Temptation if there is a God is created by him.  It either disproves God or shows if he existed he would be evil.  There is no reason why you necessarily have to decide one way or the other.  Why not hold both in tension?  What is clear that it says something negative about those who advocate faith in God.  It warns you not to give them any inlet.
The evil we do consciously and intentionally starts with a temptation. A temptation arises from how seductive evil can be and something or someone is recommending it.


Where did the first temptation come from? It had to come from God - if there is one! That is so simple that its importance can be dismissed when you see the power of religion which functions so powerful despite being based on obvious lies. The only hope is to say that temptation in some incomprehensible way is our fault and thus a sin! But no religion says that!


Christian doctrine is that temptation is a grave evil, if sin is the gravest evil then temptation goes with it for it is involved.  So though you can grow when you are tempted you grow in spite of temptation not because of it so temptation remains intolerable.  The notion that God will tempt you for a greater purpose is out.


"I must be so great and special when demons are interested in my sins"


What makes you think that Satan and or his demons are so interested in your little life that they want to tempt you to sin?  Even God is involved for he lets them tempt.  You flatter yourself.  Demons and Satan want to suck you in.  To do that they have to make sure that your sins at least for a time bring you success.  Your evil will not backfire.  This stuff only encourages evil.  It explains why religious people go through evil phases.  God is ultimately to blame for all that.  Or if there are no demons then Christianity and Islam is to blame for they say there are demons.  The belief that you are important enough to be tempted by demons is harmful.  The harm is unnecessary if there are no demons at all.  If Jesus was a good manipulator he might have realised this and thus encouraged fear of demons in order to give people something that makes them bad without them even knowing what was making them like that.

Do Christians worship God as tempter?
The Christian states that the Devil’s chief obsession is getting people to sin against God. He is the tempter, the one who attempts to seduce us into rebellion against our maker.
The Christian states that we are sinners - sin touches everything we do in some way. Some believe that makes all our good works fake. Others believe that it makes them imperfect and that God is working through them to help the doer become a better person.
All agree that we do not love God perfectly. When evil exists and God is forced to tolerate it, believers argue that in theory you could have to endure torture forever at the hands of the Devil if it somehow helps save others. If God asked that of you you would not do it. Thus your love for God has limits. Jesus commanded that God be loved without reserve, with all your heart. You are even to do good to others all because of God. Doing good for others and praying is how you love God. This is an extremely tough demand. It is one reason why Christianity does such a good job at making people bad. The best way to put people off doing good is to make the standards too high, too scary and too demanding.
Saying that God is perfect does not mean you see him as perfect. You can think you do and be wrong. Given that we are so fond of our own way, could it be that we see God as ultimately responsible for the temptations we experience and worship him nevertheless BECAUSE we see him that way? The only reasonable assumption is that the answer is yes. In so far as you fail to love God you love sin instead. If you love God 99% you still love sin and therefore temptation to sin 1%. If sin pollutes your love for God even a little, then it is easy to think you love his goodness when you actually mistake some temptations and some sins for his goodness. You are not perfect so you are not an expert on perfection and you will look at God with an imperfect standard, your standard. You can only look at the personal representation of the perfect standard through the prism of your own standard which has its share of errors and badness disguised as goodness. The standard that makes you applaud God is yours so you worship your own values, and those values will endorse both good and bad. In short, if you like the goodness of God you also like imagining that some of your temptations and flaws that you project on to him are part of what you adore him for. You adore this God who represents and honours the temptations and sins you love.
Christians worship God as the tempter. They use the reviled Satan as a scapegoat and a distraction from this. The person who worships a god as perfect who tempts them is far worse than anybody who worships the Devil himself!
Suppose there is a God of pure peace and love. If he would not approve of evil it does not follow that the perception of God we get by our faith is as noble. The problem could be faith in God not God. Faith filters God so faith in God can lead to violence and evil.
Is Satan the problem?
Satan cannot tempt us unless God has given us the faculty to be tempted. Even if Satan suggests a sin to you and you find it attractive, it is not him that made you find it attractive but you or the way you were made. The notion of Satan being tempter is slanderous and therefore implies hatred for the Devil. It is about trying to relieve your own guilt by laying the blame on the Devil. Calling Satan tempter is a sin. It is in fact wishing that the Devil was your tempter and seeking to let his power and evil into your heart.

God is to blame more than Satan!
Suppose Satan is tempter. When God lets Satan or anybody tempt us he is as bad as they are. He supplies them with the power to tempt which is the same as doing it himself. It is actually worse when he gives Satan the telepathic power to cause sin which we do not have for then that power is not necessary at all. It follows that if God cannot tempt then he cannot be an accomplice in it. Temptation to sin refutes the existence of God. It is mistaken to imagine that God would not tempt but would become a willing accomplice in it. The intent is still the same despite the outward differences.

The Bible promises that God will use his supernatural power to strengthen us against temptation. Sin is a free act so nobody or nothing can make you do it. What does this help entail? If God is going to help me realise that a temptation should not be followed then he shouldn’t bother for it wouldn’t be a temptation to sin if I think I should give into it. Does God do something to my will to make it more likely for me to obey him? If he does then he has taken away some of my freedom. If he does that he does it all the time for being perfectly good he hates sin. This makes it a mystery why we sin so much. Or more likely, it would be a contradiction, for a God causing sin beyond just enabling our freedom to exist so that we can abuse it, is a sinner himself. If God strengthens my feelings against sin he is pushing me into the sin of avoiding sin for the sake of feelings and not for his sake which is selfish and sinful. We prefer the desire for food or a person’s happiness and not the food or the person so we can’t love goodness or God. The free will defence teaches that God made us free so that we could love him of our own volition so evil is our fault not his. Temptation refutes the free will defence even though it is necessary for the defence so the defence is incoherent. The free will defence as stated by believers in God who need it as an excuse for human evil cannot be true if there should be no temptation. And temptation started with the Devil. God must have tempted the Devil for the Devil committed the first sin. And God says the Devil should not have been tempted or sinned. The Devil had the intelligence to know that if God tempts to sin then it is not a sin to succumb for it is God’s will. The Devil could only sin if God had no control over him and if God never made him and he always existed meaning that God did not make the temptation that first misled the Devil.

If God assists me in combating a strong temptation then he should give me a weak one to fight all on my own. What is the sense in a strong one when God does most of the fighting for me anyway? The doctrine of a good God allowing strong temptation infers that he is a crank or non-existent.




The Achille's Heel has been found.  Temptation can only have been created by God. 

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