Agnosticism is atheism with most Gods but doubts about one
A mathematical miracle shows how supernatural miracles are nonsense
An argument that democracy tend to prosperity
Are we lucky that we live and die and should we be grateful?
Argument for not worrying about death
Argument from desire that there is a God
Awareness, the book by De Mello, overthrows Jesus
Brian Davies and how he raises problems for Miracles
Catholics who disown their sexually active gay offspring
Cheering at Dublin Castle when abortion legalised
Christ didn't send me to baptise said an apostle and what it means
Christian belief that we should take all we suffer for our sins
Could demons have been empowering Jesus in his miracles?
Cruel doctrine that God disciplines in suffering
Danger of seeing miracles in everything everywhere
Dangerous Catholic Doctrines and there are many of them
Dangers of increasing self-esteem
Dangers of religion and the potential harms
Dangers of the hiding God doctrine
Daniel O Donnell, "Good" Catholic votes for same sex marriage
Darwin and Paley and the divine designer
Darwinism and its unwelcome truth that life is survival
Darwinism and morality have an uneasy relationship
Dating the gospel of Luke and Acts
Dawkins and the origin of life
De-baptism, National Secular Society
Depressive realism is when depression is showing you the truth
Derrida and how forgiving the forgivable is not really forgiving
Development of doctrine in Catholicism
Did Jesus really Suffer on the Cross?
Did Jesus, the God of the Catholics, exist?
Didache is an early and revealing manual of what Jesus' apostles taught
Differences in how atheists and religionists look at problem of evil
Difficult situations and what they teach us about right and wrong
Do we need the sacrament of confession?
Does determinism destroy guilt and punishment?
Does Gospel of Mark hint that Jesus never appeared as risen?
Does Jerusalem prophecy help us with dating Mark?
Doublethink is the true foundation of religion
Dupery through hope worse than dupery through fear
Duty is an idea fit only for putting you off doing good
Existential Dysphoria is why religion shouldn't be forced on children
Faith and depression and belief can worsen it
Glucklich's Dying for Heaven shows religious pleasure feeds faith terrorism
God belief can cause and prolong depression
God has sentenced us all to death
Hell says the damned identify as their sin
How I would debate Christian William Lane Craig
How your tipple proves that there is no God
If evil trains us then attempting progress is a sin
Is it true that my desires cannot be all about me?
Is the soul the person not the body?
Is there dignity in being made for God and by God?
Jesus condemns the prayers of doubters as futile
Jesus did not say love yourself
Jesus never came to be crucified
Jesus was desensitised to religious barbarism and murder
Keep a diary and why it is more therapeutic than prayer
Lord's cup versus the demon's cup in the early Church
Miracles advocate intolerance against critics
Miracles and burden of proof or burden to show plausible
Miracles were laid to rest by David Hume
Morality offers shadows and confusion and is dishonest about it
New Testament among Dead Sea Scrolls? No.
Nobody would want Catholicism to be true!
On people who disapprove of gays or LGBT
Posts on Debunking Christianity
Questions about how religious buzz can turn you into a terrorist
Religion is a trick for achieving diffusion of responsibility for harm
Religion is pro-discrimination
Review of Dangerous Illusions by Vitaly Malkin
Richard Dawkins raising four major issues
Science and Religion have some stark differences
Sometimes only the visions give away that the witnesses was using drugs
The Case of the Pope shows Vatican corruption
The concept of deserving is useless and vicious
The danger of any faith, especially religious faith
The Dark Box by John Cornwell exposes Catholic confessional
The sin of doubt forbids you to step outside your faith and check it
There can't be two rival gods explaining good and evil
Trypho denies the existence of Jesus
Very late date of the First Gospel Mark
Was Christianity set off by death cult cranks?
We have the right to doubt things & miracles especially
What decree do we count from for the 70 weeks prediction?
Why did the demons evangelise for Jesus?
Why is the whore of Babylon said to be drunk on blood?
Why something & not nothing in the light of intelligent design
Why you would expect determinists to be nice!
Will determinism, the denial of free will, destroy morality?
Worship of God is the worship of an idol in your head