St Saul. This book is written by Donald Harman Akenso. It is about Saint Paul who as far as we can tell is the real founder of Christianity. He supposedly converted to Jesus on the way to persecute Christians at Damascus and had been a devout Jew. Jesus allegedly changed his name from Saul to Paul. He may have converted the year Jesus is believed to have died. He became an apostle, that is, a divinely inspired messenger of God to speak for Christ and provide the world with his true gospel.

Nobody can deny that most religious or spiritual people are more interested in what they WANT to believe and not the truth. The fact that they disagree so much about what the truth is and are unwilling to accept new ideas or insights that question their truth proves this. That is why it is just stupid to trust the pope and religious leaders in general and why they are evil people for looking for obedience to them which is why miracles that invite us to believe are so absurd for only demonic ones would do that. Paul was no exception.

Paul talks about Jesus like he was in control of how Jesus was portrayed. It seems Paul was the one who determined the route and form the resurrection interpretations would take. This suggests that when Paul writes in the tampered 1 Corinthians 15 that Jesus appeared to him last of all that it could be that the apostles had visions of an unknown being and Paul claimed a vision and sorted out the confusion for them and identified the vision as Jesus and they accepted that. Paul could easily have been the inventor of Jesus Christ.

However, when Peter and Paul had a dispute at Antioch over Peter not eating with unclean Gentiles we can see that Paul and Peter made it a draw for Paul would have told us if he won the argument (page 160). This shows that there was a lot of doctrinal bickering and splitting in the early Christian communities.

It is said that Paul took no money from his communities to whom he preached.  Perhaps the reason was that he would get into trouble for stating as history what was not history.  Or maybe you can't charge for myth stories.

Paul strangely spent ten years collecting for the “poor” of the Christian communities in Jerusalem. Why just the poor of Jerusalem? Obviously, Paul only did this because if he didn’t his ministry would have been declared illegitimate and his apostleship fraudulent (page 164). So money got Paul accepted not his Holy Spirit or his Jesus who appeared to him. This suggests a very mercenary pack of witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus. Unsavoury men indeed. In Romans 15:31, amazingly Paul wanted people to pray that the Church in Jerusalem would accept the money he collected! Obviously, there was a danger that the apostles and their followers could loath him so much that they wouldn’t satisfy him to take the money. And this was because his doctrine was not the same as theirs. His doctrine had to be the problem for they knew he wouldn’t persecute them anymore. To reject Paul even to the extent of rejecting the money he brought and his kindness would mean rejecting the followers he had as well and cause a massive division in the followers of Christ. They would tell him to shove his money perhaps to make him look bad and look like a thief. Paul must have known they were capable of this and willing to do so. The Book of Acts tries to cover all this up by painting a rosy cosy picture of Church relations

Saint Saul, A Skeleton Key to the Historical Jesus, Donald Harman Akenson, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002

The Historical Evidence for Jesus, G A Wells, Prometheus Books, New York, 1988
Conspiracies and the Cross, Timothy Paul Jones, Front Line, A Strang Company, Florida, 2008

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