Sample Letters to Help you Formally Leave the Roman Catholic Church

(Copy and Paste your Selection into your Word Processor)

Dear Bishop,
My name is Joe Bloggs. I was baptised on according to the rites of the Roman Catholic Church at
At this time, I officially DEPART from the Roman Catholic Church. I am no longer a member of the Roman Catholic Church, and I require that my name be voluntarily removed from all Roman Catholic church membership records, to reflect this fact.
When I am deceased, the Roman Catholic Church will not conduct my funeral. No Roman Catholic "symbolism" is to be placed on my grave marker.
Assuming you would like to know my reasons for this voluntary resignation, In short, I do not believe in the religious doctrines or moral authority of the Roman Catholic Church. Also, I do not find Roman Catholic history, dogma, abuses or culture to be acceptable moral or social models for myself and for my family. Frankly, I am happier and healthier outside the Roman Church so this is an obvious choice.
In closing, I ask that you respect this resignation as an exercise of my religious rights (as a United States citizen under the United States), under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Thank you.
Joe Bloggs


Note: The Reason Why the Requests contain criticism of Church doctrine is to show that you have researched.
A person who rejects a religion they don't know well, isn't really rejecting the religion properly.
Polite Request
Declaration of Defection from
the Roman Catholic Church
(Actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia catholica)
Personal Information

Father's Name:
Mother's Name:
Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism:
Diocese of Birth:
Parish of Baptism:


I_____________________________ do hereby give formal notice of my defection from the Roman Catholic Church. I want it to be known that I no longer wish to be regarded as a member of the Roman Catholic Church.
I am writing to request removal of my name as a member of the Roman Catholic Church and request that I be recognised as having formally defected from the Church. Under Canon Law, (canons 1086, ยง 1, 1117 and 1124) I can leave the Church by formal defection and this I intend to do.
I state I wish to fulfil the following rules for formal defection:
"For the abandonment of the Catholic Church to be validly configured as a true actus formalis defectionis ab Ecclesia so that the exceptions foreseen in the previously mentioned canons would apply, it is necessary that there concretely be:
a) the internal decision to leave the Catholic Church;
b) the realization and external manifestation of that decision; and
c) the reception of that decision by the competent ecclesiastical authority.
It is required, moreover, that the act be manifested by the interested party in written form, before the competent authority of the Catholic Church: the Ordinary or proper pastor, who is uniquely qualified to make the judgment concerning the existence or non-existence of the act of the will".
This notification was approved by the Supreme Pontiff, Benedict XVI, who directed that it be transmitted to all Presidents of Episcopal Conferences

I further declare that I am aware of the consequences of this act regarding the reception of the sacraments of the Church, including the sacraments of the Eucharist, marriage and the sick and also with regard to burial.

I undertake to make my decision to leave the Church known to my next of kin and to ensure that they are aware of these circumstances in the case of my being incapacitated.

I acknowledge that I make this declaration under solemn oath, being of sound mind and body, and in the presence of a witness who can testify as to the validity of this document.
I am making an informed choice for I cannot agree with Catholics that their Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ. I have read ________________________________ (list a few good websites or books (please not The Da Vinci Code!) that deal with Catholic errors - be careful to choose ones that are professional and careful and that consider Church replies to criticisms of its teaching - eg, Why I Became an Atheist by John Loftus).
I know it is not fair to myself or to the Church to let myself continue be registered as a member when in fact that is not what I am or what I want to be.
I wish "Formally Defected" to be written in my baptismal register.
Please let me know by letter that I have been removed from membership and have been declared to have formally defected. Thank you.

Signed ______________________

Address _____________________

Witness ______________________



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