A Christian does not have the right to speak in front of Jesus

A higher purpose and a higher power are not the same thing

A religion has no right to say any religion is bad

A short dictionary of void and false religions and cults

A trans atheist affirms they are their own god and will make themselves

Affirming trans is not an option but a requirement

All revelations from "God" contradict each other

An admission that the Knock apparition 1879 has been exaggerated

Atheism is about owning yourself

Atheism is the absence of religion, isn't a religion

Atheists who threaten nobody get death threats from believers

Baptism implies God loves unbaptised less

Belief in God always puts that belief not God before people

Believers are too spiritually vain to abandon evil scriptures

Biological design is an illusion and an accidental pattern

Build hospitals not churches and fund education not prayer books

Calling people sinners is admitting you oppose their existence

Can faith/prayer supply the voltage to make an evil God real?

Catholic means you have Catholic obligations, that is all

Catholicism denies that living as LGBT is a vocation

Catholicism is a form of TERF, trans exclusive reactionary feminist

Catholicism is extremist when it comes to contraception

Chart to help you see the options for the mind-brain question

Choices should be self-affirming actions, YOUR actions

Christian faith by silence abetted the holocaust

Christian faith makes the blood run in Rwanda

Christianity hijacked Judaism to create a new religion

Christianity is privilege, it thrived on colonialism

Christians hide the bad bits of the religion from the unwary

Comparing Christians and Humanists

Conscientious objection should not apply with abortion

Conscientious objection should ONLY apply in war

Conversion therapy for LGBT is linked to being anti marriage equality

Counselling clerics MUST sign a disclaimer first

Detransitioners are only having another transition

Don't accuse a baby of needing baptism to have God inside

Elton John would ban religion

Eucharist is based on unfounded accusations against Jews

Evidence not faith must tell you what and how to think

Evil is redefined as flawed good by affirming a Good God

Faith in God is too easily weaponised by carebullies

Faith is a violent concept for many with gender dysphoria

Faith leads to being prone to undue influence

Father and mother are social constructs

First Nations People persecuted by Catholic Church

Gametes and biological sex being a social construct

Gender or sex is imposed on baby by Church in baptism

German bishops finally admit Church complicit in the Holocaust

Gnostic Valentinus and the historical Jesus

God commanding that there be no other gods is colonialism

God makes all from nothing but that is not making but magic

God worship is idolatry if not directed at a real God

Hail Mary prayer is gender critical as is the Church

Hateful quotes from Jesus against Jews appeared on Nazi signs

Hitler devoutly leaves a Church and was never excommunicated

Hitler persecuted atheists under his Catholic influence

Hitler was clear that his movement was Christian

How Jesus used faith as a weapon to victim blame

How reliable are visions of risen people?

Human nature is more a mix of other species rather than a species

I "love sinners and hate sins" is a smug arrogant boast

If Christianity is a placebo then why should it reduce abortions?

If God is not there then it is useless to say he is

If good is replaced with a vacuum something will replace it but what?

If medicine got the money given to religion and if only!

If nearly all religions are wrong, why not say all are wrong?

If nobody believes in miracles, the unbelief harms nobody

If you hate slavery you will renounce the Bible

Implicit atheism of trans who feel they are in the wrong existence

Inquiry Process is about helping to ask questions and find answers

Is a religion that takes away responsibility really a religion?

Issa is not the gospel Jesus so don't patronise Muslims by saying he is

It is extremist to say a zygote is a person & to kill it is murder

Jesus affirmed anti-homosexuality texts in scripture as valid

Jesus approves murderous scripture

Jesus attacked workers in the temple not their employers

Jesus could have been removed from tomb easily

Jesus demands neglect of the vulnerable "sinner" in Matt 18

Jesus' hate speech led to things such as the KKK

Jesus in John 8 never said he saved the adulteress

Jesus indirectly but firmly rules out same sex marriage

Jesus is devoid of moral credibility so don't let his followers manipulate you

Jesus is to blame for not banning stoning women outright

Jesus picks on the Jews endlessly so why not on other groups?

