The Bible says that the Holy Spirit gives spiritual life and Jesus poured out the spirit when he was exalted to the right hand of God.
The Bible says the Holy Spirit is the ultimate cause of our prayers in Romans 8:15. They, in a sense, are his prayers. Jesus and the Spirit work together to worship the Father through us. As Jesus is now at the right hand of God, he administers the Holy Spirit to us and the Spirit’s function is only service to God Romans 8:4.
Romans says that confessing Christ as resurrected Lord is essential for salvation. Anybody can pronounce the words so is it just a matter of saying it and you are magically saved? No - it must come from a heart that is being transformed by the presence of the Spirit of Christ.
Romans implies then that only by the Spirit can you confess Jesus as Christ and this is the Spirit’s prayer to Jesus.
If Jesus is God then in his divine nature he is equal to the Father. The Spirit worships when he inspires us to worship. It follows that he worships Jesus when we do meaning that Jesus must be God.

Some reason that Paul thought Jesus was God for he said that nobody calls Jesus Lord except by the prompting of the Holy Spirit.  If Jesus must not be adored as God then it seems it would be more natural to say, “Nobody calls God our saviour through Jesus except by the Spirit".  But as we have seen how Paul regarded the titles of Christ and Lord as the same.  This was a new twist.  The title Christ does not imply the Christ is Lord or divine.  So Lord is honorific.  It does not mean Jesus was God.


Also,it would be wrong to put such a high focus on Jesus then for that means God is being bypassed and forgotten. But Paul may have reasoned that to honour Jesus as God though he is not is fine for God has made him all he is.
The Body belongs to Jesus?
Paul ordered us to respect our bodies sexually because they belong to Christ. He states they have been bought - meaning by the death of Jesus. So it is the risen and exalted Jesus who owns them.
He says they belong for they have been purchased by him - thinking of how Jesus paid for us by his death on the cross. So the payment has been made. Jesus was raised to everlasting exaltation shortly afterwards. It is the exalted Christ our king who owns us.
Paul is acknowledging Christ as Lord. To respect your body for Jesus Christ is in effect to "lordify" him and respect him. We do not respect the body for ourselves but for him. Respecting the body for God and not ourselves is one of the many implications of the divine commandment to love God with all our being. It is more natural for us to honour our bodies more than our minds and souls because our bodies are material entities and demand our care and attention continuously - as scripture says. Self-denial for Jesus is being called for and it clearly shows that he is being honoured as Lord.  But that does not make Jesus God.  If God manifests through Jesus the man who is not God then because Jesus is man whoever does not respect their own humanity does not respect him.


We reject this doctrine vehemently for nothing changes the fact that no God or prophet or spirit has the right to own your body.  You own it.  Decisions such as gender confirmation and abortion and euthanasia are not about right and wrong but about the fact that it is not anybody's decision to make but yours. 

Hamilton, J. M. God’s Glory in Salvation Through Judgment: A Biblical Theology (Crossway, 2010)
Jamieson, R., Fausset, A. R., Brown, D.Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary (Hendrickson, 1997)
Jensen, P. The Revelation of God, Contours of Christian Theology (Inter-Varsity Press, 2002)
Johnson, A. Romans- Everyman's Bible Commentary (Moody, 2000)
McGrath, A. Bridge-Building (Inter-Varsity Press, 1954) 
Moody, D. J. The New International Commentary on the New Testament, The Epistle to the Romans (Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co, 1996
Peterson, D. Paul’s Letter to the Romans (Moore Theological College, 1994)
Schreiner, T. R. Paul Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ (IVP, 2001)
Seifrid, M.A. Christ, Our Righteousness (IVP, 2000)
Sproul, R. C. By Faith Alone (Hodder & Stoughton, 1995)
Bible Quotations from New International Version (2011)

 [1] Rom 8:15
[2] Schreiner, T. R. Paul Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ (IVP, 2001) p.166, Jesus handing kingdom over to God so that God will be all in all - 1 Cor 15:28
[3] ibid. p. 163 “Believers worship only one God - the Father - and only one Lord - Jesus” 1 Cor 8:5-6”
[4] ibid. p. 162
[5] Rom 1:4
[6] Schreiner, T. R. Paul Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ (IVP, 2001)  p. 170
[7] Rom 5:10 “ For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!”
[8] Phil 2:6
[9] Schreiner, T. R. Paul Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ (IVP, 2001) p. 155
[10] ibid. p. 155
[11] ibid. p. 171,
[12] p. 171
[13] Rom 15:8
[14] Rom 5:18
[15] Rom 8:10 “If Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness”. It implies that Christ is obedient for he enables us to be obedient through his spirit living in us.
[16] Rom 14:8,9
[17] Col 2:9
[18] Schreiner, T. R. Paul Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ (IVP, 2001) p. 178
[19] Col 1:16-[19]
[20] Schreiner, T. R. Paul Apostle of God’s Glory in Christ (IVP, 2001) p. 166
[21] ibid. p. 153
[23] ibid. p. 153



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