Altruism - I seek to help others and avoid any thought of a reward even if it is just a good feeling. I help the other for their sake only.

Egoism - I seek to help for I am a social creature and I need to. It is for my sake.

Egotism - I seek not to help. It's about me.

What if one or more of these is not what human beings are like? What if one or more of these is not a practical option?

We will find that altruism and egotism are not what human beings are like and not a practical option. That leaves egoism.


"Love seeks nothing back." But this does not make love selfless. In fact it is putting freedom into action for always doing things for returns feels like bondage. So not seeking anything back is necessary for getting the real reward - the sense of freedom.

If I know it’s the last moment of my existence and I want to drink a glass of whiskey, the last drop in the house, and give the glass to a stranger and make myself unhappy altruists think that is wonderful. So altruism must see self-destruction as good for I destroyed a part of myself when I carried out that action. Though my own existence and consciousness is the one thing I cannot doubt, I am asked to put a being who existence I am less sure of before myself. I mean I am asked to put what is less certain before what is certain though commonsense says what is more certain comes first. The altruists will reply that you didn’t give away the whiskey to destroy yourself but to give to another. The answer is that you did it for both reasons. Giving the whiskey away wasn’t as important as taking it yourself. And if everybody is altruistic life cannot function so it is destructive. You cannot run a business to make money for yourself if you give away all your goods and services for nothing. Yet altruists see the person who gives all away for others as the ideal, the true good person.

If altruism is good and you do it, then you would have others being altruistic too. But that means telling them, "Okay be selfless and forget about yourself. If hypothetically this means that nobody benefits that is fine." Altruism is really passive aggressive selfishness. Altruism is about rules not people. It is about people's qualities not them. It is conditional - if you knew your good deed would make a person selfish obviously you couldn't do it even if it left them exposed to grave harm. A cold philosophy like altruism only makes those you help far more selfish. It makes no sense to say altruism is good and then to destroy it in others.

Altruism claims to be a summary of moral values such as love, justice and compassion etc. This implies that has to be believed in as moral to be altruism. If you are a moral nihilist you are not an altruist though you may sacrifice from morning to night for others. Altruism is only possible if you believe that altruistic philosophy is morally right. So it is right to destroy yourself for others. Altruism fans might say that the good is not in the destroying of yourself but in the helping of others. But they are deceiving. If altruism which means hurting yourself for others is good, and good done for a bad motive is evil as they say, then clearly destroying yourself to help others is good.

Altruism proposes that we must hate the sin but not the sinner. We must judge the sin not the sinner. Why? The answer usually give is that it is altruistic to show great kindness to those who hate you and who are conspiring against you or those who don't deserve it. But in abusive relationships what happens is this. When the man verbally abuses the woman and tells her that she is ugly, fat and how dissatisfied he is with her or hits her he will say something along the lines of, “I don’t want to hurt you but I do but you know I love you.” In other words, “I am a good person who does bad things,” which is the same as, “Love me even if you hate the bad things I do.” We know how bad it is for the woman to believe him. This woman is such a casualty of love sinner hate sin that the doctrine should be spat on.

We cannot hate the sin without hating the sinner for the sin reveals the sinner. It tells us what kind of person the sinner is. There is no way we can pretend the sin is separate from the sinner. There is no sin without a person becoming a sinner. If the sin can be separated from the sinner and thought of differently then so can the good done by a person be separated from the person. If you say to a sinner, “I have nothing against you. You are a wonderful faultless person. It is just this sin of yours I have the problem with, not you.” they would understandably laugh at you.

Only the individual person can decide if altruism is possible. Only the individual person can examine her or his motives to determine if altruism counts among them. You cannot believe in altruism unless you verify it for yourself by examining yourself. The human heart is very deceitful. We can think we are doing something altruistically and then discover we had a motive that was egoistic or evil that we couldn’t see.

Altruism is based on lies and self-deceit. It is impossible for that reason. If you really lovingly sacrifice for somebody you won't be pretending that if you say judge them or ostracise them, that it is their sin you are judging or ostracising and not them!


Egotism is refuted by how if your friend needs your care then give care to let the goodness that makes you up express itself. That is your reward. You don't need to help just to get his money.


Altruism is intrinsically laced through and through with vicious sickening hypocrisy. It has more in common with egotism than egoism. To praise the “altruists” we have met is to selfishly ignore the people hurt by what they did. In altruistic philosophy, praising altruism is more important than people. Altruists claim to love the sinner but hate his or her sin meaning that they pretend the person is not in some sense the sin. If the person is not the sin, the person is not his or her goodness either so we can love a person's goodness not the person. As altruism is out for being egotism, egotism is naturally out too.

Be egoist. It's your identity.

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