The God concept seems to imply that nobody should hate anybody else for God would not hold a person in existence unless that person was dear to him meaning that since God comes first we should not hate anybody for his sake. Some would say partly for his sake but these would be renouncing the Judeo-Christian scriptures which forbid this and say we must give all for him and submit entirely to his will.
Nobody however promotes God as being a good thing to believe in for it justifies opposition to hate. Nobody says that hate is bad in itself and that is undeniable but that the value of believing in God is that it gives you an extra reason to work against hate.
Religion cannot say it is a sin to wish anybody would go to Hell or die as long as you have the right motive – to see God do the right thing or his own will. A bad motive for doing something nice or helpful is not as bad as hurting people severely for a good motive. It is better to ignore the bad motive somebody had for doing wrong than to believe they should go to Hell if they die unrepentant. Not to do so is unkind. But if God comes first then it is better to hope that people go to Hell for his sake. They do not come first.
God can only love himself for he is goodness itself and we are flawed underlings so the God concept does not automatically imply that there is no room for hating. To forbid hate would be madness for he made us to suffer for him and all he cares about is himself.
If God only holds things in existence because he loves them then he loves the fly in the jam as much as all the human beings on earth.
Some say that it can’t be wrong to hate a person who will never die or who will not be harmed by it. They think that hate is bad simply because it can result in suffering and murder. But if we live forever then suffering isn’t very serious no matter how bad it is and death is nothing. If those people are right, then if you like hating, it seems you should for you are valuing yourself instead of that person. You should do that for you are most sure you exist.
You will not be able to hate a person unless you believe in free will. God implies free will is true for it is supposed to be human misuse of free will that caused evil not God. Thus God is an evil doctrine. The person who denies free will hates what a person does but not the person and wishes the imbalance was fixed. The reason he can do this is because the bad act was programmed. The person did not freely do the act.
Hate is a nasty vindictive attitude and whether it is directed at people or things that does not make any difference. It is still vindictive. Christians say that God hates sin. A God who hates a thing that is only an idea is not to be trusted. Sin is an abstract valuation. It is like 2+2 being 5. It is not a thing like a doughnut or a tree. He is evil if he asks us to trust him for if he hates then he cannot be trusted.
Hate is the urge to hurt another person just because you want to see them hurt. Most who discourage hate argue that it is to be avoided for it gets too easily out of control and your perception gets distorted more and more all the time as it becomes a habit. Your view of others becomes polluted and bitter. Most people see hate as a Pandora's Box and this is their main reason to oppose hate. Such a view suggests that hate is not bad in itself as long as it can be kept within boundaries. This makes you suspicious of those Christians who claim to believe in hating the sin and loving the sinner - they are trying to smugly hide their hate and are examples of passive aggressive hate. And there are people who seem - who seem! a seem does not amount to an are! - capable of restraining hate. Incredibly, religion claims to be good while it makes the desire to hurt sin or hurt people far more fierce.
All sin offends God infinitely for he hates it that much for he is infinitely good so it makes no difference if you commit murder or if you just wish ill on somebody. How then could it be make any difference if we abuse anybody? It would make even less if we abuse a stubborn sinner!
God is a doctrine of hate for sinners.
Belief in God makes you less moral not more. Thus any belief in supernatural beings is automatically and intrinsically fundamentalist. Why stop with such belief? Why not go further and advocate the killing of anybody you hear cursing God?

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