God loving me unconditionally leads to the hurting of others
If nobody has certainty, does that include God? Berg says yes
Is a miracle an uncaused event?
Jesus resurrection is unpersuasive
Nothing in the Bible says the Church is infallible
Objections to unconditional election by God who chooses who goes to Heaven
Protestant Reformed Doctrine of Unconditional Election
The Bible contradicts the doctrine of the Trinity
The Catholic Church is not Catholic
U.S. versus Ballard and what it says about church and state
UKIP in the UK wants Muslims to repudiate violent scriptures
Ulterior motive believers have for faith in God
Unconditional love is pretentious bullshit and harmful
Universal Life is an interesting German Cult
Universally Preferable Behaviour may replace morality?
Utilitarianism is one of the great moral theories?
When saying that suffering is without meaning is considered to be worse than suffering itself