Fusing God and Objective Morality Empowers Ministers of Religion too much
Clearly when God can create killer viruses and take life and stand by as people do great evil though others are prevented he is not moral in the way we are. Religion has to admit it cannot really understand this full stop. And if they could manage to understand one thing in the list what about the rest? Who can understand any of it? Religion then just feels that God is moral regardless. So its argument that God grounds morality and morality is really true and some things are always wrong rests on a feeling. That is an insult to objective morality. Even if objective morality is untrue, it is clear there is an intention to insult it. You cannot respect life or people's wellbeing by basing such ideas on your feeling. It is not about you. It's too flimsy for such important things. If you care about life you do not care about it in that respect. Caring about life or wellbeing other ways does not excuse the exception you make. You are still on the hook. You are not off it. If God grounds morality it does not follow that we really care. We may say we do, that is all. If God cannot help you rise above a feeling, then is it likely that he really cares about right and wrong? Certainly not. Religion says morality is a law and a law communicates otherwise it is nothing. But if morality is feelings it is no more reliable then guesses. It tells you nothing.
Do those who say that you cannot really believe in morality unless you believe
there is no morality or moral values unless there is a God want to respect God
or do they want to turn a moral ideal, an ethical standard, into God?
The latter do not really respect God but are manipulating faith in order to keep
people moral. That would be idolatry. If morality matters and God can be abused
to make it matter then it follows that God and morality cannot go together.
Morality is independent of God.
If the moral argument is wrong, all believers are turning God into a ideological
idol. Then morality would require not only that you think morality and God are
separable but in hostile opposition. Jesus was guilty of that for he said that"
No one is good except God alone" (Mark 10:18; Luke 18:19, Matthew 19:17).
To say God and morality go together so that to deny one is to wholly deny the
other is to say three things:
Good is objectively good.
This good is real because it exists only in God.
You cannot know this good except in so far as God reveals himself and forms
relationships with us.
You cannot trust everybody who claims to know this good and preach it.
The objective good is only put into practice by those who get grace from God to
help them learn it and live it.
Morality is about two things: reciprocity and empathy not God. Anybody then who
brings God into the equation is looking for power and does not really care about
real morality. If there was a choice between reciprocity and empathy which one
would we have to choose? Reciprocity for it is about treating others well who
treat you well because they treat you well.
If we had to reject one thing and the choice was reciprocity, empathy and God
obviously God would have to go.
Religion says that good cannot exist unless God exists and God is good.
Translation: “Good is objective or real and objective or real good is God.
Therefore there is no objective good without God.” That circular argument proves
that trying to base morality on God cannot work. It is not logical and is the
same as arguing that morality is true for God says so and if God says it then
God is right. A circular argument messes with words to make it look like an
argument. A circular argument is necessarily man-made and also anti-rational.
Just like a lie leads to more lies a circular argument can start a whole
To say morality is objectively correct and true is to say the moral person knows
what is right and wrong. It is knowing not believing we are talking about. But
how do you prove that a person really knows? If you don’t know, that does not
mean they don’t know or know. Morality even if objective is given to you by
people who know it is true. This gives them power over you for they can say they
know what is objectively right and wrong if you don't. If you know say abortion
is wrong and others only think it is wrong that means your will comes first.
Fact always comes before belief. Objective morality then gives power and
authority to men by default.
If you think murder is wrong and ask what you mean by saying it is wrong most of
us end up concluding that it is wrong because the leaders of the community do
not allow it. The community is part of this too for they make the men the
leaders and follow them. But if you think it is wrong just because a man or the
community says so that means that obeying the community is more important than
human life. Even if you hold that murder is inherently wrong whether forbidden
or not, the vast majority of people ban murder just because it pleases the
community. In the right conditions, they will kill for there is little
restraining them anyway. Keeping in line with what other people think you should
do is not a solid way to behave.
If there is no God, then there is no legitimate authority that preaches and acts
in his name or which got authority from him. If there is no God, then there is
no way man can ground a definition of God. Do not give man power by honouring
his ideas about God for it is man that will benefit from it not God.
