Spiritualism and many individual occultists surmised that the resurrection stories about Jesus were really derived from accounts of his spiritualistic appearances.  In time the story changed and by the time the gospels came around the material was "straightened out".  Many traces of the occultism involved were lost.  Perhaps.


Spiritualist writers have surmised that when Jesus would not wake up when a boat was about to sink with him and the apostles on it that this was an occult trance.  Some say he was charging up power to command the tempest to cease.  If he was that good at going into a trance did he die at all?  The claim that Moses and Elijah were called up by Jesus in light is typical of what you read in spiritualist accounts.  Was he a medium?  Did he become a spirit guide when he died or "died"?


If Jesus were indeed a spirit guide he could have guided the church into concocting a story or legend that nations would fall for.


There are rumours that his tomb is known and a blue light rises from it at Pascal time and lights candles.  This is heavy occult. 


As for legend growth, the Elijah Muhammad of the Nation of Islam sect died. Louis Farrakhan claimed to be his resurrection so that Elijah Muhammad was back from the dead.  For this sect, all we need to know is that Louis is Elijah Muhammad.   It is only because we have plenty of information that we know how this resurrection is done. We have only a few pages about Jesus' comeback from the dead and no detail on how exactly he came back.  For all we know he could have been like the dead man who came back for his body fell on Bible prophet Elisha's bones.


Christians claim that the resurrection of Jesus meant Jesus came back in a transformed body. It was like a spiritual body. How spiritual was it? Perhaps it was transformed so much that it could only make itself known through mediums and spiritualistic activity.  Though Christianity needs Jesus to rise bodily from the grave the fact remains that even the New Testament says that rising bodily was only a theory.  It does not care what we think happened to Jesus' body.  If it was stolen - which it could have been - for the tomb was left alone after the stone rolled back and the body could have been inside that is no problem.


Spiritualism claims it can raise the dead temporarily.  The spirit uses ectoplasm to appear.  Christianity opposes Spiritualism but in principle it has no problem with God giving spirits the power to communicate.  It just thinks it does not happen today.


Hebrews 1:14 concerning the angels is interesting, “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?”  Paul writes that during pentecostal ceremonies such as speaking in tongues the spirits of the speaker is under the speaker's control.  These things make you think that the early Church was dabbling in spiritism.

The risen Jesus appearing in the Bible could just have been what was thought to be the spiritual Jesus acting and taking through a stigmatised medium. The medium would then have been Jesus for the mind determines personal identity. The ascension could have been the spirit body of Jesus leaving the body of the medium for the last time.

Thomas asked for Jesus to appear with the wounds he had got in his body at the crucifixion so that he could feel them and Jesus obliged. But if a medium seemed to develop stigmata while possessed by Jesus it would suffice. Jesus was reproducing the wounds on his invisible spirit body – spiritualists believe that this body which they call the ethereal body affects the physical body – on the body of the instrument. Mediums are said to physically change a bit into the spirit they are allowing to take over.

In Spiritualism, there is a practice called transfiguration in which a bodily substance is emitted and seems to make the medium look like the dead person. Maybe this was what happened. Transfiguration is really just the imagination and is done in a low light if you stare at a person in a dim light you think the person is changing shape and appearance. Thomas could have been a medium to cause Jesus appear in a vision. Mediumship may be superstition but some people can alter their mental structure to see and hear and feel what is not there.

Paul saw Jesus in a light on the way to Damascus which converted him. The Bible does not require us to believe that there was only a supernatural explanation for all this. It could have been too much sun, drink or a hallucination that God was working through. Or was Paul a spiritual medium?

The Bible does not say how Jesus appeared so it could have been via Spiritualism. They were not bound to tell every detail and they did not wish the critics to sneer or to encourage other spiritists. As for the opposition of the Law to Spiritism everybody agrees that it is okay to be a medium if God lets and wants you to be one. If is solely unauthorised communication with the other world that is wrong or communication that attempts to bypass God. That might have been the belief of the early Church. But objectively speaking, all visions of dead people and raised people even those reported by the Church are nothing more than necromancy and are forbidden for the reason that necromancy is forbidden in accordance with Deuteronomy 18.

The resurrection vision stories are dubious when they could be spiritualistic.

A Concise History of the Catholic Church, Thomas Bokenkotter, Image Books, New York, 1979
Alleged Discrepancies of the Bible, John W Haley, Whitaker House, Pennsylvania, undated
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Belief and Make-Believe, GA Wells, Open Court, La Salle, Illinois, 1991
Concise Guide to Today’s Religions, Josh McDowell and Don Stewart, Scripture Press, Bucks, 1983
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Why I Believe Jesus Lived, C G Colly Caldwell, Guardian of Truth, Kentucky

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