Ancestor Devotion


New Age religion teaches:

Develop a devotion to and for ancestors.

You have many creators and your invisible guardian spirits are without number. Many of those are family members who love you with a love beyond all telling.

Believe in those who have seemingly gone from this life and speak to them. You will know. Believe in yourself.

We can send our loved ones who are no longer visible messages and gifts. These gifts are intangible. We can make graces for them and send them to them and these graces can help them find a great new incarnation. How consoling is this idea and how natural! We wish to do things for those who have visibly left. It helps us to do so. Send gifts of loving thoughts to the departed.

When you leave visible life in this world, you are as alive as ever. Your good works go with you and confer the crown of glory and love-worthiness on you. The good works of others that they offer up to you do this too.


A powerful way to honour the departed is to scatter their ashes in some beautiful place so that they will be part of that beauty.

Visiting them in our hearts is more important and more helpful than visiting any grave. They are not there anymore. A small shrine to them in some place that was important to them and where they were happy is more important than a gravestone.

Wanting to believe you can somehow benefit the dead is a sign of feeling you have not done enough for them when they were alive. The above doctrine can lead to you ignoring the living in order to care for them when they are safely in the grave. 

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