All of us wish to see those who hurt us pay for it and face what they have
done. If this is done to balance the scales of justice it is seen as punishment.
If you take the law into your own hands and have no regard for the dignity of
the wrongdoer it is seen as revenge. But in the real world, there is no neat way
to separate these things.
Retribution tries to hurt you for committing some crime and it denies it is the
same as revenge. It is about giving you the bad you have earned while revenge is
just hurting you without any concern for what you really deserve.
The retribution question often appears in those contexts: the family, the
criminal law of the land and divine law.
Justice being true or fair is not the point in the eyes of the law. The laws of
the land are parasitic on justice and care that they are broken not that they
are really as fair as they could be. Can you really prove that a shoplifter
should be going to jail for a week/month or whatever? See the point?
Retribution is revenge?
If retribution is revenge what then?
Even if it is not there could be dangerous thin line between them that makes one
pass for the other a lot of the time.
The main argument that retribution is just revenge in disguise is, "The crime is
in the past. The crime does not hurt anybody but people who know if it may
choose to hurt themselves over it. Revenge cannot fix this so it is bad.
Retribution is no good either. It is true that retribution and revenge do
nothing. Thus one is as bad as the other. They are the same thing for revenge is
simply trying to make a wrong right by doing another one."
Read the Third Book of Ethics by Aristotle. He is clear that nobody commits a
crime or evil for evil's own sake. The rapist wants pleasure perhaps. He is not
raping simply because it degrades his victim or for the sake of evil. The law of
the land ignores all that. It treats crime as voluntary and as an abuse of free
will as long as the person is assessed as sane enough. Some think that insanity
is not an excuse for doing harm and evil. You are still evil if you kill x while
under the delusion that doing so will save the world. The delusion is the
framework but your will to do evil is a different matter. The framework did not
make you kill - you did. Retribution is revenge for the law always treats
criminals as if they were only breaking the law because it is bad to. They are
doing bad for the hell of it in the eyes of the law. It is revenge for they are
punished for what they have not done - done evil for the hell of it.
Christianity lies that it tries to love all. It does not.
If you inflict necessary evils on everybody love will not even matter then.
It could be that Christianity thinks love is a necessary evil!! The doctrine
that love is doing good and not necessarily rejoicing in others makes that
To protect love and the loving, the Church says you need to give people what
they earn. If they do bad they earn bad in return and that is retribution. So
clearly love and retribution in this scheme go together. To protect the loving
you need to make laws. A weak punishment is really just a pretence at enforcing
the law.
Theorists about moral justice always think or claim to be sure that your
criminal or sinful guilt are to be measured by the worth and dignity and role of
the one you do wrong against. So it is worse to throw a glass of water over the
president or the pope than to throw it over your classmate. This kind of logic
leaves us unsurprised when you go to jail for "life" ie ten years for killing
beggarman in the park for life and literal life for killing the Minister for
Finance. Who is anybody to measure a person's worth by their dignity instead of
just saying, "They matter for they are human and that is all that matters." Such
justice is just veiled retribution.
Case study on revenge disguised as justice
Jeffrey Epstein was thought in 2019 to have evaded justice by committing suicide
instead of being tried for supposedly abusing many young girls and even
supplying them to men he knew.
The alleged victims and others claimed to be upset by this for now he could not
be tried for it and exposed if the allegations proved true. For the victims,
true justice had not been done.
An alleged abuse survivor summed it up: “We have to live with the scars of his
actions for the rest of our lives, while he will never face the consequences of
the crimes he committed, the pain and trauma he caused so many people’.
That he died as a result of the crimes - if he committed them - is not enough.
He did pay the ultimate price.
The alleged victims are unhappy because he cannot put themselves in their place
and see and answer for the damage he did. If he did that he would recognise
himself as being evil as a person. It will not fix his victims even a little but
they are further hurt by the fact that he died before he could be proven guilty
and condemned.
A psychology today article concludes, "Our reactions to Epstein’s suicide
illustrate an important psychological principle. Justice is not the same as
vengeance. In vengeance, we retaliate in revenge. We want the other to feel pain
in response to our pain. Justice, however, is a moral concept. Injustice can
only occur by repairing the moral order. It is possible for the other to
experience deep pain for his infraction–even death–for his infraction. But the
mere experience of pain is insufficient. For justice, we want the other to
experience our pain–not just any pain. Justice demands attention to the moral
breach, which involves having to face one’s wrongdoing. This is why justice
requires much more than vengeance."
I have to comment on that conclusion. You know there is nothing you can do to
make another feel your pain or really see through your eyes. It is all partial.
No two victims even if they are twins hurt at the one time really have
experiences that match up except in some respects and even then the accuracy is
passable but still imprecise. Wanting impractical justice, is wanting revenge.
The cross
The Christian Churches either teach or allow one to assume that the reason Jesus
was sacrificed by God on the cross was to give Jesus the retribution due to our
sins. This evil core doctrine of the faith which is honoured by the Holy
Communion in particular was popularised by Anselm of Canterbury.
“In a magisterial study, Timothy Gorringe has argued that Anselm’s theory of the
atonement, in particular, had wide influence on violent justice systems in
Europe. He notes that the need to hang or torture criminals was never
self-evident” (Fighting Words: The Origins of Religious Violence by Hector
Retribution and justice are really covers for revenge and the Christian system
is largely to blame for that for Jesus based his death around the notion of
having to pay for the sins of others. For true justice, we must overthrow the
Christian underpinnings of the legal system. The notion of people doing evil is
nonsense. See them as hugely mistaken. Then you can give real justice.