Jesus planted a seed that led to Islamaphobia and hate

Jesus should not be imposed on schools, he's not for everyone

Jesus upheld a morally defunct religious law

Jesus won't affirm a wife is not her husband's property

Leave the Church if its lies, in a sense it left you anyway

Liberals are fundamentalists too, fundamentalism is a spectrum

Liberals, especially religious ones, are so saccharine

Lourdes miracles show no real respect for medical science

Manmade religion has to lead to lies, errors and lies lead to lies

Mary is a child mother and that is what the Church praises!!

Mary was only a child and had the right to abort

Miracles are harmful and irrational to believe in

Moderate religion makes it harder to see whose dangerous

Moral bullies tell you to forgive, you only need to deal with the hurt

Most misogyny is silent, Jesus' silence was the loudest ever

Nazis saturated their degeneracy with prayer and God

No Church means no misogyny or antisemitism!

No person has right to grow in a body without being put there

Nuns and clerics take up arms when they are able

Only you, not God, not religion, not the state, rule your body

Ordaining women to serve a patriarch is not feminism

People pretend they know what Jesus would want

People who experience their body is not them, not their gender

Person who does not believe in God can be the most charitable

Plot holes and how the gospels offer a resurrection of the gaps

Pope risks violent attacks on abortion provision by calling workers hitmen

Prayer is an attempt to control somebody else's "free will"

Praying people get sick and harm and die like the rest

Prochoice and if any cells in you could just grow into babies you would abort

Qur'an and friendship between people of different religions

Religion instils faith by harming the mind

Religion is a social construct, labels even more so

Religion is about commanding morality and you cannot do that

Religion is an environment and may not be good for you

Religion is art gone zany

Religion showed zero tolerance for non-Christian Cultures

Religious labels even if inapplicable still manage to divide

Remember victims of religious violence

Salman Rushdie warns against religion

Say "I was assigned x religion in childhood" not "I am x"

Saying "God is with you" is blaming the victim

Saying God sees the good you do is rewarding yourself for it

Science and evidence matter more than faith and theology

Secular rights are more important than religious rights

Should it be LGB not LGBT?

SLANDER, Hell says you're potentially evil enough to hate forever

Some non-religions can still act like intolerant religions

St Bernadette's miracle corpse is heavily treated with wax

St Maximilian Kolbe promoted hate of Jews

Steven Weinberg sees religion as a dangerous placebo

Suggesting God MIGHT be blessing you when others starve is heinous

Survey on belief in the resurrection of Jesus

Telling the bereaved the dead are okay is dismissing their pain

The atheist is as sure of God as she or he is of Zeus

The Bible God protected violent slavery not just slavery

The Church does not officially ask for pain relief for late abortion

The evil chapter where Jesus demands that children be murdered

The Gnostic vision of Jesus is 100% non Biblical

The lie that the Bible only condemns man with boy not man with man

Those who call you offensive may be only trying to shut you up

To accuse a child of being hostile to God is reprehensible

Truth about Jesus and underage sex

Truth is what you have to conform to and is not about you

Try to be more accurate in things for you only bring others trouble

Vain inclusion, it is polite bigotry to make pronouns only about manners

Validation of LGBT relationships is a not an option but a duty

Vanity of saying tragic unbaptised children are God-free

Vicka was caught faking at Medjugorje and lied afterwards

Violence is implicit in praying for people not to be LGBT!

Visions of Medjugorje are lies

Visualisation is a form of magic with the embarrassment hidden

Vulnerable endangered woman is put under threat by Jesus

What if your children lived when people kept Bible stoning laws?

When Jesus went out of his way to erase LGBT

When praying for the sick is more important than treating them

When terrorists look saintly and like they are ready for God

When trans are in the wrong sexed gendered existence

When you cease to love God, you will love somebody else instead

White privilege is worsened by Christian faith

Who are you to tell a sufferer it is for a reason?

Why do so many good holy people make the best evildoers?

Why do some faiths do specific harms that others don't do?

Why is Brigham Young University called after a racist?

Why it is oppression to protect trans just because they are few

Why mysteries of religion and physics do not compare

Why swearing on the Bible is vain and useless

Without God/religion you will fill the void with something harmful?

You are a liar once you give opinions/data with poor evidence

You can beat religious fanatics but you have to blame their faith too

You don't always need to forgive, just walk away

Zoning in how arguments for religious faith are too insufficient





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