Altruists say they help others for others need help and they get nothing out of it and don't seek anything. They encourage and sometimes force others to agree with altruism. Egoists seek fulfilment in helping others. One approach accuses the other of lies and of being unhealthy.


Despite the working for others, each altruist is in fact putting themselves first as an altruist.

The only thing x is sure of is that x exists and x is not as sure that others are as real or feel as much as x does. So altruism in a sense is, "I am sure of what I am. I could be all for myself and ignore others. I am not as sure of them. So I lower myself to help them." This is like the patronising offer of Jesus who supposedly had to leave his lofty place in Heaven to live as a man.

I have to put myself first, because I cannot deny my own existence and can deny that of other people. This is not really a choice so the altruist has no choice either and lies that they have. Now I am for me and I honour myself by being altruistic then I should put my own progress in altruism before anybody else’s.


The altruist has to indulge in reckless self-sacrifice for others are not the concern - altruism is.

Altruists will earn money to give it all away regardless of whether or not the recipient abuses it or uses them. They have to get others to do the same so they give money to beggars so that the beggars will break their hearts with it and give it away. They will hurt their families in order to go among the poor in foreign lands though it costs the family their lives. The altruist will look after himself only to prepare for undergoing worse suffering for others. Everybody will walk all over him. Even if this is unfair, it is still good for no morality says that we must be strictly fair but, on the contrary, must love our enemies. If I degrade and curse myself to love others as much as or worse, more, than myself then how can I say I love other people for I am like asking them to approve and degrade themselves by degrading me? If I put myself first as in healthy egoism, I come as close to loving others as I can get.

Altruism would rather see a person having a selfless motive being useful to others than a person without one but who has the motive of acquiring the fun of helping others for herself or himself. It would rather you would be selfless even if you couldn’t act on it. For example, if you decided to give all your money away and couldn’t for it was tied up in litigation, it decrees that you must wish you could. Altruism would prefer that than having you doing the good thing without being motivated by selflessness. It would rather you did that than do good for the fun of it and for how it makes you feel. So it is how others feel that matter not you. Altruism does not care about people but about sacrifice. It evidently forbids selfishness across the board under all circumstances and says only others should be on your mind. Taking water when you want a coffee would be a duty if altruism is true for altruism requires lots of practice and needs to be ingrained into habit so sacrifice is needed 24/7.


Altruists do allow anger funnily enough though anger makes you want the self-indulgence of hurting another person. Presumably, it is allowed because it is harmful to the angry person. Anger against a person for doing wrong loses sight of the fact that the person has harmed themselves in doing so. So anger blocks the compassion as an emotion that should exist. When compassion, as emotion, is made wrong in this it has to be always wrong.

Compassion should involve anger against the thing that is hurting another. That is just anger that is about being constructive. It is not the kind we are talking about here.


Though altruism leads to cynicism, if it allowed trust then the following would be the result. Altruism works only for what is best, in its opinion, for others whether they are good or bad and especially if they are bad. When you have to treat them as if they have done nothing wrong then why not forgive them? It would be a sin not to for why be unforgiving when you can’t act it? Altruism bids us believe every liar who says they are sorry.


The altruist is not to try to make another selfish or encourage anything makes a person like that. It would not be love to corrupt another person. We are to do good to make others altruistic and for no other reason. The real altruist will not work to make you happy. It is impossible to imagine how altruistic love could be good when it endeavours to make you selfless instead of happy. That is really advocating suffering for its own sake. Altruism is really saying that the more wilful suffering there is the better. Though Altruism forbids making others selfish by your good works in principle, in practice it is different for you never know exactly how a person is inwardly reacting what you do for them. A philosophy that teaches even if only in principle that you shouldn’t be kind to people if it makes them non-altruistic is pure evil. It means the altruist would do nothing for the egoist or egotist if he or she could help it. It means we can’t think much of what the altruists do in practice. It is the same poison as Christianity spouts. This faith teaches that it is better to abandon a child to death in principle if the child living means it will sin and go to Hell forever.

Altruism has far more in common with egotism, trampling over others to get what you want, than egoism, helping others for you get enjoyment, and is totally fake.

Everybody knows people they can judge. If people are using your altruism to choose to be selfish over, you are giving them love to be abused. It is not your fault that they choose to abuse it. But you took the risk so you are partly to blame.

The altruist will say that by behaving altruistically you are doing the only thing that can be done to make them change, reminding them of what they should do so that justifies the risk. Sometimes people will pretend to change and become less self-serving. You have to believe them for it is altruistic to forgive and believe.

Altruism is very depressing for it thrives on cynicism and encourages you to be altruistic no matter how much it is abused and that will destroy you and your self esteem.


The altruist believes promoting altruism is the best good work of all so the knowledgeable egoist is unlikely to become altruistic where as the stumbling altruist who believes in altruism is in a different situation. It is better for the altruist to work with those who are open to the altruistic philosophy. The reason is that the goal of altruism is to propagate altruism.

