The notion that an all-good God lets evil and undeserved suffering happen opposes the atheist view that evil and suffering are completely incompatible with a loving God.
The atheist needs to tackle the issue from the viewpoint of compassion. The atheist is willing to forgo his own peace of heart in order to detest the evil that happens to others to the point that he refuses to say that it should happen under any circumstances. The atheist should feel the pain and vow to be God to those people and help them. Keep the focus on compassion and you will be respected and the religious will not be able to speak.
That evil happens is the problem. Religion then tries to distract you from that by saying, "God did not create evil for he is totally good" and "God puts up with evil." The point is not what makes evil but that evil is there. It is not very compassionate of religion to resort to such tactics.
Your baby suffers. Instead of accepting this, be defiant. Be willing to battle even God to help the baby. Is prayer to God accepting the situation because you cannot do anything else after you have done all you can think of? No. It is letting God hurt the child for an alleged purpose. It is saying you agree with him. If you accept you accept and prayer has nothing to do with it.
Some say that God respects our free will and indeed has to so he can let us do gratuitous evil or useless evil. Not only that, he can let us break the record in being evil. Letting us be free is one thing but going that far is too much. Think carefully about the argument. If my free will is worth letting me create a plague to torment and kill billions of people then that is saying I am so important that it is worth it. Also, if free will is that precious it follows that there is no such thing as gratuitous or extreme evil. But any person who feelings of compassion knows there is!
Beliefs are forced on us by our environment and what we learn. If that does not take away or lessen our free will then God should implant edifying and life-transforming beliefs in us or do a better job of making sure man promotes them. If has not done that so he has no excuse for letting us sin.
People are manipulated by religious leaders to think that God never does evil. People take comfort from that and imagine that God is with them in their suffering which he detests. He is always there to help.
They boast that this doctrine teaches you that suffering helps work out God's lovely plan and so if you do not welcome suffering you must accept it and try to see its value.
A God that permits evil to happen but doesn’t do evil is actually still doing evil. Permitting evil is just another way of doing it.
God is worse than a God that actually does the evil he supposedly permits. Permitting implies that God gives the evil free rein at least up to a point. That means he abandons those who suffer. Jesus was right then to yell that God abandoned him when he was on the cross. A God who does the evil to you is at least in control all the way. It is more malevolent to let a machine uncontrollably torment your child than to torment the child yourself.
Virtues such as diligence only makes sense if there is evil that is avoidable and that should not exist or be allowed to exist. Atheism is the true friend of goodness when correctly understood, not religion.
It is always wrong to condone God letting people suffer when there is no proof that he cares and is right to let this happen. You need proof because it is such a serious matter. You don't want to trivialise suffering to any level.
If I say I believe in an all-good God and then say I also believe there is no justification for his letting people get depression then I am lying. I only imagine I believe in God. One “belief” cancels the other out.
And I am complicit in God's evil for I desensitise myself to it and praise it and hope that others copy me and do the same.

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