Jesus Christ, the reputed founder of Christianity, was allegedly the most decent religious teacher of all time. This reputation is a hoax whole and entire and largely enabled by people who have barely read the New Testament.  The man was a cult-leader and had brainwashed slaves if the gospels are to be believed. A cult is a religion that teaches lies, that bullies its members to follow it, or otherwise manipulates them. Christianity is doubtlessly still cultic though it might not be as obvious as it used to be but the gospels say that the entourage of Jesus was a full-blown dangerous cult. In their stupidity, they thought this cultism was to be applauded.
Jesus turned the family into a mockery of union. He went further to make it also a mockery of love by forbidding divorce. The marriages of his days were of men and sometimes older ones who wed young girls in their early teens.  Women had no right to divorce and Jesus reinforced that right though admittedly he took that right from men too.  If anybody should be allowed to divorce it should have been the women.  They were too young to wed and plus they had no say in the ceremony - the man alone gave consent.


The Catholic Church does not allow an attempt to dissolve the marriage but allows divorce under certain conditions as long as this is understood to be merely a legal decree and does not really end the marriage in the sight of God or allow remarriage.  Jesus' teaching has only led to hypocrisy like that and marriages that put on appearances but which are full of hate.


In Mark 10, firstly, Jesus attacks divorce and later he attacks remarriage. Clearly, then he was opposed even to the divorce that the Catholics permit. He said the two are joined in one flesh and are one so this bond should not be terminated. Jesus was against separation. And he urged his disciples to separate from their wives! 

One of the things people find most shocking about cult-leaders is how they try to tear apart the bond of family and friendship in order that they might have the victim to themselves. David Berg, the founder of the Children of God, actually told young people to hate their parents if they did not share their son or daughter’s new faith. Frankly, Christians have the cheek to say that Jesus was right to break up families and that anybody else who demands such splits is wrong to.


Jesus commanded that if your parents are against you following him then  you must hate them.  Christians say he was only being poetic - he only meant that you are not to literally hate them but merely to love them less than him and disobey them.  But he uses the word miseo for hate.  If he meant what the Christians say then why didn't he say so for he lived in a culture where many cults that wrecked families existed?  He meant it.  Jesus speaking of a slave said that the slave that has two masters will hate one miseo and love the other (Luke 16:13). He is saying that miseo is not love at all. It is the absence of love if it is not outright spite. Jesus is making it clear that you cannot love God and a man. If you love your neighbour what you mean is that you treat your neighbour well purely as an act of devotion to God.

The Sermon on the Mount itself states that nobody who loves and is kind to those who love him deserves any praise or reward. The Church licks up good family men at their funerals for the Church is only a power game anyway. Jesus ran down family life. By implication we should not like to be treated well by those who love us but should rather love our enemies instead of them and serve the enemies. That is the true sense of the golden rule, Treat others as you would be treated.


Christians downplay and ignore how the inhuman Jesus himself said that wanting to be with your love and your family forever in Heaven is foolish for there you live like an angel.  And marriage and family no longer exists there.  Everybody is your mother and father and brother and sister and child in a sense.  Just as your spouse is no longer married to you from death onwards so family ties end.  That such a faith has got such power in society speaks volumes about how manipulative it is.  Such a teaching means that if you are to be "prepared at all times" for the end as Jesus directed then you must detach from your feelings about others as part of that enterprise.

Jesus promised an incredible reward for those who left their loved ones, children, land and/or property for him (Mark 10). They leave freely for otherwise there would be no talk of a reward. In those days of hardship and danger, that would have meant leaving the children in deep trouble.  It proves that he was evil because we don’t tolerate cultists doing this.


Luke 8:1-3 indicates that Jesus and his disciples were living off the likes of Joanna.  She had plenty of money. Her husband worked for King Herod.  Herod and Jesus apparently hated each other.  It is obvious that she stole what she could and then joined Jesus' entourage.  She broke ties with her home and this helped avoid or delay arrest.  So Jesus had funders.  Normally a travelling preacher does favours for people to get money. Paul the apostle said he worked for his keep wherever he went.  Jesus did nothing.  He was a sponger depending on funders like Joanna.  We can be sure that she was not the only one and it is telling that the gospels don't mention that. 

Anybody like Jesus who told lies and rewarded vices would necessarily have to promote strife and false unity which is a cover for division.


Jesus nagged a man to follow him and then objected when the man said he wanted to bury his father.  Jesus said let the dead bury their dead.  Some say he was not banning the man from his father's funeral.  They think the man meant, "I can't follow you now for I have to look after my father and I will follow you when he dies."  But is that really any better?  Jesus calling the father dead is assumed to refer to the man being dead to God, ie evil.  Today Christianity says that caring for parents is following Jesus!  It is all an ideological mess!

