Jesus for Christians is role model in the ordinary sense and also as in having the supernatural power and power over nature to form you according to this model.  He is a natural role model and role model as in one who acts on you to make you good and holy.  He is not role model but ROLE MODEL.  No he is THE ROLE MODEL.  No one can be more effective.
People say that Jesus was the friend of all. That is a lie for he was very abusive to the Jewish leaders if you read Matthew 23. And he did not befriend prostitutes, abandoned wives, rape victims, alcoholics etc. He only befriended some people who changed their ways and only after they had done so.  He did not befriend slaves.  He told nobody to let their slaves have their freedom and many of those slaves were black.  The Jews had slaves from other nations.  He cured a centurion's slave but if he was not curing slaves often then he must have been turning them away.

Jesus told a man he cured to repent otherwise something worse could happen to him.  He was clearly accusing him not of necessarily bringing new evil on himself but risking it. Jesus did say that sickness was not necessarily a judgement but he clearly said it might be.  That is appalling.

"Salvation is of the Jews". Jesus told the Samaritan woman that. Though Samaritans believed the same essentials as the Jews Jesus had a problem with her religion. Jesus is pointing to a faith that was based on scripture supposedly written by God which says plenty about divine anger and God wanting innocent people such as heretics and idol-worshippers and adulterers put to death by stoning the cruellest thing imaginable. This man is an over-rated role model. No truly good person tolerates evil in the name of religion or anything else.  Nobody has the right to point the way to a religion that stomachs any violence or violent revelations from God.  Nobody has the right to tell somebody her religion does not save when his own is nothing special morally.
In the Old Testament, we read how God laid down that certain sinners such as homosexuals were to be stoned to death. Jesus if he is this God, as he supposedly claimed to be, is responsible. Christians who say that God had no choice but to command the executions cannot tell us why he had no choice. They only guess that. Also, even if he had no choice did it really have to be done by stoning? That was ultra-cruel. It is a lie too that the rules were civil rules. They were religious rules and to be enforced by religion. If the laws were really civil rules they would be more detailed and read like legislation. And Israel was a wandering tribe not a state at the time the rules were given.
The New Testament never repudiates the killings or says that the killing rules have been abrogated. If they were abrogated it was not because they were considered by Jesus to be immoral. He is clear that they are not. He should have been so upset by them that he cursed them and stamped on them in public but far from it!  He told us to revere them.
Jesus said that he agreed with the Old Testament laws that people should be killed and applauded the divine command to put any son who curses his parents to death.  Jesus told the Jews off for failing to execute young men who God wanted executed for cursing their parents.  Even using that example is shocking for he had plenty to choose from that did not refer to shedding innocent blood.

Jesus said in Matthew 5:22 that whoever calls his brother a fool, raca, will go to Hell unless he repents.  Jesus called his Jewish brothers, the Pharisees fools in Matthew 23:17.  This was a clear case of raca for he did not need to call them that and after saying that the people should respect the teaching of the Pharisees for it is Moses and God's teaching.  If Jesus wants to go to Hell that is up to him.  Calling several brothers fools is sure to get you to Hell better than just calling one a fool.

In John 5:31 and in John 8:14 you have two verses with identical wording except one reads that Jesus testifying about himself would be invalid because it is him speaking for himself and the other says it would be valid if he speaks for himself.  This is not only an extreme contradiction but affects the core New Testament teaching that Jesus was infallible.  The same thing happens with Jesus saying he has and hasn't come to judge the world.  See John 9:39 and John 12:47.  And Jesus cannot agree on if scripture says he would lose one disciple or not.  See John 17:12 and 18:9.  These errors are very serious for they have Jesus losing credibility over his credentials.  If Jesus cannot testify to himself, does not know if he judges or not and does not know how to fulfil scripture which predicts him then he is not the Son of God.  His testimony to himself is not only invalid but wrong.

Jesus told the leper he healed to go to the priest to make the animal sacrifices that Moses commanded. The man could just go to the priest but he was told to ask for sacrifice as well.  Killing animals for religion is just animal murder.  Jesus is not a role model for today in a world increasingly conscious of animal welfare.

