Blasphemy is usually defined as speaking disparagingly against the sacred.
Sometimes it is defined as insulting the religious beliefs of others. Sometimes
both. Jesus said we must love God with all our powers and this is the most
important commandment. Loving neighbour is only second runner up. Clearly
religion has to accept the definition that blasphemy is speaking disparagingly
against the sacred. Insulting the believers by insulting their beliefs is not as
important. To accept the definition indicates that blasphemy law should only
protect one religion and not the rest. That is because what is blasphemy to one
faith is sacred to another and the law will soon become unworkable if all
religions start to initiate legal campaigns against blasphemers.
The onus of proof is on the offended believer to prove that they really believe.
You can't accuse someone of offending your belief unless you show that you
really believe first. That will require a lot of evidence and require you to be
able to defend your faith eloquently and reasonably. And the problem is that if
you persecute or punish somebody for insulting your faith, you are acting like
somebody that is insecure in her convictions. So proving the offended person who
wants to put you in jail for offending them is sincere or sincere enough is not
easy. It is not workable. And when religious people get some beliefs protected
by civil law they soon add more beliefs in that they want protected.
Blasphemy laws are about protecting religious belief from criticism. That is a
dangerous course for any nation to take. Belief by itself does not deserve
protection and should be able to stand up for itself. And once you do away with
freedom of inquiry, you end up doing away with belief. Only free inquiry and
thinking for yourself helps you see what you should accept to be true. If faith
needs protecting from free thinkers, that means that if it commands that they be
murdered then we have no way of thinking clearly for ourselves to see that that
would be wrong. Religions trying to get the law to punish those who question
their beliefs or who laugh at them will only encourage blasphemy. People who are
told not to blaspheme will do it quicker for the sake of free speech.