Jesus sanctioned the war-mongering Mosiac Law.  He was clear his intention was to fulfil or keep it.  Thus if he contradicted it we should see that it was not intentional.  Not once did he say the law was wrong but said whoever watered it down would be punished by God.

Jesus asserted that anyone who did not listen to his message deserved to be burned alive (Matthew 10:14). He was willing to destroy the faith of others in their teachers and in their cult for he wanted them to listen to him. Yet he forbade his disciples to listen to anyone trying to destroy their faith who could be able to. Even today Christians are given the same advice. Jesus was saying that he was good for forbidding Christians to expose their faith to danger though he expected others to expose their faith to danger from God. When you can get accurate information there is no sense or goodness in hiding from those who are allegedly wrong. How a man could say he alone should be heeded when somebody will come along with better credentials than him could be called humble, caring and saintly is an unanswerable question.

Jesus taught that we are all sinners (Mark 10:18). He authorised the practice of making social pariahs of some sinners (Matthew 18:15-18). He saw sin as infinite ingratitude for the infinite love God bears for you so all sin is infinitely bad in so far as it is an insult to God. It is deserving of everlasting punishment which can be the only price for infinite sin. The bad results of sin are another issue. For Jesus, a discreet act of adultery is as bad as public scandal. So it is hypocrisy and bullying to pick on some sinners instead of others. If Christians will stand before Christ the Judge, then they can tell him, “Let me into Heaven, Lord, despite my many sins for they are no worse than your own”. Didn’t he befriend sinners himself? Christians say it is right to shut a person out if it brings them to their senses and wrong if it does not. That is their feeble attempt at justifying Jesus. The truth is that nobody knows how or when anyone will change.  Jesus said that it was right not to judge and then he permits the opposite! If I assume divorce is always bad which is an extreme position and condemn divorce I am condemning the people who divorce too. Why? Because I arrogantly take it for granted that the faith I have created is correct. I won’t see it just as my opinion.

Jesus told the apostles that he spoke in parables to prevent understanding among the outsiders. If that is true then the stories about crowds coming to hear him are fiction for you don’t come to listen to a man who can’t speak plainly to you. The parable of the seed was harmless so Jesus would not have wanted to hide what it said. Mark testified that Jesus was lying when he said he wanted to reserve the understanding of his doctrine to his disciples for anybody could figure out what the parable meant (Mark 4:33,34). Jesus wanted to encourage division and ignorance.

Jesus said that sin prevents conversion to his brand of religion not ignorance so if a person hears the gospel and does not believe it, it is because they hate God (John 3:21; 7:17). He said, “Whoever is of God listens to God. [Those who belong to God hear the words of God.] This is the reason that you do not listen [to those words, to Me]: because you do not belong to God and are not of God or in harmony with Him” (John 8:47). Lots of people know by experience that this is not true even if they do believe in sin. This ethical teaching is also a slander against those who won’t follow him and incites Christians to hatred against them. That is the end of the Christian fantasy about Jesus being humble and fair.

Jesus was not the prince of peace predicted by Isaiah.

Jesus’ hatred of sexuality and his desire to restrict it to marriage for life causes a lot of trouble in families today and rips them apart. In the guise of protecting family life, his law really seeks to foment resentment and harshness while keeping up appearances.  
Some scholars hold that Jesus might have been married but he was definitely celibate at least in public at the time of his alleged ministry.

He smeared homosexuals accusing them of doing wrong without evidence. He did this when he said that sex outside marriage was immoral and that marriage was for one man and one woman for life.

His not blessing gay marriage is sufficient proof of his unfairness – it was vital in those unscientific times for gays to avoid promiscuity for many diseases that are curable now were fatal then.

The abuses of homosexuality do not prove that it is wrong.

Its alleged unnatural nature does not prove it wrong either for we have to fight nature for it is red in tooth and claw and far from sacred all the time. Is it natural to live in houses or to wear clothes? Nobody can find a reason they believe for being against homosexuality.

Jesus forbade divorce under all circumstances. This was cruel. He could have protected marriage by making divorce hard to obtain. If he allowed it for adultery then he was encouraging adultery. This was arbitrary because he was implying that adultery was an attempt to break the marriage contract but so is hating your partner and everybody does that at times. He wanted to be cruel and condone adultery and hypocrisy at the same time.

Even sexual thoughts were forbidden (Matthew 5). He believed that if you thought about being in the sack with somebody that it is the same as doing it in reality because the thoughts seem to be real to you and you think they are real. Obviously, it must be a sin to fall in love and to have sexual thoughts even under conditions in which they will not force you to do something you regret. This by implication forbids masturbation for how could it be a sin to awaken lust if masturbation is okay and done soon after? Jesus hypocritically preferred a man to be obsessed with lust instead of getting rid of it. One of the favourite tricks of cult-leaders was to say that certain things everybody does are sins to make people feel guilty to keep them running to the Church for comfort.

