The doctrine that our lives are mapped out by the heavenly bodies, eg, moon, sun
and stars etc. Accordingly, it is thought that it is possible to tell our future
using charts and working things out from the position of the heavenly bodies. To
protect themselves from being exposed as charlatans, astrologers say that their
prognostications show what tends to happen in the future not what will happen.
There are actually thirteen signs scientifically speaking but astrology always
assumed twelve which shows that it is an irrational superstition.
Astrology with its stress on what zodiac sign you are born under is akin to
racism. It would advocate discrimination against a person just because of what
bad traits their birth chart should have. It is totally unfair to judge people
according to their birth charts. It is no better than judging people according
to their skin colour. It argues that any one sign has a good match romantically
with some of the other signs. But not all. Teachings like that can cause trouble
and indeed do.
And why birth charts? The time of conception or when the embryos became those
persons would make more sense. After all, your birth does not create you. It is
only you emerging from your mother.
The Devil is the head of all the evil spirits. Since God does not make evil
beings, the Devil was once good but became bad of his own fault. Or so the
Church would have us believe.
We always do what we feel we like to do even when we feel we hate our action.
Choosing means prefer. It means you like doing the hated action more than you
hate the action. So if God had given Satan better likes he wouldn’t have sinned.
It’s all God’s fault that Satan sinned. The Church will answer that Satan didn’t
have to go along with the sinful attractions. But still God tempted him to sin
by giving him those feelings and then punished him for doing what he inspired
him to do. Yet for God to be really good he has to incapable of asking anybody
to sin (James 1:13) so temptation is the chief proof that God can’t exist. It is
so obviously right that all believers are blinding themselves to the truth. God
gives Satan the psychic power to tempt us and this is unnecessary for we don’t
have such telepathic powers. A God who won’t tempt but gets a lesser being to do
it for him is worse than one that does it himself. Better one evil being than
two. He is like a man that won’t shoot his wife but hands the gun to his friend
to do it.
The Church says that God permitted Satan to be tempted because those who resist
temptation are more good than those who don’t because they choose to be good
after being attracted by evil. What else can they say? This not solving the
problem of how an all-good God could allow temptation to happen. If temptation
makes those who resist it more good then why can’t God tempt? If he can’t then
temptation is always bad no matter how much good it results in. Their teaching
suggests that the person who gets rid of all temptations is not as good as the
good person who still has them. Yet they look forward to a Heaven where
temptation is no more! They hypocritically worship a God who cannot be attracted
by evil because he cannot be tempted and they contend that God is perfect good!
It is all incoherent nonsense.
Casting out demons that have taken over people so that the people will be free.
Jesus performed many exorcisms in the Bible which is odd for you hardly ever
hear of possessions these days.
When demons take over they treat the victim very cruelly to the horror of the
spectators. It would be better to take over and use the person to do evil things
but in secret while hiding the malevolence. Demons being scary and tormenting
their host would only be scaring people into the arms of God. They would be
putting people off evil. No story of demonic possession then makes sense.
If demons don't want to be expelled from their victim they have a strange way of
showing it. The exorcist comes to cast them out. They go or seem to. When the
exorcism works for a while and the demon returns people reason that the person
let the demon back in. They blame the person not the fact that the exorcism is a
load of hocus pocus. Exorcisms look more like displays to get followers for the
exorcist who is really on their side so they pretend he could and indeed has
cast them out. The Jews suggested that to Jesus. He then tried to scare them
into thinking that they were insulting the Spirit of God when in fact he could
give no proof but speculation that they were wrong. He argued that Satan cannot
put Satan out as if Satan needed to possess people. Jesus even said that whoever
says Satan is doing the exorcisms that the Holy Spirit is doing would never be
forgiven for their sin. Obviously what they said had got to him. He wanted to
scare them into silence. He was the one insulting the Spirit.
A trance state that enables you to be controlled by another person. One thing is
for sure, human beings are in this state all the time. We know this for there
are things people who know us can get us to do without us even realising that we
are being manipulated. We can make ourselves ill if we mistakenly believe that
we are ill. The human mind is so fragile and steered by emotions and forces we
are unaware of that it is certain that things like religion are dangerous and
irresponsible and exploitive. That is why Humanism forbids anything that is
against free-thinking and self-determination.
It has been scientifically proven that hysteria can be easily spread in a crowd
for we are conditioned by society to believe that we should do what everybody
else does which is why good and bad example are so influential. Also, if people
see a crime happen and are questioned separately after their accounts will be
different in many ways for their memory and perception is tampered with by
suggestion, a power in the subconscious that takes over.
Giving a created thing the honour that is due to God. For example, worshipping
the moon like many pagans do. To be real worship, the worship has to be
well-meant and sincere. Otherwise it is not idolatry but play-acting. You cannot
really worship a thing unless it claims it is worthy of your trust and loves
The condemnations of idolatry as a sin in the Bible clearly imply that God will
condemn you for worshipping anything good that is not him even if you did not
mean to. Furthermore, God will probably condemn you for disobeying him by
mistake as well. The condemnation of idolatry implies you will go to Hell
forever for not believing the right things. Christians say that you will be
punished not for your unbelief as long as your unbelief is caused by invincible
ignorance that you cannot help but for your sins. This is nonsense for unbelief
could only justify God leaving you to suffer for your sins if it was a sin
itself. Despite all the watering down these days, Christianity is a very bigoted
You can worship even the one true God in an idolatrous way. For example, if you
care about what you are going to get out of God and not about God that is
idolatry. Thus only the person who looks in her or his own heart knows if she
really connects with God or God's mirror image. There is no reason to believe
that many of those who claim to love God really do so even if they seem to be
very good people.
The doctrine that the evil that you send out of you comes back on you. This is
totally insulting. It implies that a murdered baby deserved its fate. Some say
that karma just means that whatever you do will be done to you - and it isn't
about deserving. They say it is just a reaction. But nevertheless the murdered
baby is being accused of being a baby murderer in a past life. You need the baby
to be the defendant in a court trial to be able to say such a horrible thing and
then only if its guilt is established beyond all doubt. Karma is only acceptable
to people who are not as nice as they pretend to be. Buddha and co could not
possibly be saints when they propounded such a concept. They did the evil they
said that prevents salvation.
The view that this life will not be the only one for me and when I die I will
come back in another body. This doctrine is very dangerous. Committing suicide
then does not exist - all you are doing is getting a fresh start. And it is bad
when coupled with the doctrine of karma. Then it could infer that a baby that is
murdered must have murdered somebody in a past life. One would need perfect
evidence to justify making an accusation like that. Many women who commit late
abortion or infanticide reason that if they have the baby killed it will be
conceived again in the future when the time is right. They see the killing as
postponing the baby!