The notion that there is no real good in a person unless they do it for God is
common. It is the reason why some say the problem is not if a person can be
really good without God or if there is no God but is about getting an answer to,
"What does good mean?" If you do not know what good is in the first place you
cannot really be good no matter how much good you do. Something similar to good
is not the same as good.
The argument is really about trying to say that all values, truths, morals and
decisions do not have value in themselves. Moral values only are values for they
are derived from a God who
is, gives and who represents those values. The notion that value has no value unless
there is a God to value it is bizarre. A calculation cannot be correct just
because somebody says so. If it is right it does not need a person to agree with
What we really have here is people being afraid that each person is going to define morality for themselves. They try to solve the problem by letting only one person, God, do that. Good and what it means is not defined and controlled by us but by God. It is manipulative and hypocritical to try and take away your right to define and to give it to one person. It is given to God not because he is God but because he is a person who is thought to be stronger than us and who, unlike anybody else, can be used as the link between us all. He is the convenient person because nobody can go to him to check out what they are told about him and what he stands for.
One attraction of saying that you can define good for
yourself is that you can define yourself as good no matter how much harm you do.
If good is independent of what you think it could be that you are not really
good and nobody else is either - another horrible thought. If you define good as
what suits you, you define others as bad especially if they somehow hinder your
life. So it sounds bad to say something is good just because you value it.
But letting somebody else define good for you is no better! The same problems
will arise. And to make that somebody else out to be God enhances and reinforces
the problems.
It would be hypocritical to boast how you won't define good for yourself and let
God do it when that is no better or even worse than doing it yourself. If it is
degrading to create your values as you choose then it is more degrading to give
that privilege to another in your stead. Why give it to them? And moreover you
degrade you and them for it is degrading for them too.
Charlatans and those who are deluded by religion both try to protect themselves
from evidence or proof that their ideas are wrong. They make sure their claims
end up being non-testable. Those who say there is no morality if there is no God
and who then give you a God whose existence and love is not testable are not
going to give you a very convincing or deep morality. If you get a dose of
non-testable stuff, there is nothing stopping you from coming up with different
non-testable stuff.
Some non-testable claims are more beneficial than other claims. That masks their
dangers and bad implications.
It is better to assume that morality is somehow binding in itself than to assume
it is binding only if there is a God. You don't need to know how the doctor
helps but only that she does. It is better to assume for it is simpler and
dodges any risk of people giving strange commands and saying they come from God
and he has a plan so we must overlook the seeming oddness. So the attempt to
fuse morality and God is itself not the best idea and so it is doomed to fail.
It gives you a hypocritical moral code not a moral code.
Feeling free is testable. But whether we have free will or not is not testable.
So if we assume free will, we should assume a version of it that gives people
dignity - assuming there is such a version. It should be assumed for man's sake
and not for the sake of believing in God. To believe in free will so that you
can blame man not God for evil is terrible. And if God comes first then that is
what you should do. This is proof that there is something far from right with
the notion that God and objective morality are somehow the same. It takes away
the attraction of believing in God.
What is particularly twisted about efforts to ground morality in God's commands
or nature, is that it puts power in the ministers and prophets who claim to
speak for God and know what he wants. It is egocentric despite the crafty veneer
of kindness and love. The morality that is offered by religion is horrendous in
many parts - for example, allowing the wanton killing of animals for food and
praising and loving a God who has set up nature in such a cruel way that one
animal torments another to death. For all their talk about grounding morality in
God, they have no real concern for it. They just care about it suiting them
which means they do not really care about morality at all but about themselves.
