The Bible is very severe against going to the dead to get information from them or their help. It calls it the sin of necromancy. The fear of that sin is why the Bible likes to say quite frequently that the dead are dead and cannot hear you. The Church says it only means their bodies, not their souls, which is a cop-out. It means the person is dead and cannot hear you - period.

God bans idolatry for he deserves to have the worship that is given to a non-god.  He bans idolatry for our sake too for depending on what cannot help you or is unable to want to can only lead to tears not.  Wasting your time on them seems harmless but it is your time that is gone and so it is not harmless.  Idolatry has to cover praying to dead people who cannot hear you as well as praying to statues that cannot hear you either.  If Jesus is dead or did not rise then Christianity is idolatry.  That idolatry is through the roof when Jesus is described as God incarnate.
Jesus was supposedly crucified and the body went missing from the tomb and soon he began appearing and giving revelations.
The ban on necromancy in the Bible would imply that the apostles while getting messages from the risen Jesus were practicing necromancy. Their necromancy was of the extreme kind which involved talking to the spirit which had taken over a body that was dead and should have stayed dead.
The gospels do not verify that the resurrected Jesus really was the resurrected Jesus and not a spirit controlling Jesus' body. Some necromancers stole corpses to temporarily reanimate them with some spirit so that they might get answers for their questions. Jesus never appeared for that long. The gospels say the body vanished but do not say why. It is not true that they use the disappearance as evidence for a bodily resurrection. The body could have been stolen and rose in the presence of the thieves.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ was condemned as sorcery by the Law of Moses and the Jews for Jesus's preaching and claims didn’t fit the teaching of the Law. The Jewish testimony is that Jesus was dabbling in magic.
The Church says that these appearances were spontaneous and were not sought and so cannot be considered to be sorcery. But the gospels themselves say that Jesus predicted clearly before his crucifixion that he would rise from the dead and be seen after being nailed to the cross but argue lamely that the apostles forgot about this. Clearly what happened was the apostles did expect to see visions if Jesus predicted them but they were embarrassed at how much this looked like necromancy and feigned surprise. Or they induced themselves to see the visions so they said they forgot what Jesus said. And the story of the Medium of Endor in the Old Testament speaks of necromancy where she is surprised when it works. The New Testament hints of surprise when Jesus appeared but does not say if the appearances were summoned or not.
You could think, "All necromancers claimed that you should seek visions if God wants to send them and they said you were inspired to call up spirits that were willing to appear so that technically speaking the appearances are spontaneous so the Church is covering up the fact that the resurrection appearances were necromantic. Spontaneity is irrelevant as long as the person is open to such experiences."
The Church always taught that faith is a gift from God that is supernatural in origin in the sense that the Holy Spirit gives you light to see the truth. So the apostles did not believe in the resurrection because of a missing body or visions but because they felt the Spirit was telling them that Jesus rose. They had a sense of the Holy Spirit communicating with them and revealing. They believed this sense and it was because of it that they decided that the visions of Jesus were really from God and of Jesus. It was that sense that was behind their faith not empty tombs or visions. They were not even corroboration for they were not needed. The entire Christian world has been led astray by alleged light from the Spirit. It only results in schism and confusion and over-confidence. You would need to be smarter than the Holy Spirit and psychic to know for sure if your inner voice really was the Spirit so that is what you are saying when you say you have light from God. So even Christians having faith means they are claiming psychic powers and powers of divination which are prohibited in the Old Testament Torah which never says faith is a gift from God in the supernatural sense.
The fruits of the resurrection have been occultism and fanaticism and arrogance. The arrogance has been camouflaged as humility: “Oh I am right about what the Spirit says and you are wrong – and probably purposely wrong too”. This black fruit indicates that Jesus, if he lived, was indeed a black magician as the Jews used to say even according to the New Testament. To prevent chaos, some people like the Vatican have to claim a monopoly on inspiration from Heaven. But that is just trying to stop other people doing what they do. It denies human equality and is hostile to integrity. What they should do is say that faith is just a human thing and no God will help you find it and that you are on your own if you want to believe. But they want the authority and enjoy it. So when divination which is a form of necromancy was involved in faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ and necessary for that faith it is clear that the resurrection itself was a necromantic enterprise. Perhaps Jesus did necromantic rites when he was alive to cause supernatural forces to masquerade as him after his death. Many necromancers used sacrifice to cause the visions so Jesus might have used his own death. After all he claimed it was a sacrifice.
If Jesus gave the eucharist wherein bread becomes his body and wine his blood then that is clearly occultic. It sees grace as a form of magic. If God helps you the help cannot be described as anything like a power being poured into you. If you help a lady across the road that is not like an infusion of power. Grace should mean help not a magical power or supernatural power. Supernatural help and supernatural power are not the same thing. How can eating a man's body help you? It is magic. The eucharist is clear proof of Christendom's leanings towards the occult.
Traditionally, if you have necromantic experiences and then meet a bad end it is a sign that evil spirits are only out to deceive and destroy. The apostles met ends far worse than any necromancer did - if the martyr tradition is to be believed.

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