A miracle is a demonstration of supernatural power - it is an event such as a cancer vanishing into thin air instantly that has no natural cause. A miracle is intended to cause surprise and it has to be unusual - it is an event that takes place outside the ordinary course of nature. It is meant to show us something of what God is like. Religion says that God does miracles to show what the true religion is.

The idea of God healing cancers here and there as signs is strange because why doesn’t he make an amputee grow new legs in front of doctors instead? A simple sign like that would avoid the hard work that is needed in verifying the miracle and leave people freer to do good works instead of tormenting themselves about whether a miracle was real or not. Why act as if there isn’t enough power to do it? Small wonder there are no wooden legs deposited at Lourdes only crutches.

What happens is that God does a miracle that never amounts to a strong proof or evidence and then has to do other ones in the hope of building a cumulative case.  Religion claims he does just that and does not seem to worry that it is as good as calling him impotent and incompetent.  There is no way to tell if God made a mess of the miracle and then has to do another one to make up for its shortfalls or what is going on.

The stories of cancers vanishing and so on are less convincing miracles than the amputee getting the leg back. And the less convincing they are, the more we depend on what the doctor thinks.

That is without even mentioning that cancers do vanish in remission without any religious import.

Would God really want us to depend so much on human opinion to tell us that he has done something? There is too much dependence on the doctor.


Nobody with a withered eye gets a new one. Cataracts never ever have gone without surgery.  Not one single amputee is healed as in regrowing a new limb.  Why are all the miracles of healing subject to at least the small possibility that natural causes did it?  It is clear that a low level of false hope is being offered.  One terrible false hope is in the religious preachers and doctrine-makers.  They are trusted and that causes good feelings.  At some level, with all the lies, they must know they are taking advantage of their following.  And their following must have an idea that this is happening.

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