We affirm that a miracle would be an event like a man rising from the dead by the power of something beyond this universe.  Another miracle is if he can appear to people and walk through walls like Jesus supposedly did.  Another one, the most important one, is that he is alive today.  That last one is the main one and the one that there is absolutely no evidence for.  It wrecks the whole argument that Jesus rose.

We affirm that miracles are usually refuted by historical data or end up lacking credibility for there is poor evidence but that there is more to worry about if you are a believer than that discipline.  Other disciplines show that no matter what evidence seems to say the miracle has to come from something deceitful and harmful.

Psychology shows that we are about ourselves too much for a miracle that is about making us more about God to be effective.  Egoism is a fact of human nature. 

Desire is the wish to gain. People say it is the wish to gain or the wish for another to gain. But the latter tries to cover up the fact that your gain is to see the other gain. It is about you though it looks like it is not. The motive is self-interest.
Even when we hate doing something, we like it enough to do it.
Egoism is the realisation that whatever you do is for your gain - to fulfil your desire.
Those who say we should help others without any intention of gaining from it are hypocrites. They are dangerous for they give us an impossible morality that will only lead to frustration and anger and disillusionment.
Everybody admits the existence of self-interest. But the existence of other-interest can never be proven. For example, you are considered selfish if you hoard your money up and don't share it. Doing this does you no favours and you will know it. But it is still selfish. And if you give everything away for the poor it is considered unselfish even though this may do you no favours either! It is more reasonable to assume that human nature only cares about itself.

Grace means a gift from God. God forgiving sins is a grace for you do not deserve it. A deserved gift is not a gift. Strangely God helping you to live a good life is also a grace. Grace is an evil concept that denies the truth that however bad you are, the one thing you always deserve is to be helped to live a good life. You earn grace by your sins so grace is nonsense. Grace is the essence of what the Christian gospel is about which marks Christianity as evil especially when it teaches that God is right to deprive the souls in Hell of grace so that they abide there forever. Grace cannot make you holier for a person who does a lot of bad things but who tries really hard to fight his weakness will be holier in his heart than a person to whom virtue comes easy. So it follows then that the holier you are the worse you are!
Grace is a miracle. The Church says that somebody very evil who becomes good nearly overnight has got miraculous help from God to change his character so quickly. But we forget that unless it all comes from you it is not all your work. The person may seem better but the problem is that he has not done all the work. It is really no better than programming somebody to be good or partly programming them. He is not a better person in the sense that he would be a better person if he fought his inner nature for years alone to be become good.
If God is creator of all then he creates our choices.  Thus God can change our feelings and make us very holy but that God needs to do a miracle when he could have set everything out right in the first place shows that grace is nonsense.
The Bible teaches that forgiveness for sin is a gift from God. Christianity says you get forgiven as long as you resolve to make amends to the people you hurt. So you get pardoned before you do anything. This is an insult to anybody that you hurt. You should not get forgiveness until you do the bare minimum to prove your worthiness of it for actions speak and words do not. It is doing that shows the authenticity of your intentions. Otherwise you can't know. You proved yourself untrustworthy and now you are asking for trust instead of earning it.

Our modern freedoms, peace and wellbeing come from the separation of Church and state.  Miracle based beliefs and organisations have been and remain the biggest dilutor of these values.
Secularism means that the state should be run without influence from specifically religious principles. Secularists make their policies as if there is no life but this life and as if all that matters is making people well in this life.
If a religion claims to have the important truths, then secularism is against those truths if it claims to be neutral regarding religion. To be neutral concerning the important and beneficial truths is to oppose their importance. Secularism in theory is neutral about religion but in practice this cannot be done that well.
For example, the state should not consider banning, say, contraception except on rational and non-religious grounds and shouldn’t be doing it just because a pope or Bible says so. The taxpayer should not have to fund religious schools. It is not fair to have Mormons and unbelievers in religion financing, for example, Catholic schools with their taxes. If religion wants to influence, control and condition children it should pay out of its own pocket. Running the state is the state’s business. Recently Islamic girls were banned from wearing head coverings in public schools in France for this was a religious practice that was being pushed into state territory. The ban was right. The girls excuse was that their faith requires them to wear the coverings and so the ban was against their right to religious expression.  With so many new religions coming up, it is impossible to please them all. Religion is not a right. Rights are based on needs. Nobody died from having no religion. Secularism is based on needs and religions that oppose it are against human rights. Religion is a privilege not a right.
Religious faith is not really about pleasing a God who comes first - even before the state - though religion would have you believe otherwise. What it is really about is people pretending that what they want to be true is probably true. Those people are out not for religion but for gratifying their desires and prejudices. It is not an issue of religion but of manipulative people. That is why crucifixes should not be displayed in state schools either.
Secularism is a human right. Religion is its opponent and may act like a lamb but it is still an opponent and a weakening influence over secularism.
Humanism is valid and that validity is challenged by miracle followers.  In my opinion the true understanding of humanism is the recognition that atheism and living without God is love.
Anybody in the world who accepts the following three principles is automatically a Humanist.
I see no reason why God or any religion should tell me what is right and wrong. I will decide that for myself. There is no need for them because I cannot follow them unless I decide to anyway so I may as well decide without letting them making any decisions for me. I will not say, "God says this is wrong and he knows best so I choose to agree with him." That is you judging that God knows best so you are doing the judging and pretending you are not and pretending to be submissive to God. Say, "I agree with God, if he exists, that it is wrong but I do not agree because he says so. It is not about authority. I am deciding for myself." Recognise that real goodness is based on the latter - the latter is all you can say if you want to be honest. The first engages in dishonesty in the name of honesty! The first is very prevalent among religious people and corroborates Humanism's fear that religion's prophets and popes and priests know they cannot claim to be God to control people so they do the next best thing and claim to have a message from God.
I see no reason to believe in free will for we could be programmed to feel free. There is no need for punishment – just stop the crime and deter people from crime without judging them as evil beings.