Jesus in the Gospel of John allegedly saved a woman who was about to be stoned for adultery. But Christians usually say that she was not being put forward for execution according to the rules but against them. If they were a lynch mob, they were breaking the law. The story cannot be used to show that Jesus condemned stoning anybody to death. It does the opposite. He told people that if they were not breaking the law themselves, they could stone her to death for adultery. The point of the story is not saving her but exposing the accusers.  He still left it open for men to stone her if they found themselves worthy.

The New Testament never protests against execution according to the rules.

Early Christians kept out of the armies. It does not mean they were against killing but against the secular powers of the time that were pagan and barbaric. And if they thought the executing was wrong that was a mistake for Jesus never hinted that it was to be discontinued. Anyway even the apostles warned that mass apostasy in the faith was already happening in their day so the majority of early Christians could have been heretical pacifists.
To claim that the rules about killing are not binding on us any more is irresponsible for it is a lie. People will find out and could consider obeying the laws again.

The Church claims that the perfect and loving God became man, Jesus, to give us an example of how we can be like him. The Church brags that it eats this Jesus at Mass so that it becomes like him for we are what we eat!

The Church then contradicts this by saying that Jesus was God and had supernatural powers. A man who has the power to turn stones into bread and who sleeps rough and has to earn his bread is not a role model. Rather he is an actor.

By presenting Jesus as a human example, the Church is merely damaging us. Nobody can feel that a man-God is an example for them. In fact, it only discourages them.

Jesus would have known that the Jews felt there was a link between washing and good health.  The law as good as said that.  Jesus was the best friend the Black Death ever had for he abolished hand washing as practiced among the Jews out of spite against them in Mark 7:1-23.  He did this in the name of faith in God.  His version of God supposedly wants all to believe in him but he could ensure all get the chance to believe in him but he does not.  It is obvious that if God exists then this missionary version of him does not.  Believers like Jesus forget that they are atheists in many aspects and their gut instinct is not always in line with faith.

Jesus Christ was not an example for anybody. He didn’t do any good works. The atheist who is serving soup down skid row is a better person.

He did not act like a normal person. He went on about faith all the time. He did no normal good works - it had to be the lazy option of miracles. He was very blunt. He talked a lot about Hell and demons. And he said we must copy him. The Church thinks today that Jesus would have believed he was God but that does not mean he was certain of it. If God really became man in Jesus, then it is possible Jesus never realised he was God until the resurrection. The reason for this is so that Jesus could be a real role model for us. But hardly anybody copies him.

There are no stories of how Jesus lived among the lepers and dressed up their wounds.

There are no stories about him doing without his food to feed the poor.

There are no stories about how he raised money for the starving children in Jordan's war zones.

There are no stories about how he averted bloodshed and became a peacemaker in gang warfare.

The Church has people feeling they are united with their departed parents and children and others by praying for them. This is a cruel lie for the Church claims that Jesus was right to say that family relationships end at death so that your spouse is not your spouse any more.

Jesus didn’t agree with annulling marriages between men and young girls the main form of marriage in those days. In fact he told them their marriages were indissoluble. He did nothing about the corrupt and silly laws of the time. In fact, all he did was ban men from divorcing in order to enslave women even more to men than they already were.  Men in a man's world hate their wives if they feel they are stuck with them.  He banned women from divorcing even though they could not divorce anyway (he was reinforcing the entrapment of women) and marriage was terrible for them and they were treated as baby producers.  Sometimes a woman leaving a marriage could save her life if she stayed celibate after for at least she would not die in childbirth. Some say that Jesus thought highly of women when women were the first ones to meet him after he rose from the dead.  But nothing says Jesus planned that or expected that.  And their testimony was confirmed by men so it is still really about the men. 

And as for the Samaritan woman he engaged in a conversation with her that commented on her sexual morals and her religion.  The respect Jesus had for women is totally mythical.  It is an insult to women to pretend that a misogynist is a woman's liberationist.  Most men who respect women still treat them as second class and that is the problem.

Jesus sent people to cast out demons. They rejoiced at their success. He told them not to rejoice that the demons were expelled but to rejoice that their names were written in Heaven. See Luke 10:17-20. Clearly having faith that one will be blessed in Heaven is to be selfishly celebrated in preference to celebrating the power to do good works! The passage teaches pure Lutheranism - where faith is exalted and good works denigrated.

All we have are miracle tales that he cured people without any loss to himself. How easy it was for him!

The Church then invented those miracle stories about him to make him appear in a better light.

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