Jesus lived in an age in which girls were married very young when they were unable to give proper consent. Brides were often thirteen years of age (page 35, Putting Away Childish Things). Jesus did nothing about this disgusting custom in which young girls were callously raped after being roped into marriage when they were immature and children. He as good as sanctioned legalised paedophilia. This was to hurt the girls for getting married and to sully the marriage bed. There is no excuse for him because we all see faults in our customs and he would have been no exception. He upheld marriage and forbade divorce even though the wife was married without her consent to her husband when she was a child in her early teens and then raped on the wedding night by her husband. You can’t get a stronger approval of child-abuse than that.

Jealousy was what was wrong with Jesus and nothing else.

Christianity says that sexual sin deserves everlasting torture. Traditionally, since all deserve to suffer for their sins it has been believed to be less bad to hurt a person than to have sex with them. That is why Christianity tends to be obsessed with sexual sin and be anti-sex.
Cult victims usually have little self-esteem. Sometimes the cult leader tries to make them feel good about themselves but only in so far as they do what he wants. All cults frown upon the self-esteem that comes from keeping your own identity.
Jesus was an extreme case of a cult leader who tried to control people by putting them down and getting themselves to put themselves down. 
Jesus stated that humility requires behaving like a slave (Luke 17:7-8). He approved of this behaviour (page 377, Reason and Belief). Christian humility entails making yourself worse than what you are.
He said that concern for what God wants alone matters not what you want. He said we are all sinners and said sin must be hated intensely so much that it is like gouging out your eye to stop you lusting. He said this to simple people who would have taken it literally so that was how it was meant.


Nobody can deny that Jesus used very irresponsible wording if he did not mean what he said.  He is still to blame.  The number of Christian cults that have arisen because of the cultic teachings of Jesus Christ is great. Many mainstream Christian leaders did override family values for faith and appealed to Jesus for support.  The Church murdered Jewish parents and took their children and raised them as Catholics.


Read Matthew 26.  When Jesus said that he would be hated and killed by crucifixion the apostles told him this was horrible and they would be willing for it to happen to them. Shades of the Jim Jones’ People’s Temple? Clearly. It is worse for suicide cults usually do not seek out the worst death imaginable. And Jesus never corrected them. He merely commented that talk was cheap and they didn’t mean it. This is not the kind of figure that should be the most influential in the world. He needed to tell them they were talking insane and he did not. That the story is a lie makes it worse. The gospels say the apostles did not expect Jesus to end up on a cross and it is made out that he told them and they only understood after it happened. Total rubbish.

The claim of some that they put God first which means they serve their families better reminds us of those people who say, "I love myself first and foremost and that is why I am so good to others."  In reality they look down on their families and have to direct the love away from them to somebody else be it God or themselves.  The fact remains that their behaviour is not motivated to help the family.  It is luck not the motive that ensures no harm is done.  But often harm is done.  Many children suffer at the hands of godly parents and narcissistic mothers and fathers. 


Nobody who serves their family but only for God and not the family can know their godly motive makes them better people.  What about atheists or the religiously indifferent who are excellent parents?  Isn't it boastful to say how great of a parent you are because of your faith?  It is arrogant for nobody can be sure enough that there is a God or that Christianity is true!  It is not goodness to give your heart to God more than the baby in the cot in front of you.  One suspects that those who say they do all they do for God are lying.  It would be too unnatural.
Jesus was a cult leader if he existed. Christianity has caused a lot of trouble by promoting the gospels as the word of God.   People who revere cultic books as the word of God could restore Christianity’s position as a top cult if they had the power to do so and dared do so.
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Veritas. Dublin, 1995
Christ and Violence, Ronald J Sider, Herald Press, Scottdale, Ontario, 1979
Miracles in Dispute, Ernst and Marie-Luise Keller, SCM Press Ltd, London, 1969
Moral Philosophy, Joseph Rickaby SJ, Stoneyhurst Philosophy Series, Longmans, Green and Co, London, 1912
Objections to Christian Belief, DM Mackinnon, HA Williams, AR Vidler and JS Bezzant, Constable, London, 1963
Putting Away Childish Things, Uta Ranke-Heinemann, HarperCollins, San Francisco, 1994
Reason and Belief, Bland Blanschard, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, London, 1974
Robert Schuller, Satellite Saint or High Flying Heretic, Cecil Andrews, Take Heed Publications, Belfast
The Hard Sayings of Jesus, FF Bruce Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1983
The Resurrection Factor, Josh McDowell, Alpha Scripture Press Foundation, Bucks, 1993
The Truth of Christianity, WH Turton, Wells Gardner, Darton & Co Ltd, London, 1905
Why I am Not a Christian, Bertrand Russell, Touchstone Books, Simon and Schuster, New York, undated

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