Relativism is characterised by saying morality is only opinion and is notorious for inconsistent opinions on morality.  For example, relativists may bully a person who merely expresses an opinion that they don't like RIGHT NOW.  Next year it could be a different story.


A relativist thinks that good and evil are not facts and she or he can make good good or evil evil. Believing supposedly makes it true. Something becomes right if you or somebody or a group of people approve of it. It virtually turns morality and culture into the same thing!


A religious or political or ideological system can be relativist but a person cannot be.  It is just not possible.  The person who says morality is just what you want it to be ends up trying to force it on others as if it were an absolute truth just as much as non-relativists might do.  That is why pulling down the system by educating its members to come out of it is priority.


Cultural relativism is not a typical form of relativism.  It suffers the same disasters as the notion, "Your truth is your objective truth and my truth is my objective truth."  It quenches research and thinking for if all things are true who cares if the moon is not the sun.  The only difference is it is a more collective form of balderdash.  Cultural relativism bullies people in a culture who oppose the culture.  It enables the culture to oppress them.  Oddly enough most people want cultures to respect an objective real morality that is not just about what people want it to be.  That is more important than culture as such.  And why is that not respected?  As we will see Christianity and many religions are themselves just cultural relativist systems. 


Moral relativism is too dangerous in human hands for it is too fluid and cares too much about what people want to think. It is no surprise if some relativists try to make God the relativist and shift the responsibility to him.  The rigid person who follows a relativist God is still as much a relativist as the one who keeps changing morals like socks.  Relativism implies moral infallibility. You argue that your opinion is right for morality is just opinion anyway.  If there is no objective morality, then whatever moral judgment you make is acceptable, even if you cannot justify that judgment even to yourself.  Even the most devoted relativist when he or she thinks about this "morality" will find it repugnant.


Christianity says you cannot take morality seriously if you do not believe in God. It keeps saying this despite the fact that it has been refuted over and over. To say that you get your moral values from God's authority is to say you are judging God as moral. It is to lie for it is still you that is deciding what is morally valuable while you are pretending you are not. In fact, as bad as morality is without Christianity, Christianity is no real help. It adds new problems. Christianity is moral relativism which is why it can teach that it was okay to murder adulteresses, as God commanded, by stoning them until Jesus supposedly changed the rule. Now it is wrong. That makes no sense at all and any faith that requires you to approve of draconian laws even if they are now abrogated is still bad in principle. Remember how Paul wrote that if religion hates or seriously harms so much as one person its devotion and prayers and martyrdom are worthless! The tyranny and horrors of moral relativism are not solved by trying to limit the authority to make these relativist rules to God. Relativism is still relativism no matter how few or how many are involved in formulating its directives.
Moral relativism when enforced by man is one thing but when you say that an infallible God endorses it that is 100% devotion to moral relativism. It is giving it the biggest sanction possible. Relativism based on God is relativism on steroids even if it does not look that way. It won't look it anyway. Relativism takes the attitude, “Anything goes”. The God relativist says that limiting the decisions about morality to God is its way of doing the anything goes. A system can make rules because anything goes in its view. That could be its way of anything goes.
Those who complain that religious people are not living up to the standards set by their religion are assuming that those people believe in objective morality. What if they are relativists? Sometimes the person does not realise they are relativist but their actions show they must be. Religion is defined as something good but what if this definition is a failure to understand that religion is a mask for relativism?

Another problem is that you could wrongly think you are not a relativist when you are. When you ask most believers in the morally objective, ask them to stand by it, they will not and they will show they are in fact relativists when push comes to shove.
And if truth is objective it does not follow that what we call truth really is the truth. Many things cited as facts and taken as facts are not facts. Also, there are good reasons from evidence and logic and practicality to argue that you know what is objectively true at least sufficiently. It is wise to emphasise not what people say about God but what their ideas about God say about them. Nobody can prove that they are not relativists. They cannot even prove it to themselves. Taking somebody as an objective morality believer is a matter of faith. To trust in man as the ambassador of God is really just to let that man pass off his ideas as God's.
Moral relativism says that what is condemned as bad should be seen as possibly or maybe bad. It says right and wrong are just opinions and guesses.
Relativism claims to know this. It claims to know that you are a liar if you say you know something is wrong. It claims to know that you are a bigot if you say you know something is wrong. Relativism says it is bigotry to claim to know what religious beliefs are true and what moral precepts are true. But it claims to know things itself! Relativism in fact thinks that truth is not truth but whatever you want it to be. That attitude only leads to bigotry and arrogance.
Moral relativism pretends to be about tolerance. But if it is true that a person believing in abortion is right and a person believing the opposite is right then there is intolerance of the right view.  You might say there is intolerance of the fact that only one of them is right. When you treat opinions as facts for the sake of tolerance you in fact end up intolerant of truth and facts and knowledge and those who know the truth. If A knows B murdered, the relativist is persecuting A by denying he knows. If opinions matter and facts do not then there is no point in worrying or caring about understanding truths or people. There can be no tolerance without understanding and moral relativism does nothing to help understanding. Those who believe morality is real are regarded as bigots.
When morality is seen as a matter of preference, it is easy to end up being called judgemental when you say to somebody that their behaviour is wrong or harmful.
Moral objectivists, people who say morality is real and not just mere opinion or what you want it to be, claim to have the right morality and that others who contradict them do not. That is said to be very arrogant. Relativists say that. But relativism is even worse. It says that a person who says abortion is wrong and another who says it is virtuous are both right. With relativism you are always right. That is even worse than the problems associated with moral objectivism. If moral objectivism is a problem it is the best of a bad lot and so we have no choice but to embrace it and if it is arrogant we cannot say it is deliberate nasty arrogance. It is the lesser evil.
Christianity claims to be about love. Love can be a very relativistic thing. It is a very general word and hard to know what it means or how to apply it which increases its tendency to be understood in a relativist way. The Christian notion that only they can do love right because God assists them will naturally lead to an "us versus them" and "them versus us" kind of poison.
Christianity claims to be embroiled in a war against relativism. Christianity is itself an example of a relativist system that will not admit that it is relativist.  Christianity is relativist.

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