The altruist will say that if it is good to help an old woman who wants no help across the road it is more good to convert others to altruism. The altruists will say it is their business if a person is not an altruist. They say altruistic good must be done to inspire others to be altruists. God makes altruism more obligatory than it would be so God is the enemy of egoists. If altruistic is man-made philosophy then it can be questioned but if it is divine in origin it is sacred and must never be doubted.


Altruism does keep people on some kind of rails. The rails are a problem. Another problem is how it can lead to the person who abandons it going off any rails. Altruism deadens feeling for people so if belief in it is abandoned which is common today the person will have no restraint and will be a danger to others. You could end up murdering fifty people and go to jail and not care if you have been a real altruist.

Altruism stresses peacemaking. The easygoing person who has few feelings is the person who has the biggest reputation for being a success at peacemaking. Altruism demands that we deaden all the feelings we can for that results in the greater good for feelings can be constrictive. However, unpleasant feelings are held to be for the greater good so you have to appear to be easygoing while the truth is that underneath the placid exterior you are hurting like mad and curse altruism though you won’t let yourself curse it wilfully. It is not altruistic to like privacy for it is better to forgo privacy to look out for others. Egoism denies this stance completely.


Some would say that there is good altruism and bad altruism and nothing else. The person who sacrifices money to help others is a good altruist. The person who sacrifices time and life to kill disease spreading prostitutes to save lives is a bad altruist or a person who is altruistic but who is just going the wrong way about it. If so, altruism is intrinsically uncontrollable. It is not altruism that stops a person from say stealing, it is the conditioned belief that stealing is wrong. If altruism is true, you will - if you are honest - see that it is impossible to prove that the murderer was doing wrong or was a bad person. At worst he would be a saint that meant well and got it wrong.


To help your friends is selfishly helping them because they were good to you – it is saying, I am glad you helped me so I will help you - and selfishly insulting their sacrifice by giving them an advantage because of it.

The enemies need our attention and example to convert them to altruism. Altruism demands not that we do good to others but that we make others good by doing good to them so it is the worst people we should devote our attention to.

Also, it is more altruistic to help those you despise or who snarl in derision at you.

Egoism says that you cannot help everybody so if you are going to help anybody then help the best people first and the wicked only if there is nobody else to help. The egoist who goes out of their way to help the wicked while the good are left standing is really practicing egotism and condoning the wickedness of the wicked.

Altruism denies the value of happiness and cares only about service so altruism and egoism are wholly incompatible. Selfishness can be defined by many as what takes from others or prevents them from having but this is not what egoism does. So we must be careful to say that egoism is self-centered but not selfish as in that interpretation of selfish.

Altruism, because it denies the existence of human rights - except the alleged right to victimise yourself for others - and makes no sense, cannot be regarded as anything other than a disguised form of egotism. You are considered to be a selfish egotist if you rob banks to degrade yourself. The only difference between that and altruism is not the attitude but the consequences. It is hate for the altruist to judge you.


To hurt anybody is to show immense immaturity for you are showing everybody else that you would treat them as badly if they filled the shoes of your victim.

It is thought that the egoists have to have strong self-esteem and have to like their own faults. That is incorrect for the egoists like their good side and see the dark side as the fault of the programming they received. They must wish to correct the dark side but they must not let it make them feel bad about themselves.

It is thought that an egoist cannot encourage other people to be egoists for that is encouraging them to try and get the better of them in life. It seems that if you had a friend and both of you were going to an interview you can't encourage your friend to do her best to get the job. This is rubbish. The egoist is thinking of herself or himself. No true egoist thinks only about money and jobs and not friendship. The egoist knows that suffering and disappointment and hurt and being lied to are a part of life and will not try to avoid them too much. The egoist should be confident and not fear competition. If another person is better for the job the egoist has to be glad that he or she got the job. Altruists naturally would have to encourage others to try and do better than them as well so what difference does it make?

It is false that the egoist can behave dishonestly and cruelly when he or she will get away with it. To make evil is to will the enemy to exist - and evil is the enemy that has no loyalty to those who befriend it. True self-interest will avoid evil. To enjoy evil is to enjoy your potential enemy. The egoist never has to pretend not to be self-interested. A husband who caresses his wife without enjoyment will find that it is in his self-interest and hers as well to learn to enjoy it and to say so. Self-interest helps others when practiced properly. Selflessness does not and cannot. A woman goes to the poor to help them all her life though she would rather be a model and enjoy life. It is said that egoists condemn her for that and non-egoists praise her for it. The answer is that proper self-interest seeks happiness in helping others for in this work happiness will always be found. Jobs and money and marriages can pass away but friendship remains.

Even if egoism has faults it is better than altruism. It is because the egoists enjoy helping others that the egoist will not steal or harm others and does not fear to bring others to believe in egoism.


Altruists cannot regard egoists as good as them and this sets them on the road to hating egoists. Many actually do.

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