The God-belief is a danger to our standards of right and wrong. Those who say it
is essential to believe in God before one can believe in any of these standards
are lying for there is nothing on this page that hasn’t been constantly said to
the Church by its critics over the centuries. The Church ignores the truth for
it gets away with it for the sheep are dependent on her. Belief in God is bad
for us therefore to promote the belief is bad. To say we must believe in God to
be moral implies that the evil doctrine that "an act is never good in itself but
needs a God to approve of it to make it good" is true. This is because it
implies that even child rape, for instance, would be good if God allowed it. If
good is independent of belief in God then no big deal should be made of God. It
would mean that good is good whether there is a God or not. We have enough
trouble trying to work out right and wrong without religion adding to the
difficulties and making a laughing stock of our efforts. If believers say an
atheist can be moral, but has no basis for really believing in morality, the
atheist is really being accused of superficial and shallow morality. That is not
morality. The atheist cannot have a truly moral motive for doing the good things
she does.
Belief in God is not about morality but about religious self-interest of the
worst and most devious and hidden kind. God is just worshipped as a cover for
self-interest. Believers don't like morality so they invent a God or morality in
order to motivate themselves to behave. God is a moral crutch - and people will
be hit with this crutch should they see through religious people.
God is only of use to religious people as an inventor of moral rules. If there
is no God then they are the inventors and we are empowering them by serving God.
If God is an inventor, how do we know that we are not mistaking the inventions
of men for his?
Even if you think God has revealed moral values to you and moral rules, YOU are
still responsible if they are not from him, if they are wrong and if they do
harm. People trying to make out God and morality are the same are trying to
dodge this infinite and tremendous and frightening responsibility. That makes
faith in a God who is the definition of morality and moral value intrinsically
evil and risky. For a believer to go and enjoy a lovely meal is an insult to
others. If you are going to condone, intentionally or not, or risk condoning,
God's pretended right to tell us what is ethical and how he lets a little baby
suffer and you go and enjoy yourself that is vile.
Both atheists and religionists can teach that something wrong is right and
refuse to backtrack. It is more dangerous for a religionist to do that because
he can use God's mysterious ways and superior wisdom as a loophole. The
temptation will be too great. He can say that God decides from his perspective
as ruler and observer of the universe what should be done and we don't have the
knowledge or expertise he has to contest what he demands. A person can make
moral rules non-testable by saying they are God's decisions and use that to mask
the fact that he is just a stubborn twit who doesn't want to admit it when he is
in the wrong. He could even use God to mask it from himself as well.
Those who fuse God and morality and turn God into the definition of morality
deny that morality is chiefly about happiness and well-being. You are asked for
example to hold a loving attitude towards others even if you can do nothing at
all for them and Satan rules the universe and threatens to torment you forever
unless you turn your heart nasty. Can you imagine how that opens the door for
atheists and believers to wage evil in the name of morality and still be seen as
heroes? At least we atheists don't have faith in God which will only block
recognition of the extent of the problem. Some say the atheist should not say
happiness is what matters most in morality for if there is no God then you might
as well say that drinking water five times a day is what matters most.
If God is not the same as objective morality and is not essential to objective
morality then there is no justification for worshipping him when he lets evil
happen to little innocent babies. He loses importance. It becomes objectively
moral to condemn him.
If people use their power to decide like a God what they are going to regard as
good or evil, the state will soon end up doing the same thing and will
deliberately do evil while pretending to be well-meaning. You may as well let
individuals do it as let the state do it and vice versa.
It is thought that it is a good thing if man creates moral laws and human rights
for that means only man can protect them. That argument has a fatal flaw. What
if man creates a moral law commanding that all 55 year olds be executed so that
younger generations may thrive? Man should DISCOVER moral laws and human rights
and BECAUSE he has discovered them he can PROTECT them. Man using God to invent
morals and rights is out. Man using God to protect morals is cheating. Man must
do it and man alone and on his own authority.
If we are deciding like a God what morality is going to be or not be and
pretending we don't that makes us bigger hypocrites than what we already are. It
could be that the person's whose values match God's does not have them because
they match God's. It could be by luck that there happened to be a match. It does
not prove the person is innocent of defining goodness for herself. Even if the
arguments about God and morality are right, it does not follow that any believer
really cares. Religion says that man is estranged from God so if that is true it
would be surprising if anybody cares.