A God of moral law is necessarily vindictive
A God who permits evil is the worst
A respected list of what traits good religion has
Approaches to the God idea and is it credible?
Belief in God does not imply there is an afterlife
By their fruits you will know them says Jesus
Can we think evil is default and good is what falls short of it?
Can you be a good Catholic in an active LGBT relationship?
Catholic God loves conditionally
Command to love God with all your heart is evil
Doctrine that love of God and neighbour go together
God and retribution go together and show the toxicity of deity
God belief is instilled in you to suppress you
God belief is the seed of terrorism
God can have no plan for making things to hurt you
God does not change and is eternally static
God exercises his right to punish
God guiding evolution is a complete overthrow of science
God in the light of the view that morality is just wellbeing
God is a murderer according to the Bible
God is guessing and so has no right to let us suffer
God is not a moral agent and thus irrelevant
God is not about you, he cannot please everybody anyway
God owns morality? Examining the suggestion
God worship is always a cover for idolatry
Golden rule and love of neighbour as oneself
Golden rule of Jesus is grounded in hate
Gospel Evidence for Jesus is Worthless
Gospel of Peter undermines the classical gospel claims
Gospels call human nature totally depraved
Gospels written to imitate way Caesar stories were written
Goulston Street Graffiti might not be or might be by the Ripper
Grace doctrine denies pagans will go to Heaven
Grace from God is a dehumanising idea
Gradualism is a form of Christian charm laced with ulterior motives
GROW is simply Fr Cornelius Keogh's dubious help for the vulnerable
Guards bribed to lie at Jesus' tomb?
Guilt and Christian belief are dangerously connected
Hell and the doctrine that God comes first
How Belief in God is not really the ground of justice or love
How DNA makes us want to fit in at the expense of truth/integrity
How do you judge a good or bad or neutral motive?
How the notion of faith as divine gift gaslights
Idea that God implies hate is a sin is wrong or inconclusive
If altruism is good then what if God belief undermines it?
I'm a good as God if I am his child
Is a sense of gratitude behind God belief?
Is belief in God a necessary evil and not a good?
Is God a scientific hypothesis?
Justifying a woman's hand being cut off
Logic proves that arguments for God from creation are futile
Love of God is intolerant and feeds intolerance
Making sense of Jesus' good fruits argument
Miracles accuse God of being an immature show off
Miracles advocate the superstition of the God of the Gaps
Must your good deeds be somehow forever to matter?
No guards at Jesus' tomb so was he stolen?
Ripper Letters and Goulston Street Message
Sentimental tripe of "When you suffer God suffers more"
Strongest - good or evil? Does evil give way to good always?
Suffering as part of life if there is a God
The argument that you need a God to be grateful to
The Book of Genesis evilly invalidates trans people
The Epistles Indicate that the Gospels were NOT Published Early
The gospel account of the pre-resurrection Jesus is mad
The gospels were not published early or for general perusal
The idea that Catholicism grew more complex because of growing understanding
The Messiah who surpassed Jesus in providing evidence see Guglielma
The problem of how to be grounded in nature so you can recognise a miracle
The truth about the God-shaped hole
There is a good side to having no answer for suffering
There's no evidence for God so he will not give us gift of evidence!
Using God as prop to validate morality is not validating morality
What is off-putting in faith in God and its supposed healthiness
Why did the gospel writers not want us to know who they were?
Why God will not accept the Catholic Mass as worship
You do not need God to be good!
Your Golden Rule Jesus is a sign of your virtue-signalling