Indeterminism is the view that our choices are uncaused and therefore we have free will. But if we don’t cause our choices then they are not ours so it fails. Free will cannot be reconciled with determinism the idea that our choices are caused for cause means forcing something to happen. Free will cannot exist for determinism necessarily holds that our choices are caused by our emotions and our perception and our circumstances so the same emotions and choices and circumstances always results in the same choice. So whether caused or uncaused we can’t have free will. This problem refutes the view that God has given us free will and that we are to blame for the evil and suffering in the world for we have abused our freedom.  Miracles only make sense if we have free will but we do not.
Everything I do I want to do at least under the circumstances so when I only please myself I can only love myself. I love myself in helping others.

The virtue of not getting above yourself is called humility. It is the converse of pride which the Church considers the root of all evil. Religion is actually opposed to this virtue though it pretends it is not. Is it humble to say you have got a revelation from God? Not even if you really have had some kind of revelation or vision for that gives you power over others. The very reason that humility is advocated by religion is that it makes you serve others rather than be above them. It will be replied that to give a message from God is serving others. It is if the message gives advice and does not start saying stuff like that Jesus rose from the dead or gives orders. Doing right matters and not dogma and not commands.

A “truth” of faith or morals that we cannot understand however hard we try is referred to in religion as a mystery. Christianity is full of mystery. This marks it as a bigoted super-sect because they reject other systems of belief that are full of mystery and accuse them of contradicting themselves or of being otherwise implausible. Mysteries can be used as an excuse to get people to believe anything that is very silly and no theology that has too much mystery or unnecessary mystery can be considered believable. Every miracle claim assumes mystery and tries to advance mysteries such as the incarnation of Jesus, God becoming a man.

Spirituality is a mental illness that is based on dealing with your imagined need for the divine. It is a sickness for it conditions people to have needs they would not otherwise have and the fewer needs you have the better for then the less you have to fear and be unhappy about. Spiritual people may dump material addictions: prestige, money, success, fame and power, for another one: religion.
Many say you can have spirituality without religion. But whatever. You cannot have religion without spirituality which is why there no justification for religion. Spiritual people should experiment without dogmatism to see what ideas and techniques help them instead of tying themselves to ideas and tenets that they are not encouraged or allowed to dissent from. To need anyone even God is to refuse to be happy if they do not do what you want. That is not love. What you do is you detach yourself from all things and realise that you are in charge of your feelings which will program you to change. Religion tries to make you need God and that causes fear and suffering. God implies that cruelty is good. To be in any way religious is to have a mental disorder.   

Miracle believers and witnesses may not be insane  or mentally damaged but they lead to mental damage.  Or you might say miracles do that.

Each one of our main points here shows that miracles are superstition and toxicity pretending to be something noble.

BERNADETTE OF LOURDES, Her Life, Death and Visions, Therese Taylor, Continuum, London, 2008
MEDJUGORJE AFTER 15 YEARS, Michael Davies, Remnant Press, Minnesota, 1998.
PADRE PIO, Patrick O Donovan, Catholic Truth Society, London
PADRE PIO, MIRACLES AND POLITICS IN A SECULAR AGE, Sergio Luzzatto, Metropolitan Books, New York, 2010
POPE FICTION, Patrick Madrid, Basilica Press, San Diego, California, 1999
REASONS FOR HOPE, Editor Jeffrey A Mirus, Christendom College Press, Virginia, 1982
THE BLEEDING MIND Ian Wilson, Paladin, London, 1991
THE JESUS RELICS, Joe Nickell, The History Press Limited, Gloucestershire, 2008
THE SHROUD OF TURIN!! Is it Genuine or is it a Forgery? Dr Johnson C Philip, Dr Saneesh Cherian, Edited by Gregory Anderson. Creative Commons. Copyright Philip Communication. First Edition 2014.THE STIGMATA AND MODERN SCIENCE, Rev Charles Carty, TAN, Illinois, 1974
WHO CHOSE THE GOSPELS? C E Hill, Oxford University Press, New York, 2010
WHO IS PADRE PIO? Fathers Rumble and Carty, TAN, Illinois, 1974

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