A doctrine must be testable or it is a cheat
A miracle is about a relationship not a performance
And God Created Humanism by Theo Hobson
Are terrorists mad or bad? And what if they are religious?
Cannot tell a person what to be offended by
Catholic Church requires gays to stay in the closet
Christians are trying to keep you out of Hell?
Did Jesus have a twin who could impersonate him?
Does the Josephus Testament belong anywhere in his book?
Earliest account resurrection was tampered with
Everybody has a morality even if it's just "all is permitted"
Evil fits a loving God because this God fits evil argument is stupid
Flags, religion and secularism
Forgiveness turns all sin mortal or grave or serious or evil
Frank Turek is wrong to say you rip up morality by dropping God
God and Time the inconsistencies and absurdities
How time travel can make sense and refute God
How truth can lead to silent terrorism or war
If we are always sinful how can morality matter?
Is Dawkins wrong on religious being inherently open to violence?
Jesus teaching is made up and stolen
Jesus the Man by Barbara Thiering
Jesus tomb may not have existed
Jesus twisted love and that is what he advocated!
Jesus was buried temporarily maybe?
Jordan Peterson and his 12 rules
Jordan Peterson, his 12 rules & ignoring of God and Jesus
Liar Lunatic and Lord trilemma fails to convince us of Jesus
Paul wrote that three witnesses needed for Jesus having risen
Personhood beginning at conception and twins
Praying "God your will be done " is infantile submission
Religion captures the state and then theocracy happens
Religion is a theatrical placebo and a lived fiction
Religion is about justifying God and not for helping people
Religion's tacit support for IRA speaks louder than the condemnations
Science and how the book Stealing from God treats it
Secularism has different but connected forms
Sinister side of believing that nothing human pleases God
Spot the Pope: Tebaldeshchi or Urban VI?
St Mother Teresa of Calcutta defended a clerical sex abuser
Tacitus and Nero and the historicity of Jesus
Tacitus shows there was no real data on Jesus Christ
Tacitus' writings altered to support Christ's existence?
Take responsibility for your beliefs
Take theft theory of what happened at Jesus' tomb seriously
Talmud on Jesus and is it right to cast him in a bad light?
Tamesha Means a victim of the Catholic faith
Telepathy and God and Miracles
Television supposedly a Christian occasion of sin!
Temptations of Jesus show he was play-acting
Terms religion, superstition, fundamentalism
Test religion facebook page posts
Thank goodness there is no God!
The Dark Side, Valerie Tarico, Ph.D Christianity exposed
The God Instinct by Jesse Bering
The link between God and free will is not there
The Making of a Modern Exorcist
The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris
The notion of one God being harsh and having a merciful rival
The Power of Now by Tolle is really hedonism
The Satanic Bible by Anton La Vey
The trials of Jesus is replete with lies
The Trick Question of religion on why something not nothing?
The trolley problem really does show that morality is just a prejudice
The Truth behind the Bible Code by Satinover
Theism is Bad for Mental and Emotional Health
Theodicies are excuses for divine neglect examined one by one
Theofascism and why it's oppressive to love God most
Theologians make us wonder if they are rational or just careerists
Theology responds to Logical Positivism
Theoterrorism is a curse and why all religion has this trait
Therapy and the need to protect the child from religion
Thiede's Nonsense that gospel fragments are dated too late
Thinking about miracles as a sceptic
Thoughts about Jesus' prophecy of the end of the Temple
Thoughts on an Islamist terrorist couple
Time the healer makes us ask if its power is overrated
Timothy and Titus letters and their "evidence" for Jesus
Toxic faith and religious addiction
Toxic faith book warns of the structures that arise from such faith
Toxic Jesus is a book that argues that many Jesuses are harmful
Toxic positivity is a form of harmful faith
Truth about Christian testimonies that God has life-changing power
Two forms of religious mystery outlined plus their perfidy
Two ways atheists can use evil against people loving God
Unpacking the things people say
Verifying that religion is an anti truth crusade, an ideology
Was God head of state in Israel?
Were gospel stories put into Trypho by fraudsters?
What is my essence? What is the I?
What is part of the Christian attraction?
When faith and religion are toxic
When Hitchens told Frank Turek religion was the only evil
When Muslims go to Islamist terrorist funerals
When religious faith becomes toxic
Why theologians need to stop pontificating on medicine and law to declare Jesus dead
Why truth matters and error only matters for refutation!
Witches are not the Old Religion
Women have the right to abortion
You only assume a miracle witness is right