Psychokinesis is the alleged ability to move things with your mind.  In the laboratory, no psychic power of this nature has been found to exist.  The excuses ring from that it does not like to be tested, the sceptical mind of the scientist testing you in the lab uses psychokinesis to stop yours working, that only sincere prayer that is not about mere testing triggers it or that only spells done for the sake of helping and not being tested show results.

Anyway this seems to be a watertight argument for the idea that mind can control matter.

There are no beings that can change the laws of nature. So, there is no supernatural.

All things must have been designed so how did things come to be so organised?

Minds must have been made by chance and this led to all things being organised for minds had the power to do all this organising. The mind is not all-powerful and cannot change the laws of matter. It just uses these laws to do its will. Suffering and evil are caused by the imperfection of the mind and matter. We can reduce them but we cannot get rid of them for if we could it would have happened long ago. Evolution alone cannot account for design. If there is a law of evolution then why don’t some people live forever and be free from suffering thanks to some force-field? Any evolution that happens happens by chance or is caused by mind-power that makes things improve gradually.

The mind is separate from the body when minds existed before the body.

We use the energy in our minds to make nature work in our favour but only in harmony with its laws. I might be able to make myself win money but I cannot turn sheets of paper into cash.

Whatever we summon into our lives through the power of imagination and emotion we will get. If I ask for a million pounds I will get it in some future existence.

Healing is an important work for us but it only works in harmony with medicine.

Cosmic design proves that mind rules matter.

I try to make a die come up six three consecutive times. What if it doesn’t happen? What if it doesn’t happen even when I want this proof of mind over matter to happen with great intensity? Does that prove there is no mind power? I cannot use the power unless I believe in it. If I don’t believe then I am not really intending to change my world. If I believe in the power I don’t need trial runs so it won’t work. I don’t really want the experiment to succeed for it would not prove that I have power. It is too trivial of a test. My will only wants what is best for me so it would ensure that my energy will only be spent on what is worthwhile.
We know that the mind can survive death and is stronger than matter when children who have hardly any brain mater at all still have minds for the mind is something that is plugged into the body and is not the brain. The mind is a machine that is made of undetectable matter. It is not spirit for when it goes unconscious then it would be non-existent for its nature is to be aware. And being without parts there would be no forgetting or making mistakes. That we have no souls or spirits is proven.
CRITIQUE. It could be that mind power only works on the body alone. Perhaps we got bodies by chance and evolved them.

We have no evidence when the die experiment cannot work. It is only a theory.

If we evolved ourselves to get where we are why couldn’t we alter our DNA to make us live to 300? All you would need to do is make a few changes in your stem cells and soon your body would be full of long living cells.
Consider again the argument
“I try to make a die come up six three consecutive times. What if it doesn’t happen? What if it doesn’t happen even when I want this proof of mind over matter to happen with great intensity? Does that prove there is no mind power? I cannot use the power unless I believe in it. If I don’t believe then I am not really intending to change my world. If I believe in the power I don’t need trial runs so it won’t work. I don’t really want the experiment to succeed for it would not prove that I have power. It is too trivial of a test. My will only wants what is best for me so it would ensure that my energy will only be spent on what is worthwhile.”
There are two replies to this.
Some people do need trivial tests to start with. They need them to work to have belief.  Magic workers say that faith in magic develops gradually and starts off with small blessings achieved through magick.
It is best for me then for the trivial tests to work. They give me the assurance that I should try the harder things such as healing cancer patients.


Believers in psychic and occult ability argue that the power can be elusive or in fact attacked by those who think there is no such power and who unwittingly then use psychic power to block you from giving evidence.

Belief in a God who decides what forces will do not you can be a block.  If psychic power exists then atheists use them best!


Psychokinesis is the power of mind to control matter. It means you can alter matter just by thinking and feeling and nothing else. It seems to be a safe assumption that this power exists for it would explain evolution and the intelligent design of our bodies and the creation. Since it is issued from fallible minds there are many mistakes and conflicts.

The proof of the pudding is in the eating so if we employ the power and get results and keep a journal we could soon develop faith in this power. The principle way the power will work is to make you arise to a greater inner peace and happiness for that is the most important concern for every person.

Why does this power not give us eternal life?

The answer is that it would take too much power to change the universe into a perfectly safe place. In billions of years the universe will perish and it would take too much power for us to do anything to avert that. To try and gain eternal life of any kind through magic is a waste of time. It is not death we have to fear but our feelings about death. We fear life but we are programmed to fear death when death looms. How can the power save us from death when death does not seem real to us? Any joy we get is because we largely believe that we will never die. The delusion helps us though part of us knows we will die.

Can we use this power to kill people?

No for it is a waste of energy for the real problem is ourselves. Magic that is a waste will not work because it is best if we do not waste and magic only works when we perceive it to be for the best. If we could use the power to cope with them that would be better and simpler. Magic is a terrific consolation - it gives us hope that we can change. Magic is a sacrament, a rite that is supposed to empower you to live in a better way. Magic cannot bring you money and power directly. All it does is help your emotional health so that you can get these things the natural way.

In reply to all this, magic could give us longer life if it cannot give eternal life. But magic workers do not live longer than usual. Magic would be able to correct defective feelings in a second because when it has to fit our deepest and most rational desire, to work, and the present moment is more important than the future being the seed of the future it would psychologically correct us instantly. And therefore what would you need a journal for?

When the tamest and most harmless theories of magic cannot work or make sense we very well can’t expect the stronger or darker doctrines to make any sense either.

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