism made its biggest ever impact
The No True Atheist argument is a version of the No True Scotsman
The problem of evil in the light of a God who necessarily exists
The Truth About The Gita – by Narla, Review
There is no original sin in your baby
There is no real case for trusting the New Testament
There is no right to have your child baptised
There would be no Hell if there were no God
Toxic Faith book, non-toxic faith?
Trying to make science avoid refuting God fails with NOMA
Vatican Norms for assessing if Apparitions are from God
When believers treat human suffering as a numbers game
Why eternity makes the idea of God being the necessary being absurd
Why existence of Napoleon and Jesus cannot be equally refuted
Why I should not be afraid of a God!
Why were no priests whistleblowers about clerical abuse?